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Oct. 1st, 2008


DW Fic: Eat Up! - Ten/Delgado!Master

Author: Evilawyer
Title: Eat Up!
Pairing: Ten/Delgado!Master
Rating: PG
Summary: "Nonsense, Doctor. There'll simply be more of you for me to love. Speaking of which..."
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in this story and I make no monetary profit from them. No infringement of U.S. or international copyright law or of trademarks is intended.

The ficlet is at http://evilawyer.insanejournal.com/4959.html.

Sep. 30th, 2008


You Could Have Woken Me Up - 10/Simm!Master

Author: Evilawyer
Title: You Could've Woken Me Up
Rating: PG-13ish
Pairing: Ten/Simm!Master
Summary: "Was there some imaginary line you drew down the middle of the bed that I wasn't supposed to cross?” AU after LotTL
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I own none of the characters in this story and I make no monetary profit from them. No infringement of U.S. or international copyright law or of trademarks is intended.
Note: You might have seen this elsewhere already (original post date Aug. 21, 2008).

The story is at http://evilawyer.insanejournal.com/4627.html.

Aug. 8th, 2008


fic: Doubts and Fear 1/? Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto

Title: Doubts and Fear
Author: Shannon
Pairing: Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to RTD and the BBC.
</b>Spoilers:</b> Through Journey's End and Exit Wounds
</b>Summary:</b> The Doctor is unhappy with Martha's new job and tries to change her mind.
Author's Notes: This is a sequel to Jealous. You can read this without having read the previous fic, however, because this is complete, but reading it will give you an idea of where it started.
And I need to thank [info]velvetwhip for betaing this for me.

Part 1

Jul. 19th, 2008


FIC: Every Day In A Million Days

Title: Every Day In A Million Days
Author: [info]lilithilien
Summary: Donna was alive. So what if she'd never heard of the lost moon of Poosh?
Rating: Gen, spoilers through "Journey's End"
Length: 3000 words
Disclaimer: All rights to these characters belong to RT Davies and his lawyers and agents.
Notes: Tag to "Journey's End." I had to see if I could bring Donna back, memories (somewhat) intact. Quotes borrowed from "Death In The Forest." Enormous thanks go to [info]sarcastic_jo; all remaining mistakes are mine.

Every Day In A Million Days

Jul. 7th, 2008


Left Behind

Title: Left Behind
Author: JE / [info]immortalje
Pairing: cut for spoilers )
Summary: Introspective piece that takes place at the end of Journey's End! More: spoiler )
Rating: FRT/PG-13
Beta: Word spellchecker - nobody else
Spoiler/Warnings: Journey's End
Words: 723
AN: This was written in less than half an hour (mostly to avoid the things I'm supposed to be doing)and English isn't my first language... you can point out mistakes, but don't be rude about it.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story.

Click here for the story at [info]je_fic

Jun. 1st, 2008


Fanfic -- "An Inordinate Fondness" (G, 1/1)

Title: "An Inordinate Fondness"
Author: dameruth
Characters/pairings: Ten, Donna
Rating: G, All Ages
Word count:  3,408
Series: None
Disclaimer: None of it's mine but the words and the fluff. . .
Summary: Ten and Donna share some relaxing moments, enlivened by arthropods.

Written for the twdw_fichathon "Happy Prompts" challenge.  Prompt: "Our Song."  Unbeta-ed, and rather meandering, but I hope it's as much easygoing fun to read as it was to write.  ;)

(Follow the sneaky false cut to my journal!)

Apr. 26th, 2008


"Proper Introductions"

Title: Proper Introductions
Fandom: Dr. Who
Pairing: Gen Rose/Ten Implied
Rating: G
Summary: Keeping the laws of time, while simultaneously breaking the timeline is the family business is the family business.
Spoilers: All of Dr. Who up to. “Last of the Time Lords”. This Fanfiction deals with the classic Dr. Who Characters. Some Spoilers for Dr. Who Original Series Season One,
Disclaimer: I do not own Dr. Who. I claim no rights to it. I make no money off this fan fiction, nor will I.
Author’s Notes: This fan fiction takes several assumptions/and theories about the character of Susan from Classic Dr. Who and plays with them. Susan Foreman is a character of Classic Dr. Who Original Series Season One.

