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June 12th, 2015

[info]snaponcape in [info]we_coexist

Numbing the pain (Narrative)

Finding where the key she had been given went had been a bit of a challenge even for her. The taxi that she had gotten had been a huge help with the pain in her leg and her back, but it seemed like the streets continued to change as she rode along in the back seat. It was a frustrating thing to someone like her who could recall exact information after only a glance at it. How was she supposed to know where she was going or where anything was if it moved like that on everyone?

Finally the Agreeable Apartments was in her line of sight. She had a feeling she wouldn't be able to find her way back to Thor and to her motorcycle, but she would figure it out. She had to. But the exhaustion weighed down on her and she set that problem on the back burner for now. It was the least problematic on her ever growing list.

Barbara even found herself too tired and strained to freak out about everything. She felt like she was taking it well, all of this strangeness.

After opening the door to the apartment, Barbara looked around at it. It was simple enough, nearly decorated though it didn't look much like a home to her. Though she had been between places to stay after leaving college. As much as she liked her family, Barbara hadn't been ready to move back home. She liked her freedom and she was a little more messy than her father liked.

A quick close of the door behind herself and Barbara began to explore the place. On the counter in the kitchen she found credentials and identification enough to get her in to her 'supposed' employment at the City Police Department. Well, at least that was covered. In the closets she found her clothes, shoes and accessories, which was a relief. There was medication in her medicine cabinet in the bathroom for her back. Also a relief.

With all the bases covered, the red-head sank into the bed provided to her fully clothed and passed out. She would need to find a place to store her bike so she could repair it but that could wait. She was way too tired just then to care.

[info]brainss in [info]we_coexist

Flash in the brainpan. [Bruce]

Liv was used to the flash of memories from the dead. As a zombie that was part of her new reality. They hadn't come in use now that she was in The City, but back home part of the way she dealt with her new undead life was using her abilities to help people.

So when the first flash came, she thought it was from the brains she ate yesterday. Except they weren't from the deceased. They were Liv's memories. And it wasn't just one flash. It was flash after flash after flash.

Cut for iZombie Season 1 spoilers. Spoiler warning for the rest of the log from here on out. )

Bruce Banner was her closest neighbor. She might have gone to Matt Murdock if he hadn't been a few floors above her. These new memories, reliving everything that had happened to her in Seattle all at once? It was too much to process. Liv didn't want them anymore. She didn't want to be a disgusting brain eating zombie anymore.

She couldn't help it. She was bawling her eyes out on the other side of Dr. Banner's door, the man who she barely knew but had given her ghost pepper jelly, her hand slapping it frantically, hoping he was there to let her in before someone saw her.