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Feb. 7th, 2009


four/leela : naked and savage

Author: Olivia JH [[info]greenapple]
Title: Naked And Savage
Rating: NC17 for explicit sexuality
Pairing: Four/Leela
Summary: The Doctor and Leela go on a picnic. Things turn a wee bit smutty.
Disclaimer: Fiction.

[ naked and savage ]


Nov. 20th, 2008


Measure By Parallax : Nine/Rose : adult

title: Measure By Parallax
author: Olivia JH
pairing: Nine/Rose
wordcount: 500
rating: adult

[ measure by parallax ]

Aug. 8th, 2008


fic: Doubts and Fear 1/? Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto

Title: Doubts and Fear
Author: Shannon
Pairing: Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to RTD and the BBC.
</b>Spoilers:</b> Through Journey's End and Exit Wounds
</b>Summary:</b> The Doctor is unhappy with Martha's new job and tries to change her mind.
Author's Notes: This is a sequel to Jealous. You can read this without having read the previous fic, however, because this is complete, but reading it will give you an idea of where it started.
And I need to thank [info]velvetwhip for betaing this for me.

Part 1

Jul. 7th, 2008


Left Behind

Title: Left Behind
Author: JE / [info]immortalje
Pairing: cut for spoilers )
Summary: Introspective piece that takes place at the end of Journey's End! More: spoiler )
Rating: FRT/PG-13
Beta: Word spellchecker - nobody else
Spoiler/Warnings: Journey's End
Words: 723
AN: This was written in less than half an hour (mostly to avoid the things I'm supposed to be doing)and English isn't my first language... you can point out mistakes, but don't be rude about it.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story.

Click here for the story at [info]je_fic

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Someone's Little Girl (Rose/Nine)

Author: Bitterfig
Title: Someone’s Little Girl
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Summary: She thought they had all the time in the world.
Beta Reader: Fedink
Work Count: 387
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: Written for the [info]porn_battle prompt “Doctor Who: Nine/Rose, the doctor dances.” Obviously it didn't come out very porny.

(Someone's Little Girl)

Jun. 1st, 2008


Fanfic -- "Cold Comfort" (R, 1/1)

Title: "Cold Comfort"
Author: dameruth
Characters/pairings: Jack/Lucy Saxon
Rating: Hard R
Series: "Flowers"
Disclaimer: None of it's mine but the words and the dark . . .
Summary: Jack receives an unexpected visit while held prisoner on the Valiant during the Year That Never Was.

Jeez.  Here I am, supposed to be writing for the "Happy Prompt" challenge on the "twdw_ficathon" prompt over on LJ, and then badgerangel gives me the following prompts in the "story I'll never write" meme going 'round over there:

"Jack/Lucy Saxon.
Ace meets and instantly takes a dislike to Ten.
The Doctor (any Doctor) finally becomes Merlin."

While most of my responses to that meme are posted as comments in the original thread (and as a set over on Teaspoon), the first prompt above gets its own story, set in the "Flowers" sequence, just before "Target of Opportunity."  If you've read that story, you've got fair warning of the tone for this one.  If not -- hard "R" and dark stuff, at least by my standards. It also carries on that series' assumptions about Time Lord biology, but it should still read as a standalone.

Thanks to aibhinn for beta-fu -- now I'm off to be happy for a bit, then I'll lightly re-edit "ToO" to be in line with this series addition . . .

(Follow the false cut to my journal here . . .)

May. 11th, 2008


[ficlet] There's Nothing

Title: There's Nothing
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Word Count: ~640
Summary: I need an escape, to know that my life is something more than one con after another. Alone, Jack looks back at the person he's become and wonders what the future holds for him. That is, if he has a future....
Pairings: implied Jack/John and Jack/Rose
Spoilers:The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances; through Torchwood series two
Prompt: "Loneliness has followed me my whole life.[...]" (Taxi Driver)
Warnings: Angst, first person, possible OOCness
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made. The film quote herein (if not public domain) is owned by Columbia Pictures et al.

(I can’t think about that now. Can’t let the memories take over when I may have to run at a moment’s notice)

Apr. 26th, 2008


"Proper Introductions"

Title: Proper Introductions
Fandom: Dr. Who
Pairing: Gen Rose/Ten Implied
Rating: G
Summary: Keeping the laws of time, while simultaneously breaking the timeline is the family business is the family business.
Spoilers: All of Dr. Who up to. “Last of the Time Lords”. This Fanfiction deals with the classic Dr. Who Characters. Some Spoilers for Dr. Who Original Series Season One,
Disclaimer: I do not own Dr. Who. I claim no rights to it. I make no money off this fan fiction, nor will I.
Author’s Notes: This fan fiction takes several assumptions/and theories about the character of Susan from Classic Dr. Who and plays with them. Susan Foreman is a character of Classic Dr. Who Original Series Season One.

Warnings: This fan fiction is un-beta'd and un-Britpicked as I am an American, this could drive some UK readers mad. You have been warned. I am looking for any willing to serve in either capacity for this universe. So if you would be willing to offer your services please contact me.

To My Story

Feb. 6th, 2008


Title: Beautiful
Author: [info]rekhyt
Rating: PG-13 ish.
Pairing: Doctor/Rose
Summary: Even when preoccupied with a legion of killer mannequins the Doctor doesn't fail to notice how beautiful the girl is.
Disclaimer: Not mine and all that.
Notes: Originally writen for [info]1sentence


Dec. 5th, 2007


Master/Lucy - "Little Faith"

Title: Little Faith
Rating: NC-17 for some implied sex, violence
Summary: The Master, resurrected
Warnings: Character death, plus spoilers for all of the seasons, especially the last three episodes of season three (Utopia, The Sound of the Drums, Last of the Time Lords)

Unbeta'ed, and beta'ing and comments welcome.

Little faith... )

Sep. 23rd, 2007


Title: Just a Doctor Alone
Author: Dalek / [info]daleked
Pairing(s): Doctor/Rose
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Well the Doctor and Rose and Jack and so on aren't.
Warnings: A bit angst-y as anything POST DOOMSDAY is wont to be.
Spoilers: Series 1 and 2, Some Series 3 but not much cause I’ve not seen it all yet. ^^
Summary: The Doctor thinks.
Author’s Notes: My second ever fic for D/R

I followed my star and that’s what you are )