Posts Tagged: 'c:+etta+russell'

Sep. 5th, 2022



RP: Looking for Recommendations

Who: Harrison & Etta
What: Casual Run-In, Book Shopping
When: 5 September 2028
Where: Flourish & Blotts, Diagon Alley
Warnings: TBD
Completion Status: Ongoing Faded Out

I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for. )

Aug. 4th, 2022



Text: Catching up... ok... gossip, whatever.

Who: Eliza & Etta
What: The cousins catch up!
When: 08/04/28; evening
Warnings: Adult language, knowing Eliza
Completion Status: Ongoing

ok... gossip, whatever. )

Jun. 23rd, 2022



RP: An Unsupervised Night at Carnival

Who: Lily + Etta
What: Lily tries a traditional approach
When: 6/23/2028
Where: Carnival
Warnings: Sexual Topics (Hinted at)
Completion Status: Ongoing Complete

A bit of music and a bit of dance. )

Jun. 13th, 2022



RP: Post-Club (Backdated)

Who: Harrison + Etta
What: After leaving Molly's Birthday Party
When: 6/4/2028, Night
Where: Harrison's Cottage at the McLaggen Estate
Warnings: NSFW (Adult Topics)
Completion Status: Complete

Save a broom and ride a quidditch player. )

Jun. 4th, 2022



OPEN: Molly Sue's Birthday Night Out

Who: Frank Markham, Molly Sue, open to all [Add your tags please]
What: Club Night
When: 4th June 2028
Where: Carnival
Warnings: Please add to headers
Completion Status: OPEN

Do my hair toss, check my nails )

May. 29th, 2022



RP: Shopping in Vintage London

Who: Katarina, Etta, Victoire
What: Vintage Shopping
When: Thurs 26th May
Where: Camden Markets, Muggle London
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Complete

Just a little bit )

Mar. 30th, 2022



RP: Unusual Errands

Who: Etta Russell, Maria Warrington
What: Passing on some details
When: Wed 30th March
Where: Bell & Russell Funeral Directors, Diagon Alley
Warnings: Death, werewolves, family estrangement
Completion Status: Complete

Welcome, I'm sorry for your loss? Not your loss? )

Mar. 11th, 2022



RP: I wanna be your Friday night sweet ride

Who: Open to all
What: Friday night at the club...
When: Friday night; 03/11/28
Where: Carnival Nightclub
Warnings: TBD - Watch Comment Headers
Completion Status: in progress

it's friday friday )

Mar. 9th, 2022



Winsta: Is it Friday yet?


@whatisalegacy Who's joining for Friday night at @carnival? It's only Tuesday and it's been ~a~ week. #girlneedsaclub #djplaymyfavoritesong #shortskirtsandlongjackets #longestweekever #retailproblems