Warnings: This fan fiction is un-beta'd and un-Britpicked as I am an American, this could drive some UK readers mad. You have been warned. I am looking for any willing to serve in either capacity for this universe. So if you would be willing to offer your services please contact me.

To My Story

Mar. 20th, 2008


Dr. Who/AtS Crossover -- "Master Calendar"

Author: Evilawyer
Title: "Master Calendar"
Rating: PG
Fandoms Crossed (perhaps perversely): Dr. Who/Angel the Series
Pairing: Ten/Master(Simm) (implied)
Other Characters: Angel, Spike, Illyria, Harmony
Summary: The evil law firm of Wolfram & Hart signs up a very important new client
Disclaimer: All of these characters are owned by people besides me. No profit is made by the writing and posting of this fic. No violation of United States or international copyright laws is intended.

"Master Calendar" can be found easiest at

Mar. 17th, 2008


"The Swirling Universe"

Author: Evilawyer
Title: "The Swirling Universe"
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ten/Master(Simm) (implied)
Summary: Some things are very hard and very painful to learn.
Disclaimer: The characters (except for the old tutor) are owned by the BBC (or someone other than me). No profit is made by the writing and posting of this fic. No violation of United States or international copyright laws is intended.

Hello. De-lurking to post a link to one of my fics. "The Swirling Universe" is at http://www.prydonian.net/viewstory.php?sid=183.

Feb. 6th, 2008


Title: Beautiful
Author: [info]rekhyt
Rating: PG-13 ish.
Pairing: Doctor/Rose
Summary: Even when preoccupied with a legion of killer mannequins the Doctor doesn't fail to notice how beautiful the girl is.
Disclaimer: Not mine and all that.
Notes: Originally writen for [info]1sentence


Jan. 14th, 2008


'The Lone Sheep Festival', G-rated, Gen

Title: The Lone Sheep Festival

Rating: G

Characters/Pairings: Ten, Martha, OCs.

Spoilers: For Smith and Jones

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Beta: The lovely Nelle and the people in the (lj)fandom_betas AIM chat who helped me with the first section.

Summary: Things were going fairly well on the planet of Huveck until the Year 7857 (which, incidentallly, was exactly a million years after the original Earth died).

Author’s notes:This was written for the [info]lifeonmartha Holiday Ficafest, using the prompts 'The Lone Sheep Festival' and 'Nobody calls me wench!'.It's also unfashionably late.

Jan. 9th, 2008


FIC: The Weariest River [Jack, Ten, PG]

Author: [info]snakeling
Title: The Weariest River
Rating: PG for canon character death
Characters: Jack, Doctor (Ten), Martha, Nurse Hame
Summary: 'Even the weariest river/Winds somewhere safe to sea.' — A. Swinburne, "The Garden of Proserpine"
Spoilers: for Gridlock and Last of the Time Lords
Disclaimer: The whole of time and space belongs to the BBC, or at least those parts reachable by the TARDIS.

The Weariest River

Nov. 16th, 2007


I didn't want to repost old fic but there is nothing I wouldn't do for this asylum, which is pretty much dead. :(

Author: [info]eumelkeks
Title: Home Sweet Home
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Master/Doctor
Summary: Pure crack.
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

“This is worse than death!”

Sep. 23rd, 2007


Title: Just a Doctor Alone
Author: Dalek / [info]daleked
Pairing(s): Doctor/Rose
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Well the Doctor and Rose and Jack and so on aren't.
Warnings: A bit angst-y as anything POST DOOMSDAY is wont to be.
Spoilers: Series 1 and 2, Some Series 3 but not much cause I’ve not seen it all yet. ^^
Summary: The Doctor thinks.
Author’s Notes: My second ever fic for D/R

I followed my star and that’s what you are )

Sep. 19th, 2007



I can't rightly say how long it's been since I've actually FINISHED a fic. So it's particularly sweet to present my (arguably) first Doctor Who fic!
Please comment with concrit.

