
we put a stopper in death

The World of Severus Snape

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No fanfic or art posts, but you can promote your fanfic and fanart, or post recommendations, every Friday.


August 7th, 2015

Friday Recs!

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Today, I'm sharing art inspired by a fantastic series of drabbles written by [info]lariopefic for the first round of [info]snape_ldws, which focused on the Seven Deadly Sins. You can find the drabbles on AO3. I think Wrath may be my favorite, but I'll probably change my mind repeatedly, as I often do when gifted with so much well-written Snape because I'm already shifting back to Envy. These drabbles have provided me a wonderful burden!

Redemption of Severus Snape by sassynails on DeviantArt

January 14th, 2011

Two recs and four pimps! G to NC17 (Severus/Remus) (edited)

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It's been ages since I remembered to put things together for a Friday post. If you look at the bottom, you'll see I was a busy bee of a writer over the past month, too!

But, enough chatty nonsense and on to the fics and art!! )

And, now a bit of self-promotion… )

Friday pimp

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Oh hey, it's Friday eh? It's been so long since I've had something to pimp that the significance of the day kind of faded out of my head.

I wrote several things for fandom_stocking, a kind of Yuletide-like fest where you can ask for any fandom you like in your "stocking":

Title: A Half-blood Princemas
Characters: Severus; walk-ons for Slughorn and a random student (OC, but he's little more than a surname)
Rating: G
Summary: Takes place during HBP at Slughorn's Christmas party. After a worrying conversation with Draco, Severus contemplates how this is definitely not one of his better Christmases.

Title: (untitled)
Pairing: Severus/Lily
Rating: PG
Summary: Just a friendly game of cards.

Title: To Weave Cold Starlight
Pairing: Severus/Lily
Rating: PG
Summary: Severus wants to make Lily a special gift of something she saw in a book in the library, but doesn't get the chance to until after they're both dead. It turns out to have surprising properties.

Title: A Line So Fine
Pairing: Severus/James
Rating: Hard R, maybe barely NC-17
Summary: According to Sirius, Lily didn't know too much about James continuing to hex Severus during their seventh year. Well, that's not all she didn't know about, and apparently James has a fetish for a certain spell of Severus's creation...

And one other thing not from that fest:

Title: For Enemies
Characters: mostly Severus; long-winded two penn'orth from Lucius; hints of (unrequited) Severus/Lily
Rating: hard R, maybe barely NC-17
Summary: Severus experiments with a spell he came across while revising for his O.W.L.s.

Hope you enjoy!

December 17th, 2010

Friday Fic Recs: Snupin Santa

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I'm crawling out of lurkerdom to post a few Snupin Santa recs...

March 5th, 2010

Sheepish introduction and FIC

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*sidles in*

Greetings from the wind battered Northern Tundra!  I'm Merrymoll, also known as Moll, "Who?" and "Oi, you!".   I started reading the HP books a few years ago after seeing the "Philosopher's Stone" .  Alan Rickman - it's all his fault. XD  Throughout the series, I found myself being more intrigued by Snape, a complex kind of character whose like we don't see enough of in most fiction.  He's sarcastic, cruel, bad tempered, wears funky villain clothes and yet is ultimately on the side of goodness, fluffy puppies, and all things nice.  Although I wouldn't fancy the chances of any fluffy puppies around Snape - good potions ingredients are hard to find.

I've recently decided to widen my horizons, stop lurking and try to participate in interesting things.  And try to get my fic writing groove back.  Oh, look, you cna pimp your own fic on Fridays.  That's handy...

This was going to be my entry to the Severus Big Bang, but Real Life got in the way (bloody thing), and I didn't manage to finish in time.  I've recently managed to get back to it, and it should be completed in the next few weeks.  In the meantime, I'm posting  one chapter per week on my Live Journal until it's done. 

