Jun. 4th, 2008


Week 27

I'll be putting up a poll of contest themes tomorrow, so today is the last day to submit suggestions. Make sure to participate and vote for your favorite! :3

Here are the prompts for this week. Remember that the submissions can be any length, but must be posted on their specified day by 11:59 PM EST. If you have a suggestion for a prompt, please leave it as a comment (comments will be screened).

Thursday June 05, 2008: The Day We Met
Friday June 06, 2008: Rock-Paper-Scissors/Jan-Ken-Pon
Saturday June 07, 2008: Keeping Secrets
Sunday June 08, 2008: Confessions in the Rain
Monday June 09, 2008: Long Absence
Tuesday June 10, 2008: When all is Right in the World
Wednesday June 11, 2008: A Day in the Life

Week 27 Challenge! Threesomes
Sign-ups: [info]leda_speaks, [info]tabbicat

Week 28 Challenge! Sign up for next week's challenge: Threesomes (cont)! These can be lovers, friends, family, comrades - write about the relationship/interactions between three people
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