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June 11th, 2015

[info]scales_silence in [info]we_coexist

Following a herd of dinosaurs, early evening (Liv)

"Crow! Flank!"

The black Church Griffin, small as it was in comparison to the hadrosaurs, did a remarkably good job of spooking them. He skimmed the left side of the small herd, turning them right, while Alex pedaled behind on a bicycle.

The first thing Alex was going to do after this, he vowed, was to get a street motorcycle. He knew that he looked less than formidible with his backpack dangling from one strap, wearing his work khakis and nametag clip, and pedaling like a lunatic on a blue bike after eight hadrosaurs (probably Edmontosaurs given their size) and yelling at something that either looked like a mutant bird or a flying cat.

The mutant bird/flying cat circled back around to pace his bike, for once cooperating with Alex's directions. Together the two worked to herd the giant herbivores into the park.

Once they were properly corralled, Alex got off of his bike, sweating and panting. He fished around in his backpack for a spare dead rat to toss the Church Griffen as a treat for a job well done. Crow caught it in midair and flew with it to a tree, growling as he ripped into it with his sharp claws and beak.

Alex sighed, staring at the now placid Edmontosaurs. Now what?