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Sep. 24th, 2008


Doubts and Fear 7/? Jack/ianto, Martha/Ten

Title: Doubts and Fears
Author: Shannon
Pairing: Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to RTD and the BBC.
Spoilers: Through Journey's End and Exit Wounds
Summary: The Doctor is unhappy with Martha's new job and tries to change her mind.
Author's Notes: This is a sequel to Jealous. You can read this without having read the previous fic, however, because this is complete, but reading it will give you an idea of where it started.

And once again thanks go to [info]velvetwhip for betaing this for me.

Previous Parts
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

Part 7

Aug. 8th, 2008


fic: Doubts and Fear 1/? Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto

Title: Doubts and Fear
Author: Shannon
Pairing: Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to RTD and the BBC.
</b>Spoilers:</b> Through Journey's End and Exit Wounds
</b>Summary:</b> The Doctor is unhappy with Martha's new job and tries to change her mind.
Author's Notes: This is a sequel to Jealous. You can read this without having read the previous fic, however, because this is complete, but reading it will give you an idea of where it started.
And I need to thank [info]velvetwhip for betaing this for me.

Part 1

Jan. 14th, 2008


'The Lone Sheep Festival', G-rated, Gen

Title: The Lone Sheep Festival

Rating: G

Characters/Pairings: Ten, Martha, OCs.

Spoilers: For Smith and Jones

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Beta: The lovely Nelle and the people in the (lj)fandom_betas AIM chat who helped me with the first section.

Summary: Things were going fairly well on the planet of Huveck until the Year 7857 (which, incidentallly, was exactly a million years after the original Earth died).

Author’s notes:This was written for the [info]lifeonmartha Holiday Ficafest, using the prompts 'The Lone Sheep Festival' and 'Nobody calls me wench!'.It's also unfashionably late.

Jan. 9th, 2008


FIC: The Weariest River [Jack, Ten, PG]

Author: [info]snakeling
Title: The Weariest River
Rating: PG for canon character death
Characters: Jack, Doctor (Ten), Martha, Nurse Hame
Summary: 'Even the weariest river/Winds somewhere safe to sea.' — A. Swinburne, "The Garden of Proserpine"
Spoilers: for Gridlock and Last of the Time Lords
Disclaimer: The whole of time and space belongs to the BBC, or at least those parts reachable by the TARDIS.

The Weariest River

Sep. 19th, 2007



I can't rightly say how long it's been since I've actually FINISHED a fic. So it's particularly sweet to present my (arguably) first Doctor Who fic!
Please comment with concrit.

Author: [info]madness (with help from the lovely [info]its_art)
Rating: PG-13 (?)
Characters: Ten, Jack, Martha
Pairing: none, really
Summary: Is the Doctor losing his mind?
Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" and all related characters belong to the BBC and Russell T. Davies. I'm just having a little bit of fun with them.
Spoiler Warnings: through season 3

( Micro-fic follows: )