Posts Tagged: 'date:+10-87'

Oct. 9th, 2017



RP: Carter and Flo

Who: Carter and Flo
What: Random meeting
Where: Diagon Alley
When: 9 October, 1987
Rating: low

I'm not good with chitcat )

Oct. 7th, 2017



Owl to Sirius Black

Dear Mr. Black,

I regret to inform you that the Ministry has been advised by the Sudanese Ministry of Magic of the disappearance of your wife, Ms. Clorinda Hopkirk. Ms. Hopkirk was last seen yesterday at four pm local time when she headed out to a nearby local Muggle village. Because of the local war, the search did not start until this morning.

Sudanese Ministry employees visited the village and found that all adult men living there had been killed. There are no traces of women and children. We were notified at noon of the events and have been assured that a search is being conducted. However, any search mission is slowed down by the war and the impact it has on the Muggle population, which causes the inhabitants of many villages to move around to seek safety.

We will continue to update you as soon as we are able.

Barty Crouch, Sr.
Department of International Magical Cooperation

Oct. 3rd, 2017



[No Subject]

Who was the fucking genius to put fucking cinnamon in the coffee? Now it tastes like shit.