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April 29th, 2011

[info]i_conform in [info]we_coexist

He wants to marry her, but why is she so sad? (Simon/Jen log)

Simon sighed as he looked at his phone. He hadn't talked to her for a couple days, and he'd been avoiding her. It wasn't the right thing to do, but he didn't know what else to do, honestly. Finally he sucked it up and made the call.

Jennifer picked up her cell phone. She was out and about, half searching for Jake and half trying to get her errands done. She looked at her phone and hit the talk button. She wasn't sure how this was going to go. She'd told Charlie she didn't know if she was going to end up being upset with Simon over Jake, and she still didn't know. She hadn't seen her roommate since.


“Jen? I..” Simon knew he should say something, but how do you say “sorry for scaring away your telepathic slightly touchy cat”? “It’s Simon.”

He was busy pacing his office. Watson was out at the moment. In fact, he hadn’t seen Watson in a while. That was a mystery for another time. )

[info]i_conform in [info]we_coexist

They lied about going home again (narrative)

Simon Tam didn't want to end the call that way. He wanted to explain, or to reassure her. He wanted to tell her that it would all work out, that she'd be happy. He wanted to be the one to make her happy and to keep her safe. He wanted many things, but what he wanted at the moment really wasn't that important. Someone needed his help. He opened the door, half expecting it to walk out into a busy street. He felt like he deserved being punished for what he did to her, but he did it for her own good. Cruel to be kind, right? He'd fix everything; he could do it.

For the rest of the day he was busy. Stitching up this, closing up that, setting, breaking, checking, testing, running, working, saving. From the moment he stepped out of his office, he didn't stop, as if someone or something was letting him just be. Then again, he worked ER, and some days there was no rest for the wicked, or the great. He didn't even stop to eat; he just took the cup of noodle soup and kept walking. It was cold and disgusting, but it would hold him until he could get a moment to do more than breathe and wash up.

He'd been going steady for possibly fourteen hours when he caught sight of something that didn't fit ).