
Posts Tagged: 'character:+killian+jones'

Feb. 10th, 2016



No Subject

WHO: Captain Swan and Zombies
WHEN: Thursday!
WHERE: Nearby the police station
WHAT: Talking things out, bloodshed, killing nasty undead evil things, violence - you know, the shit perfect for <3 to <3 moments
WARNINGS: Campy gore
STATUS: In progress

They would guard and fight for what little home they had managed to make, even in the depths of sorrow and endless, cyclic frustration. )

Jan. 31st, 2016



No Subject

WHO: Malia & Killian
WHERE: By the river
WHEN: this afternoon
WHAT: sword fighting lessons
STATUS: closed/finished

lets stab some things! )

Jan. 23rd, 2016



No Subject

WHO: Dark Emma & Dark Killian
WHERE: By the lake in Marrowood
WHAT: The Dark Ones summon the ferryman of death to try and take out Grimoire's power. It doesn't work. Last resorts are needed.
RATING/WARNINGS: Bleak outlooks on everything, suicide.
STATUS: Complete

The ferryman was there, an unmoving figure in his boat which would would take them away from here. For good. )

Jan. 7th, 2016



No Subject

WHEN: Today!
WHERE: All around Grim. Subthreads are welcome, create your own - fight some nasties, make some friends, etc.
WHAT: Killian's raised zombies. Mostly from the cemetery, but they're everywhere in Grimoire. Riding the bus. Interrupting your morning coffee. Being pests.
WARNINGS: Violence, probably
STATUS: In progress
NOTES: We'll just go with standard zombie lore, not really from any particular fandom - in the Once verse, in the little we've seen, they look like people (see this for reference), just obviously with impaired motor skills. They are impervious to pain, don't require air to breathe, and are immune to poisons and toxins. Cutting off their limbs means they'll still be coming but destroying their brain will kill them.

Rise. )

Dec. 4th, 2015


Ain't no rest for the wicked

WHO: Mad Hook
Killian's Shanty Pirate Bar (that's just Jeff's title for it)
Thursday Evening
Copious amounts of drinks / inevitable bromance
Shantyness, pirateness, assholeness, drinking.
In Progress

Sep. 12th, 2015



Seven Devils All Around You

WHO: Garrett Hawke, Killian Jones & OTA
WHERE: Outside a Glass House
WHEN: Saturday
WHAT: Hawke takes a look at the magic of the glass cubes. Anyone else curious is welcome.
WARNINGS: Hawke likes to swear.
STATUS: In Progress.

Holy Water Cannot Help You Now... )

Aug. 24th, 2015



Honey, There is No Right Way

WHO: Garrett Hawke & Killian Jones
WHEN: Monday Evening
WHERE: Hawke's little house on the lake shore.
WHAT: Drinking, flirting and a talent demonstration.
WARNINGS: Hawke's bad language and adult situations.
STATUS: Complete

To somehow escape the burning weight, the art of scraping through, )

Aug. 18th, 2015



When there's no getting through

Who: Rosalind and Killian
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: On the way to Marrowood and in Marrowood
What: Traveling to get the Bootlegger's sign
Status/Warning: In-progress/None at the moment

I won't hold back )

Aug. 8th, 2015



O, Death

Who: Garrett Hawke & Anyone else
Where: Town Square
When: Saturday night to early Sunday morning
What: Hawke celebrates All Soul's Day
Warnings: Swearing and drinking.
Status: In progress/open

Oh, Death how you're treatin' me... )

Jul. 22nd, 2015



No Subject

WHEN: This Week
WHERE: All over the town
WHAT: Multi-thread playable action in the town and around.
WARNINGS: Dinosaurs! Chomping, munching, running, screaming, blood, gore, death, chaos, anything that has happened will happen and all that.
STATUS: In Progress

Jurassic Park theme music plays intensely in the background )

Jul. 11th, 2015



No Subject

Who: Sam and Hook
What: Over protective father figure meets over protective brother figure
When: A couple of days after Sam's arrival
Where: Hooks place
Warnings: Maybe some sweary words because Hunters and Pirates. Probably not much else.
Status: Closed/Complete

Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me )

Jun. 30th, 2015



I can tell that we are gonna be friends

Who: Harley Quinn and Captain Hook
When: Today, afternoon.
Where: Around town
What: Hook shows Harley around; Harley is herself.
Warnings: Shinanigans of varying kind.

I can tell that we are gonna be friends )

Jun. 29th, 2015



No Subject

WHO: Neal Cassidy & Killian Jones
WHEN: Sunday Evening
WHERE: By the lake
WHAT: Talking about things
WARNINGS: Feelings? Is that something you warn for?
STATUS: In progress

Dying had put things in perspective. )

Jun. 22nd, 2015



I can read your foolish mind going dark from time to time

WHO: Emma Swan & Killian Jones & Neal Cassidy
WHEN: Neal's arrival
WHERE: Sleepy Hollow, 213
WHAT: Neal's arrival to Marrowood is a little more frantic than most.
WARNINGS: Character Death
STATUS: Complete

See the writing on the wall we can't be saved we knew it after all )

Jun. 15th, 2015



No Subject

Who: Killian & Matt
When: (Slightly backdated to) Sunday Morning/Afternoon
Where: Killian’s
What: Breakfast, after a very interesting night.
Rating: PG-13. Might be some discussion of last night (and early morning) sexual escapades

Hook, Line and Sinker )

Jun. 5th, 2015



No Subject

WHO: Jemma Simmons and Killian Jones.
WHERE: The Bootlegger.
WHEN: The first day of the Purge. Backdated.
WHAT: Trying very hard not to die.
WARNINGS: Violence? It is the Purge, after all.
STATUS: In progress.

Tell me, is it always this exciting here? )

May. 11th, 2015



No Subject

WHO: Claire Novak and Killian Jones
WHERE: Beginning at Sleepy Hollow, and the apartment complex.
WHEN: Right after Claire finds herself in the motel (see this for reference)
WHAT: Killian finds a stray teenager. Brings it home to wifey.
WARNINGS: TBD? None for now, besides saucy language
STATUS: In progress

She Noped the hell out of Dodge. )

Apr. 28th, 2015



First excursion into Marrowood

WHO: Jakayla and Killian
WHERE: Bootleggers
WHEN: Monday, mid/late afternoon [Backdated cause mun had a migraine]
WHAT: Drinking, talking, drinking, getting the lowdown on Marrowood, and oh, yeah. Lot's of drinking of alcohol
WARNINGS: Drinking, perhaps language
STATUS: Complete

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum )

Apr. 6th, 2015



No Subject

Who: Killian and Robert
When: Monday evening
What: Bro time
Where: Killian's tavern
Status: Complete

When you're feeling right at home )

Mar. 6th, 2015



One more time with feeling

WHO: Emma Swan & Captain Hook
WHEN: Thursday some time
WHERE: The Bootlegger
WHAT: Back into society Emma goes; or at least to the 'pub', so to speak, to be regaled with tales of adventure. Or something.
WARNINGS: Captain Swan bromancing, language probs yo, recreational drug use
STATUS: Complete

Your stitches are all out but your scars are healing wrong )