Jan. 25th, 2008


[D.Gray-Man] Victory Dance - If We'd Never

Title: Victory Dance
Rating: G
Fandom(s): D.Gray-Man
Pairing(s): Fairly gen, but maybe more Allen/Lenalee than anything else?
Wordcount: 434
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Synopsis: Allen predicts the aftermath of their victory.

In Allen's mind, they will all meet again in the tower where they first met )


Fate Diverted/Rental Magica/If We'd Never

Title: Fate Diverted
Rating: G
Prompt: If We'd Never...
Fandom: Rental Magica
Character(s): Iba Tsukasa and Iba Itsuki
Wordcount: 619
Notes/Warnings: AU, alternative take on the events of episode 2
Disclaimer: Rental Magica is an anime produced by ZEXCS, based on the light novel by Makoto Sanda.
Teaser/Summary/Synopsis, etc.: "The passage I'm reading about talks about Glam Sight."

Fate Diverted )


Things Best Left Unknown 2/7 //Original//If We'd Never... prompt

Title: Things Best Left Unknown 2/7
Rating: R
Wordcount: 1053
Notes/Warnings: Strong Language. Words in italics are thoughts.
Summary: Lily returns and tempers flare....

Part 2 )