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Mar. 20th, 2008


Dr. Who/AtS Crossover -- "Master Calendar"

Author: Evilawyer
Title: "Master Calendar"
Rating: PG
Fandoms Crossed (perhaps perversely): Dr. Who/Angel the Series
Pairing: Ten/Master(Simm) (implied)
Other Characters: Angel, Spike, Illyria, Harmony
Summary: The evil law firm of Wolfram & Hart signs up a very important new client
Disclaimer: All of these characters are owned by people besides me. No profit is made by the writing and posting of this fic. No violation of United States or international copyright laws is intended.

"Master Calendar" can be found easiest at

Aug. 21st, 2007


Fic; Another Version of the Truth - Chapters 1-5 - Doctor Who/Life on Mars Crossover

I've been writing a Doctor Who/Life on Mars crossover fic, so I thought it might be an idea to post here :) All the links head back over to my own IJ. Friend at will, as currently I am a total billy no-mates. Woe! ;)

Title - Another Version of The Truth - Chapters 1-4
Fandom - Doctor Who/Life On Mars
Rating - PG for now.
Summary - AU. The TARDIS lands The Doctor in 1973. He meets an intriguing man called Sam Tyler - This is the story of what happens next.
Warnings - Slash. Angst. Some strong language, and a smattering of blood. Spoilers for Series 1 of Life on Mars, and will contain spoilers for at least the last three episodes of Doctor Who series 3. Other than that, Enjoy! ;)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Some of you might've already read it on Life in 1973 and slash_lords on  LJ - But some of you might not have - so  hence the mass postage all at once. ;)