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Mar. 9th, 2009


fic: Compatibility Issues

Author: StaidWaters
Title: Compatibility Issues
Pairing: None
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be, not making a profit
Summary: The Doctor and the Tardis have a complicated relationship. Character study.

Read more... )

Feb. 6th, 2008


Title: Beautiful
Author: [info]rekhyt
Rating: PG-13 ish.
Pairing: Doctor/Rose
Summary: Even when preoccupied with a legion of killer mannequins the Doctor doesn't fail to notice how beautiful the girl is.
Disclaimer: Not mine and all that.
Notes: Originally writen for [info]1sentence


Sep. 10th, 2007


"Of Buttermilk Biscuits and Sneaky Boxes" by planetkiller

Author: [info]planetkiller
Title: Of Buttermilk Biscuit and Sneaky Boxes
Rating: NC-17; Mature; Adult;
Pairing: Jack/Ten; implied Rose/TARDIS
Summary: The TARDIS helps Jack seduce Ten.
Disclaimer: The rumours are lies; I'm not the BBC. Nor am I RTD. Or Julie Gardner.
For: The fantabulously awesome [info]scap3goat in honour of your triumphant kinda-return.

Read it here!

Aug. 24th, 2007


Old and new fanfic!

I transferred a bit of my fanfiction from LJ to IJ and posted some stories I did for a challenge over at LJ but haven't even posted there, yet.
Links disguising as cuts leading to my fiction-journal.

Old fiction:

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: If it's a bad day...
Rating: R
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #6: Pain at 20_est_relships
Warning: self mutilation, psychological problems
Summary: Finally Jack and the Doctor are reunited. But Jack is a bit different from what he used to be.
Disclaimer: BBC and Russel T Davis own all the stuff. I'm not making profit here. Don't sue, please.

( If it's a bad day... )

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: Just so angry and just so sad
Rating: G
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #15: Reflection at 20_est_relships
Summary: The Doctor has to admit some things about his and Jack's relationship.
Disclaimer: BBC and Russel T Davis own all the stuff. I'm not making profit here. Don't sue, please.

( Just so angry and just so sad )

New Fic:

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: Summertime
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #2: Surprise at 20_est_relships
Summary: Summertime is great for a picnic.
Disclaimer: Usual suspects: RTD, BBC, you name it. Anybody but me. No profit.

( Summertime )

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: Till we ain’t strangers anymore
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #11: Love at 20_est_relships
Summary: They don’t need romance, they don’t need mysteries or butterflies. Still, there is that one “secret” that makes it work.
Disclaimer: Title by Bon Jovi and characters belong to someone else, too. I own not much and especially not the people in this.

( Till we ain’t strangers anymore )

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: One Step Closer
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #17: Home at 20_est_relships
Summary:“I’m one step closer, with my arms opened wide. I’m one step closer and willing to try.” – One Step Closer, Bon Jovi
But, actually, it’s only breakfast.
Disclaimer: Title by Bon Jovi and characters belong to someone else, too. I own not much and especially not the people in this.
Dedication: For [info]planetkiller who inspired this.

( One Step Closer )

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: Asylum
Rating: PG
Pairing: Rose/TARDIS
Summary: Things happening behind our back tend to makes us feel hurt.
Disclaimer: Usual suspects: RTD, BBC, you name it. Anybody but me. No profit.

( Asylum )

Aug. 16th, 2007


Doctor Who Drabble

I wrote [info]scap3goat a 750 word drabble about Ten with a banana that he can't eat. It's silly and very much crack. If anyone wants to read it,

Author: planetkiller
Title: Bananas for [info]scap3goat
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Summary: Ten can't eat bananas. Whatever shall he do?
Disclaimer: Totally belongs to the BBC and Russell T. Davies.