Mar. 11th, 2008


Family/Eyeshield 21/You and Me

Title: Family
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: You and Me
Fandom: Eyeshield 21
Character(s): Devilbats team regulars (minus Taki), slight Hiruma/Sena if you turn your head sideways and squint.
Wordcount: 1,233
Disclaimer: Eyeshield 21 is the creation/property of Riichiro Inagaki and Yusuke Murata.
Teaser/Summary/Synopsis, etc.: Pandemonium suddenly broke loose in a spray of bullets as Hiruma started yelling, threatening his unruly companions with danger, death, and all things horrible and unmentionable.

Notes: Very rough. There are a few things I want to tweak (and I want to flesh out Sena's past a bit more), but that will have to wait.

Family )