Oct. 8th, 2007


It Is Pitch Black…

Title: It Is Pitch Black…
Rating: PG (one bad word)
Fandom: Zork
Character: One hapless adventurer and the thing in the dark
Wordcount: 149
Warnings: Not beta’d. Mostly in second person, which I don’t do often, so it may suck.
Disclaimer: Zork was created 25+ years ago by people who had no idea how influential they would end up being. ;-)
Notes: Most people are probably too young to remember the original text-based Zork trilogy, but I learned how to type way back in the early 80’s by playing those (and other, similar) games. When I saw “Dark”, this instantly sprang to mind.

It )
Tags: ,


Captured 1/10

Title: Captured 1/10
Rating: PG13
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Azula, Zuko
Wordcount: 166 this part.
Notes/Warnings: Eventually blood, sort-of sexual situation.
Disclaimer: Avatar does not belong to me, and this is just for fun.
Summary: The gang is captured by the Fire Nation.
Also For [info]fanfic100: Enemies

Captured )



Title: Nightmares
Author: myguys_sam_dean
Summary: Written for prompt- Dark.

Nightmares )

Oct. 7th, 2007


Let's Give this a Try

New to the community, but I think it is a wonderful concept.

My first contribution:

Title:Hank's Horrible Night (working title)
Author: [info]rontgenkatze aka Katze
Prompt: Dark (Monday, October 8, 2007)
Fandom: Original character fiction
Rating: G for this segment
Word Count: 1630
Author's Note: Work in progress. Hope you enjoy. Feedback and constructive criticism is much appreciated and flames will be ignored.