Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - August 2nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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August 2nd, 2008

[Aug. 2nd, 2008|12:04 am]


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Locked to superhero types. )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|12:05 am]
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Sadako, I believe we're in the need for a small outing.
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|12:24 am]



Man... sometimes the world is sure as fuck different. Not just the weird shit that goes on. I wouldn't be surprised if my husband's band sank Europe one day. Their concerts get pretty epic. But I mean... like, my band ain't here. That's a little weird after a few months, cuz it's like... it starts to sink in no one's calling to say when the big guys want the next record out or we gotta start rehersing for our next tour. Man, that's WEIRD.

Hey... for the first time since I think I was 24, I don't have a job. I REALLY don't have a job.

What the hell.
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|12:41 am]

I miss Fred...
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|12:45 am]
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Boomer )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|04:56 am]


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Team... We Need a Name. )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|12:41 pm]

Dad )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|03:26 pm]


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[Locked from the Joker and any Joker sympathizers]

All of you are seriously deficient in this Joker thing.  He's one man and all of you are acting scared shitless of him.  "Oh God, let's run and flee and hide from him and don't engage him so he can keep taunting us." 

What the hell is WRONG with all of you?  You're doing exactly what he wants. 

Screw this sitting off to the side crap.  Next time he accesses a terminal, I'm using Extremis to triangulate his position and find him.  Then I'm going to stop him so everyone will stop acting like morons.

Jesus, and these are people who claim to be superheroes.  You all are over analyzing this.
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|03:35 pm]
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Just thought I'd share with you all something that brightened my day!

Don't you just love the news?

I think it's better than a stand-up comedian. This Li guy. What a cut-up!

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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|03:39 pm]



What a week.

X-Factor )

Alex )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|06:27 pm]
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Rose )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|06:32 pm]
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All right someone want to explain to me what's going on?

I've never gone through a rift like that before.
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|08:13 pm]



I think I'll go dancing.
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Right then? [Aug. 2nd, 2008|10:49 pm]
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[Current Location |New York]
[Current Mood |confused]

Is this some sort of trick or something?  Don't just end up in the middle of New York while fightin' a bloody battle? Is this some sort of trick? A way to make us lose?
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I take it we aren't in Kannas anymore.. [Aug. 2nd, 2008|10:54 pm]
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[Current Location |Cardiff]
[Current Mood |confused]

Where the hell am I?

[Visible only to the Torchwood team or anyone from Doctor Who ]

One minute I'm heading towards Torchwood and all of a sudden this tornado like thing comes and picks me up. I thought I blacked out or something, next thing I know I'm on the ground. Thought I was in the same place but started to notice slight differences. What is going on? The Earth didn't move again?
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|11:11 pm]

...Could someone please tell me why my watch is saying it's several days later than it's supposed to be? And also, how did I get to New Mexico?

Ava )
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Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end [Aug. 2nd, 2008|11:34 pm]


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Emily, Solvei, Dean and anyone else close to Faith )
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|11:43 pm]
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You want me, Joker?

Come and find me. You have a lot harder time hurting my love ones than you'll have taking me on.

Let's play.

[[OOC: Remy has sent warnings to his colleagues about his plan, which is basically 'I'll handle this', and has left New Orleans, and is now in NYC. If anyone feels like calling him stupid and crazy, that's totally okay, because he is.]]
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[Aug. 2nd, 2008|11:54 pm]

I wonder how many people from the still submerged parts of Europe are in New York right now?

Cable )
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