I hereby humbly present my first chapter:

 Title: Stewed Screwed and Tattooed - Chapter One
Author: Merrymoll

Genre: AU Humour, Romance  • Rating: R • Warnings: Smut, Comedy Violence, Glaswegianisms
Pairing: Severus/OFC • Characters: Severus, OFC, Lucius Malfoy
Summary/comments:  Severus Snape was discovered to be a spy by Voldemort shortly after his resurrection, and was saved by a dissolutioned Lucius Malfoy. Now joint No.1 on Voldie's shit list, they're stuck at Hogwarts and bored out of their skulls. During a maudlin drinking session, they decide to try to get rid of their Dark Marks. Snape has confiscated a tattooist's business card form one of his Muggleborn students - and, completely smashed, they decide to get a tattoo to cover up the Marks and apparate to muggle Glasgow, into the parlour where Cat Duncan, the owner of the business card, works.
All poor Cat wants to do is get a mocha and go home, now she's got two drunk wizards on her hands. Fortunately, Cat knows about wizards as the student Snape took the card from is her little brother. Unfortunately, something has begun to block all forms of magical transport, and it's up to Cat to try and get Snape and Malfoy back to Hogwarts as quickly and secretly as possible, without Voldemort finding out...
Disclaimer:  All Wizardy thing belong to J K Rowling.  Cat Duncan belongs to me.  Monty Python quotes belong
to Monty Python.  Contents may settle in transit.  Close cover before striking

"I believe I am having a mid life crisis."

February 26th, 2010

Since it's Friday-

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I don't know if this has already been linked, but, just in case, I'm doing it again! Whysnape had a small birthday fest, and there's some good stuff posted there, including a story by Whitehound and a couple of interesting things by Sionna Raven. Here, I hope, is the link:

It's Friday and I'm pimping my first fic!

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Yes, I am shamelessly self promoting.

Title: Fleeting Beauty
Author: Conzieu
Rating: R
Word Count: 1977
Warnings: Domestic violence
Summary: A significant day in Snape's childhood
A/N: Many thanks to janice_lester, editor extraordinaire, and torina_archelda for her very patient help in helping me with my first post.

January 8th, 2010

More Snupin Santa Recs

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Here's another round of Snupin Santa recs! (There may be some crossover with the rec list I posted on my personal journal, so my apologies if you've seen some of these before.)

Once again, a reminder that you must have an account to comment on the Snupin Santa site, but non-members are welcome to comment on the IJ and LJ entries if they prefer not to sign up.

December 11th, 2009

Friday recs: Snupin Santa

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Just wanted to let everyone know that the Snupin Santa stories are being posted this month, and you can find links to the fics under the Snupin Santa tags on IJ and LJ. There's a wide range of stories, with more yet to come, and I'm sure that anyone who enjoys Snupin can find something to their liking. I haven't had time to read them all yet, but I am able to make a few short recs:

October 9th, 2009

Snape/Percy rec

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I know it's shocking, but I'm reccing something other than a Snupin for a change! ;-) A friend steered me towards this fic, an older one written for the 1996 Percy Ficathon:

Title: The librarian of Strahov (on the author's journal; the story can also be found here on the Percy Ficathon LJ)
Author: [info]sarka (written for jamiebluesq)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Percy/Snape, mention of Percy/Marcus Flint and Ron/Hermione
Word Count: 8,346 words

September 18th, 2009

Snupin art and fic recs

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Today I have an adorable Snupin-and-Teddy family art rec and a wonderful Snupin AU fic rec...

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August 7th, 2009

Snupin fic recs

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[info]lupin_snape is currently having a for the month of August: members have signed up to rec Snupin fics every day this month, (I'll be reccing this Sunday on the 9th). I found some wonderful new fics to read, and re-discovered a few old favorites, so I thought I'd share some of the titles that I enjoyed the most, plus a new rec of my own. Please continue to check out the recs throughout the month if you enjoy this pairing!

July 31st, 2009

Friday fic recs: Snupin

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I have a couple of Snupin fics to rec today, an older story that I had the pleasure to come back to, and a WIP crossover fic that was recently completed...

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June 12th, 2009

3 Friday Fic Recs

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Here are three fic recs for Friday: one dark and two humorous.

Title: One Echo
Author: [info]snegurochka_lee
Characters: Snape/Lupin, Lily, James. Snape/Lily, sort of, but no more than you get from canon.
Rating: R
Words: ~3,400
Warnings: Domestic abuse. (Minor, offstage) character death. Quite far into AU territory, too, I should think. Possibly suspect magical theory.
Summary: Snape saw the moment it registered. Lupin was an idiot, to be sure, except when he wasn't. His gaze swept over Lily, pausing at the pertinent swells of purple on her arms and the way she hunched over in shame. If only both of them had looked into her eyes.

