1987 - Voldemort is gone, and almost everybody lived. Maraduers! is an HP AU that will be a good mix of social, political and darker plots, perhaps with a bit of ridiculousness thrown in from time to time.

Posts Tagged: 'character:+sirius+black'

Sep. 9th, 2017



Owl to Clorinda Hopkirk

The note says, May your poison well never run dry )



RP: Kingsley & Sirius

Who: Kings & Sirius
What: Checking out the club
Where: The Marauders Den
When: Sat, Sept 9, late evening

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Journal: Clorinda, Public

Very good news: I've got a new lead for a new artefact. I won't tell you what, because it's a surprise (and I don't want anyone else to get his/her hand on it)

Very bad news: Apparently there is a civil war in Sudan. Muggles have been killing each other and foreigners. I think my whiteness sort of lets them know I'm a foreigner. It's the reason why no one else is willing to go.

Good news: There's a war and I won't have competition

Bad news: I'll be gone from the 29th of September until the 9th of October. Don't break Britain while I'm gone.



Journal: Andromera 3

Think something's going to happen my family wise and I just....be prepared? It's not affecting us but Cissa...

[heavily warded Sirius/Regulus/Narcissa/Andy]

trying for an olive branch What do you all of you say to a family meal? Just the four of us? No outside influences just us four.

Sep. 6th, 2017



[No Subject]

Everyone should be lining up to tell me how amazing I am. And yes, this is usually something people do just because they feel like it but they should do it extra today because LOOK AT MY BOOTHS THEY ARE GLORIOUS!!!

Why yes, I did install them myself! Thank you for noticing!

How's Hamlet?

Moony and Prongs
I did something stupid.

Sep. 5th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Sirius and Alecto
What: Makin Bad Choices
Where: Marauders Den
When: 5 September, 1987, 7pm
Rating: Probably high

This is Always a Bad Idea )

Sep. 4th, 2017



Journal: Leo

Centaurs may be the most cryptic of species, but damn do they know how to party.

Sep. 3rd, 2017



Journal: Carter

Mmm how does this thing work? I've never bothered to use it before, but I think this merits learning:


[Warded to his parents]

Mum, Dad, I have a real job. I was so excited that I didn't even ask how much it pays, but it's a real job, with time off for the full moon. And before you get suspicious, which I understand because I was suspicious too, the only reason Sirius Black offered me a job is that he's a werewolf too. He didn't say as much, but he said that he can't cover for me, because he has a previous commitment for every full moon. He might has well said that he is one. Anyway, I have a job.



RP: Carter and Sirius

Who: Carter and Sirius
What: Carter needs a job and Sirius is reckless
Where: Mauraders Den
When: 3 September, 1987
Rating: low

So you're crazy enough to give me a job )



Journal: Edgar Bones

What's the going rate for a cushion? A nice one. Nothing too flash. Something to make a woman swoon, obviously.

Dorcas )

Severus Snape )



Journal: Andromera 2

It always surprises me how quiet the house seems once Nymphadora goes off to school. I'm wondering if my boys are somehow in a sulk because of this?


What say we organize something to keep Teddy's mind off the fact that Dora isn't here.


Received a letter from said daughter already. Apparently there is a rather attractive Defense against the Dark Arts Teacher this year. I'm not sure if I should be warning Harry or Remus of this.

Sep. 2nd, 2017



RP: Sirius & James

Who: James, Sirius
What: Bonding, talking about Regulus, working on the club
Where: Marauders Den
When: Around 10pm, Sept 2nd

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RP: Remus & Sirius

Who: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
What: A drink after a long first day of work. And tensions
Where: Sirius' would-be club
When: Monday, 4 September, sometime after 6pm
Rating: Expect swears!

I just called to say I'm sorry )



journal entry: severus snape, iii

[Warded to Sirius Black]
You'll forgive me for the intrusion, as I hardly want to converse with you again so soon after our last [...] conversation, but I've been informed you are the previous owner of a very small pig. Is this true?



Delivered to McGonnagals Office

The Card Hidden Amoung the Blossoms Reads: Forgive Me My Love! )



Journal: Minerva McGonagall

OOC: Following this discussion.

Professor Severus Snape )

Sirius )

Moody )



Alecto's Journal: I

Everyone is a cynic or a hero these days.

Oh, so impressive.

Where's the vice?! Where's the fun?! Even fucking muggles are more subversive these days with their music and fashion and art. And we're flailing around. Boo.

Also: say hello to the brand new fashion & lifestyle ed + writer for the Daily Prophet. HELLO.

Sep. 1st, 2017



Sirius: Public Journal Entry

Here ye here ye! The Marauders Den, aka the greatest Nightclub known to Wizardkind, will be opening it's doors in just a few weeks! Which means I'll be looking for people to actually work there. So if you sling a mean drink, are big and/or tough enough to play bouncer, or just generally want to work at the coolest place on earth let me know and I'll see about, like, an interview or something equally as official sounding.

James and Remus
I'm bored. Someone save me from myself.



RP: Regulus and Sirius

Who: Regulus and Sirius
What: They talk and argue probably
Where: 12 Grimmauld Place
When: 1 September, 1987
Rating: low

Why are you here? )

Aug. 25th, 2017



Journal: Clorinda

Today it's Whiskey Sour Day!

The whiskey sour is made with whiskey (often bourbon), lemon juice, sugar, and optionally, a dash of egg white. It is shaken and served either straight up or over ice.

The traditional garnish is half an orange slice and a maraschino cherry.

Its first mention goes back to 1870, however the ancient Egyptians had a very similar drink (without the egg white) with higher dose of lemon and sugar. It's first mention goes back to 1534 BC.