1987 - Voldemort is gone, and almost everybody lived. Maraduers! is an HP AU that will be a good mix of social, political and darker plots, perhaps with a bit of ridiculousness thrown in from time to time.

Posts Tagged: 'character:+lucius+malfoy'

Sep. 8th, 2017




Heavily Warded Owl to Lucius )

Sep. 7th, 2017



Owl to Severus

Owl to Severus )

Sep. 4th, 2017



RP: Lucius and Narcissa

Who: Lucius and Narcissa
What: Lucius has a little confession to make
Where: Malfoy Manor
When: 4 September, 1987, after this
Rating: low, unless Narcissa kills him

Suprise! It's a boy! )



Owl Post: For Lucius A. Malfoy

Forgive me if I dispense with the pleasantries.  )

Aug. 28th, 2017



Owl to Rita

Ms. Skeeter,

It was a pleasure to speak with you at the gala. As I mentioned, I support transparency in our government, because the world has the right to know what is happening around us.

It is in this spirit that I share some news. It is my understanding that late last month, the Aurors arrested five individuals who are part of a new group of dark wizards. They are the ones responsibly for the kidnappings we have read in the news. The Ministry has not disclosed this fact, not has it disclosed the fact that they suspect that the group is made up by over fifteen people. They believe the accurate number is seventeen. As you can imagine, the Ministry has kept the arrest a secret because the other twelve are currently at large.

Please do whatever you think best with the information.

Lucius Malfoy

Aug. 25th, 2017



RP: Museum Gala

Who: Everyone! Add your tags.
What: Party times! (Formal wear required to be granted entry)
Where: The Merlin & Morgana Museum (Remote area of Dorset)
When: Saturday, 26 August, 7pm onwards

Read more... )



Journal: Minerva McGonagall

As predicted, there has been an increase in activity in the Owlery this week. I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that while staff may well reside on site during the summer holidays, they are not on duty till September 1st. We do not need to hear about your future prodigy or the delicate disposition of your child. Oddly enough, we are quite capable of observing such things when your child arrives in school. Might I suggest you use this time more wisely and give your owls some respite until the term begins.

After a rather awkward encounter with a professor who will remain anonymous, I request we move our start of term meeting forward.*

Transfiguration Weekly errors:
• Page 34 - Misquote of Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration
• Page 46 - Incorrect generalisation made regarding Reparifarge

*OOC: Hope this is okay and it's not already been suggested.

Aug. 24th, 2017



RP Log: Lucius & Mary.

Who: Lucius Malfoy and Mary MacDonald.
What: Mary's eaten a bunch of Honeydukes toffees for lunch...and she runs into Mr Malfoy.
Where: Diagon Alley.
When: Evening, 24th August, 1987
Rating: Low-ish?


Trouble will find you. )

Aug. 20th, 2017



journal entry: severus, i.

As the new term is almost upon us, I find myself compelled to remind some of you that although you may think you're entitled to visit Hogwarts at your own personal whim, this is not the case. No one cares if you graduated here. Shocking, I know, but you're no longer a student nor are you a member of the staff, and without written permission from the Headmaster, your presence is nothing more than disruptive and grossly disrespectful to those who dedicate their time to the school.

Letters from parents will be burned That is all.

Warded Private  )

Aug. 7th, 2017



RP: Lucius, Mary

Who: Lucius, Mary
What: Lucius pretends he's a good citizen and sees Mary
Where: 7 August, 1987
When: The Ministry
Rating: Low

Read more... )



Owl Post: For Mr. Lucius A. Malfoy

... )

Jul. 27th, 2017



Journal Entry

[Warded to Sirius]

This would be a good time to tell you that I'm not dead and I'm coming home. Do tell me that we still have a home. Are you living in said home? Did you destroy it? And where's Kreacher? If you have mistreated him or hurt him, I will hurt you.


[Warded to Narcissa and Andromeda]

My dearest cousins,

I know this will come as a surprise, but I - Regulus - am alive. For reasons to complicated to explain here, I decided to disappear after the Dark Lord's demise. However, new and raising Dark wizards have convinced me that it's time to return from the land of the dead.

I hope that this doesn't cause you undue angst and I look forward to seeing you soon.


[Warded to Severus Snape]

I'm alive. You probably knew because of Dumbledore, but I thought I'd make it official. Also, we have new dark wizards rising. Really can't this people find something better to do?




Journal: Andromera 1

You know, I'm sure that Professor Sprout must just have a standard copy she sends out to me at this point. I swear I hear more from her than I do from my daughter.

In other news the cafe has food that are half off from now until closing if you need anything.


You will be pleased to know I think she is going to try to break your record for detentions.


I Do you need anything? yep that's a great start Andy


I hope everything is okay

Jul. 24th, 2017



Journal Entry: Mary; i.

I cannot believe it is the year 1987 and capable witches still are referred to as "dear", "darling", sweetheart" and "sweetie" in the work place, by wizards, who then go on to sprout condescending and extremely belittling balderdash as if the people they are talking to are genetically slow beings who need their help to grasp even the simple day to day tasks.

The next person who tries to explain my work to me (I know what I'm doing; I've been doing it for years!) shall get a stinging hex hurled at them.


|Lily & Marauders|

Some of the older aurors are such assholes bastards - they still think I'm a Squab among Eagles. Idiots. Maybe that horrid troll Rita Skeeter is right about them being addled old codgers.

...sorry for ranting. Bad day at work. Big project coming up. Need drinks. And food with drinks. Can't afford getting sick. Maybe also a health tonic? I'm worrying me. Nothing new.

Jun. 26th, 2017



Master Tags List


Marauders! is an AU 80s game based upon three major 'fixes' to canon. First, Peter died rather than give up the Potters, and despite Voldemort ripping the secret from his mind that fateful Halloween night had a rather different outcome. James and Lily survived, and Voldemort is presumed dead. Harry's still got his scar, but Dumbledore says not to worry about it. Second, Regulus got the ring to Dumbledore and Dumbledore was able to destroy it without cursing himself. Regulus was presumed dead as well, but not everything is as it seems. Third, the Lestranges were defeated before they could drive the Longbottoms insane, and are currently languishing in Azkaban while the Longbottoms (among others) are alive and mostly well.

Current game plots: A dark-wizard cult has been kidnapping and killing people in the name of power. An unlikely source comes forward with information on how to stop them. Oh, and Harry Potter's pirate-themed birthday is a go.

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