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[Feb. 24th, 2013|06:19 pm]

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[Current Mood |awake]

Ed perched on a chair where he can see his surroundings easily. "So. Who else thinks that it's been quiet too long and that things are gonna blow up soon?"

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[May. 6th, 2011|12:52 am]

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Paul showed up at the sign, his left arm cradled to his chest in a sling and hand wrapped in a cast. He adjusts his glasses before speaking up. "Have you ever experienced loss of a limb?" he asked. "I'm finding cooking to be a terrible chore with only one hand."
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[Dec. 7th, 2010|03:13 pm]

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Sandra is sitting on one of the couches scattered around the Sign, for once without her Hiding Cloak, with her legs curled up awkwardly and her arms wrapped around, as close as she can get to hugging her knees to her chest with her odd legs. In a quiet but echoing and other-worldly voice, she asks, "How long after something changes should you stop hiding it and try to accept it?"

She pauses a moment, then clarifies. "Not puberty or your dad re-marrying or something normal like that, but something that shouldn't have ever happened, and in theory should be able to be put right again."
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Shopping for answers [Apr. 7th, 2010|12:55 am]

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The Nexus was a nice place. It wasn't easy to afford some of the prices set, but there were paints available which were like nothing she could find at home. Those special editions of her pottery sold for very steep prices, more than enough to turn a profit off the initial costs.

And while she was here, why not a trip to the sign? No, she wasn't looking for someone, hoping to see someone. It had been so long, she really had no actual hope. Just a chilled fragment of a ghost that faded out in a whisper of expected disappointment as she arrived and looked around.

A question. There were a few she had on her mind, but really, most weren't worth asking. Where did he go? What if it was intentional? What if she'd misread him all along... which wouldn't be the first time she'd misread someone. No, if he did still come around, it wouldn't get back to him that it bothered her.

"I've heard a saying recently. 'The road to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards'," Filia began. "Do you have any annoying bastards in your life that you simply cannot shake for anything? What in the world possesses them to hound your every step, to appear at the worst possible times, to make a nuisance of themselves? And everything about them is the embodiment of pure evil? And what if, despite that, they're counted in the very tiny ranks of people who seem to have been truly honest with you?"
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[Feb. 25th, 2010|10:33 pm]

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Elsa looks uncharacteristically contemplative. Her usual drink is missing from her hand and she's dressed a bit... well, it ain't party clothes she's wearing.

"How does one go about forgetting something?" she asks.
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Have an(other) Elric, Nexus! [Jan. 4th, 2010|08:40 pm]
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There is an Edward Elric in the Nexus, studying The Sign. This one seems different -- maybe not as much as the genderswapped ones some. Is it the fact his coat looks more like a robe? Is it the fact he's merely 'on the short side' rather than 'fullmetal chibi'? Is it that both of his hands appear to be flesh?

Maybe it's the antennae -- not just a stray bit of hair sticking out of his bangs, but two thin, almost insectlike strands poking out from within his hair.

"Where..." he shook his head. "No, I don't want that to be my question. I'm looking for someone. Can anyone help me out here?"
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[Dec. 4th, 2009|02:35 pm]

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Somewhere in the Nexus, there is a door.

It is not a very large door, constructed to the average height and width of the front door of the average suburban house. On the whole is is entirely unremarkable, with only a peep hole and door knob to make it any more than a large, painted plank of wood. Those who frequent the area might notice that it is rather new, however, seeing as it appeared just now.

This is probably where the original author would derail into an epic off-the-wall tale about alternate dimensions or magical realms, but the current writer is both too tired for that shit and wholly uncreative.

The door opens to admit a tallish female figure into the Nexus, wearing a closed, hooded trenchcoat that makes her look like a monk released from an insane asylum and smelling faintly of a great many supernatural things should one be given to noticing those sorts of scents. Raw magic, werewolves, a faint trace of limbo, some sort of rabbit--the brimstone is likely the strongest of those scents, though. Tends to cling around a demon.

Sandra closes the door to her house behind her, not noticing it vanish and only noticing that she's not in her usual surroundings after she misses the marked lack of a step down to the street and stumbles. "What--?" She stares around at her new and somewhat strange company (was that a Transformer?) and blinks several times before forming a coherent reply.

"What the hell did Jack do now?"

Hello, Nexus. Meet Sandra Eastlake.
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