Written for the Dark Side challenge on [info]lupin_snape, this is dark indeed, and will send a chill down your spine. I can't say too much about it without giving away the ending, but I highly recommend it. Actually, I highly recommend anything by this author, who somehow has a way of writing so well that her stories overcome all my usual squicks. (I usually don't care for dark fic and prefer happy fluffy stories, but this story is incredibly compelling and I don't regret reading it at all, although I still shudder a bit when I think about it.)

February 17th, 2009

A Belated Valentine

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An entry for teamsnarc, since that seems the closest to teamangst

Title: All That Remains
Summary: After the war is over, the survivors struggle to move on.
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Remus, (Remus/Tonks)
Rating/Warnings: G, mild angst, AU (post DH, but Snape and Lupin didn't die)
Word Count: 300

With each red envelope, there was a new shower of fluttering hearts. Another knife in the wound.

I signed up for insanejournal about two hours ago, after being repeatedly tempted by the inactive livejournal version of this comm. I'm just sneaking in under the wire to celebrate the party and say hello. So hi! *waves*

February 15th, 2009

FIC: Valentine Biscuits

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Here's my entry for Team Fluff, slightly belated! ^_^
Title: Valentine Biscuits
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: ~875
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.
Summary: Snape wants to make this Valentine's Day a special one for Lupin, even though it falls on the night of the full moon.

Author's note: This is a stand-alone story, and not part of my Always series.

Follow the link to my journal...

February 9th, 2009

A Valentine's Day story

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I don't know if this should be put under "TeamFluff" or "TeamSnark" as it has elements of both. Maybe you can decide for me! (Is there a TeamAngst, at all?)

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and make no profit from this fanfiction.

Best Friends Forever
By Alison Venugoban

He’d carved it into the tree on their first Valentine’s Day at Hogwarts: “SS/LE BFF”.
She’d giggled and blushed and said it was cute. She’d been the one who’d encircled the message with a heart. Then it was his turn to blush and squirm and yes, smile shyly.

It had become their custom to deepen the message every year on Valentine’s Day. Until their fifth year. Her growing coldness had frozen him more than the winter weather could ever do. He’d hurry past “their” tree on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, feeling like a fool for ever putting that message on its trunk.

It was beginning to be overgrown with moss when next he saw it. He stared at it, but after all, it was Valentine’s Day. And he’d just learnt that she was going to marry Potter.

He cast Sectumsempra and slashed the message until it was no longer readable.

The End
Author’s note: If you’re wondering what the message BFF stands for, please read the title!

January 16th, 2009

Friday Fic

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The [info]snapelyholidays reveals are up, and today I am pimping one of my stories, The Whisperer (on my IJ account as Part 1 and Part 2).

I wrote The Whisperer for [info]irena_candy . Her prompt was: Snowy days at Hogwarts, in some winter after the fall of Voldemort. Severus revisits his old dungeon haunts, trying to banish the ghosts of his past, and finds someone unexpected lurking there. Requested / preferred elements included: Mild bondage, sex on a fur rug, sex in the dungeon.

Pairing: Severus Snape/Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit het, mild bondage, angst
Summary: After the fall of Voldemort, Hogwarts has been repaired and is open with a new headmaster who is determined to remove all Slytherin tendencies from the school. Meanwhile, Severus Snape has isolated himself, haunted by his belief that he failed his students. When he learns this latest news, he returns to Hogwarts and has an eye-opening experience.

Friday Fic Rec: The Beginner's Guide to Breeding Peacocks

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Author: Not revealed yet
Title: The Beginner's Guide to Breeding Peacocks
Pairing: Severus/Hermione/Lucius
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Snape has a theory about Karmic balance - and Peacock Poo.

This story is utterly brilliant. It's intelligent, funny, very witty, sensual and the characters are just fabulous. And there are peacocks - in many shapes and forms. A real gem!

Four Fic Recs - a snapelike, a schemingreader, a cruisedirector and emynn

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Three wonderful cross-posted at [info]bottomsnape recs for older stories. This selection is a bit snupin-heavy - I've selected some previously recced stories for a regular rec-post at [info]bottomsnape - future weekly recs will not be so snupin-dominant! And there is of course a theme of bottom!Snape for all but the first story - a new snarry!

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