Posts Tagged: 'c:+kieran+doyle'

Sep. 17th, 2022



Text: from anon number to Kieran

Who: Eliza "Fae" & Kieran
What: Fae hasn't seen her boy toy around in a bit...
When: Sat Sept 17th, 2028, afternoon
Warnings: Possibly adult
Completion Status: Ongoing

Where'd you go? )

Aug. 4th, 2022



I have severe abandonment issues and well...

Who: Kieran + Maria
What: Talking About Things
When: Thursday, August 08, 2028 - very late night
Where: Kieran's flat
Warnings: Adult
Completion Status: Ongoing fact to be abandoned by someone who is physically present is much more crazy-making. )

Jun. 9th, 2022



RP: post-club shenanigans...

Who: Eliza + Kieran
What: Upon leaving Molly's birthday party - a one night stand.
When: June 4th, 2028 [backdated]
Where: Kieran's flat
Warnings: Adult
Completion Status: complete

a by the book one night stand )

Jun. 4th, 2022



OPEN: Molly Sue's Birthday Night Out

Who: Frank Markham, Molly Sue, open to all [Add your tags please]
What: Club Night
When: 4th June 2028
Where: Carnival
Warnings: Please add to headers
Completion Status: OPEN

Do my hair toss, check my nails )

May. 29th, 2022



RP: I promise I'm not drunk

Who: Maria + Kieran
What: Maria confronts the werewolf in the room.
When: 05/29/28; late evening
Where: Kieran's flat
Warnings: Knowing Maria, who knows, but brace yourself.
Completion Status: complete.

I'm not drunk and you have to listen to me. )

Apr. 23rd, 2022



Post: getting out of the office

Who: Maria, Kieran
What: Springtime outings
When: Friday 04/22/28; early afternoon [backdated]
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
Warnings: Language and nihilism.
Completion Status: Complete

I was drawn to all the wrong things: I liked to drink, I was lazy, I didn't have a god, politics, ideas, ideals. I was settled into nothingness; a kind of non-being, and I accepted it. I didn't make for an interesting person. I didn't want to be interesting, it was too hard. What I really wanted was only a soft, hazy space to live in, and to be left alone. - Bukowski )

Apr. 11th, 2022



RP: Volunteer Opportunity

Who: Fiona & Kieran
What: Looking into volunteering, Fiona meets Kieran.
When: 11 April 2028
Where: The Belby Assembly
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Complete

and a job offer )

Mar. 1st, 2022



Post: at Belby.


@mariawere just another day among the ragamuffins @thebelbyassembly @belbydoyle

Feb. 27th, 2022



RP: Coworkers (?) Chatting

Who: Maria & Kieran
What: post group therapy chat
When: 02/25/28; afternoon [Backdated]
Where: The Belby Assembly office
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Complete

elbow grease )

Jan. 22nd, 2022



Text/RP: Boredom makes you do weird things.

Who: Maria & Kieran
What: Maria reaches out, then gets broken out.
When: 01/22/28; evening
Warnings: Maybe language.
Completion Status: Complete.

Five days and nights; I'm going insane )