May. 28th, 2008


Week 26

First of all, a hearty welcome to our new moderator [info]tabbicat! Just as a note to community members, when she posts as a mod she'll be using the same icon I do.

Secondly, I've gotten equal responses regarding both the contest and challenge ideas. Given that, I was thinking of having the contest idea first (since summer vacations/upcoming exams for high schoolers make the challenge tougher) and having the "post one fic each day in a month" challenge run in October to celebrate [info]7_days' first year. If you have ideas for what kind of contests you'd like to see, post them here and I'll put up a poll in a week's time to see what themes the community wants to use (like settings, genre, word count, point of view, etc. etc.)

Here are the prompts for this week. Remember that the submissions can be any length, but must be posted on their specified day by 11:59 PM EST. If you have a suggestion for a prompt, please leave it as a comment (comments will be screened).

Thursday May 29, 2008: Naptime
Friday May 30, 2008: Afternoon snack
Saturday May 31, 2008: Grab-bag! Use any prompts from May 2008
Sunday June 01, 2008: Sluggish early morning
Monday June 02, 2008: Late night shenanigans!
Tuesday June 03, 2008: Surprising hobbies
Wednesday June 04, 2008: Doing chores

Week 26 Challenge! Slice of Life (cont.)
Sign-ups: [info]tabbicat

Week 27 Challenge! Sign up for next week's challenge: Threesomes! These can be lovers, friends, family, comrades - write about the relationship/interactions between three people
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