Author: [info]madness (with help from the lovely [info]its_art)
Rating: PG-13 (?)
Characters: Ten, Jack, Martha
Pairing: none, really
Summary: Is the Doctor losing his mind?
Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" and all related characters belong to the BBC and Russell T. Davies. I'm just having a little bit of fun with them.
Spoiler Warnings: through season 3

( Micro-fic follows: )

Sep. 10th, 2007


"Of Buttermilk Biscuits and Sneaky Boxes" by planetkiller

Author: [info]planetkiller
Title: Of Buttermilk Biscuit and Sneaky Boxes
Rating: NC-17; Mature; Adult;
Pairing: Jack/Ten; implied Rose/TARDIS
Summary: The TARDIS helps Jack seduce Ten.
Disclaimer: The rumours are lies; I'm not the BBC. Nor am I RTD. Or Julie Gardner.
For: The fantabulously awesome [info]scap3goat in honour of your triumphant kinda-return.

Read it here!

Aug. 29th, 2007


Cold, dark matter

Title: Cold, dark matter
Author: [info]lethlogica
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Word Count: 424 (not counting the NRAO quotes)
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC.
Rating: G
Warnings and Notes: Spoilers for end of season two.

"We already knew there was something different about this spot in the sky."

Aug. 24th, 2007


Old and new fanfic!

I transferred a bit of my fanfiction from LJ to IJ and posted some stories I did for a challenge over at LJ but haven't even posted there, yet.
Links disguising as cuts leading to my fiction-journal.

Old fiction:

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: If it's a bad day...
Rating: R
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #6: Pain at 20_est_relships
Warning: self mutilation, psychological problems
Summary: Finally Jack and the Doctor are reunited. But Jack is a bit different from what he used to be.
Disclaimer: BBC and Russel T Davis own all the stuff. I'm not making profit here. Don't sue, please.

( If it's a bad day... )

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: Just so angry and just so sad
Rating: G
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #15: Reflection at 20_est_relships
Summary: The Doctor has to admit some things about his and Jack's relationship.
Disclaimer: BBC and Russel T Davis own all the stuff. I'm not making profit here. Don't sue, please.

( Just so angry and just so sad )

New Fic:

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: Summertime
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #2: Surprise at 20_est_relships
Summary: Summertime is great for a picnic.
Disclaimer: Usual suspects: RTD, BBC, you name it. Anybody but me. No profit.

( Summertime )

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: Till we ain’t strangers anymore
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #11: Love at 20_est_relships
Summary: They don’t need romance, they don’t need mysteries or butterflies. Still, there is that one “secret” that makes it work.
Disclaimer: Title by Bon Jovi and characters belong to someone else, too. I own not much and especially not the people in this.

( Till we ain’t strangers anymore )

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: One Step Closer
Rating: PG
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Prompt: #17: Home at 20_est_relships
Summary:“I’m one step closer, with my arms opened wide. I’m one step closer and willing to try.” – One Step Closer, Bon Jovi
But, actually, it’s only breakfast.
Disclaimer: Title by Bon Jovi and characters belong to someone else, too. I own not much and especially not the people in this.
Dedication: For [info]planetkiller who inspired this.

( One Step Closer )

Author: [info]scap3goat
Title: Asylum
Rating: PG
Pairing: Rose/TARDIS
Summary: Things happening behind our back tend to makes us feel hurt.
Disclaimer: Usual suspects: RTD, BBC, you name it. Anybody but me. No profit.

( Asylum )

Aug. 16th, 2007


Doctor Who Drabble

I wrote [info]scap3goat a 750 word drabble about Ten with a banana that he can't eat. It's silly and very much crack. If anyone wants to read it,

Author: planetkiller
Title: Bananas for [info]scap3goat
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Summary: Ten can't eat bananas. Whatever shall he do?
Disclaimer: Totally belongs to the BBC and Russell T. Davies.


Reposted Ficlet: His Mind Is Bigger On The Inside

Spoilers for the last few eps of Season 3, Slightly AU

Author: carol_t
Beta: smithy161
Title: His Mind Is Bigger On The Inside
Rating: PG
Pairing: 10/Master
Summary: Just some context to a certain offer
Disclaimer: I don't own the Tardis. Nor the Doctor. Nor the Master. RL sux.

As I moved my main journal here, the old entry is now f-locked and will eventually be gone. The story's now here:


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