Apr. 21st, 2023



RP: Meet in the middle

Who: Katarina, Coira
What: Flirting, do opposites attract?
When: 21st May 2029
Warnings: TBC
Completion Status: Ongoing

You are so different, but so...hot )

Jan. 5th, 2023



RP: A Family in the Penthouse (Placeholder)

Who: Alexander, Holly, & Bea
What: Alexander is fiddling with something in his pocket
When: 1/4/2029, Evening
Where: The Penthouse, The Quatre
Warnings: Angst
Completion Status: Ongoing

Holly Shingleton? )

Jan. 4th, 2023



Text: An Anniversary

Who: Bash & Sofia
What: He wants to celebrate however he can.
When: 01/02/2029 [backdated]
Warnings: TBD
Completion Status: Open

One Year of You )

Oct. 8th, 2022



RP: Pumpkin carving

Who: Beau, Scarlett
What: It's nearly Halloween
When: 8 October 2028
Where: Beau's house
Completion status: Ongoing

He wasn't entirely sure that the combination of sharp implements and wine was the best idea but time would tell. )

Sep. 30th, 2022



Text: Apprentice no more!

Who: Sofía, Bash
What: Sofía has something to celebrate
When: 30 September 2028
Warnings: TBA
Completion status: Ongoing

Hot Monster )

Sep. 22nd, 2022



Post: The witch is back

Who: Dominique Weasley, open
What: Winsta-gram post
When: 22 September 2028
Warnings: None

dominique Who has red hair and is back in Blighty? Back to the Ministry next week!

22 September 2028

Sep. 21st, 2022



RP: Mariposas

Who: Sofía
What: A new school year, an old crush.
When: 1 September 2023 [flashback]
Warnings: None
Completion status: Complete

Just two days ago, Sofía Beatriz Alma Gómez Davis had turned fifteen. )



Owl: To Hugo

Who: Sofía, Hugo
What: A gift returned
When: 21 September 2028
Warnings: None
Completion status: Complete

A parcel )



Post: the birdie | Interesting happenings on Winstagram...


thebirdie Hmmm... Can't help but wonder who @visings is thinking about... #thebirdie @thedailyprophet @wescarlisle

Sep. 17th, 2022



Post: Choices!

Who: Dagny Pucey-Connelly, open
What: Winsta-gram post
When: 17 September 2028
Warnings: None

dagnypc I don't think I really every thought about how many variations of colours there are. How is deciding paint colours the most difficult part of building a house so far? Don't get me wrong, I love every part of this process with @seekingthad but now I'm wondering how hard it'll be to make choices for the wedding!

17 September 2028