The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

wolfsbane and potion masters

January 8th, 2010

Thank you, Kopernik!

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Title: My Daughter, the Pornographer
Fandom: Star Trek (with a hint of Harry Potter), hints of both TOS and the relaunch.
Pairings: Spock/Uhura, Snape/Lupin (yes, really), hints of Kirk/McCoy
Rating: PG
Summary: Leonard McCoy learns a shocking secret about his teenaged daughter.
Note: this is a thank you fic for Kopernik, for all her hard work on Snupin Santa. I hope this little look into the future pleases you.

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January 7th, 2010

Snupin Santa archive accounts

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I've switched over the accounts for everyone I found who has an account. Please double-check behind me and make sure I switched your work to the correct account! The 2009 gifts are here. If a gift is attributed to the wrong account, let me know asap.

If your story/art is correctly attributed to your account, then you'll be able to edit it, and you're free to repost it elsewhere as of today.

If you don't have an account but want your story/art under your editorial control, you'll need to create an account at the archive and let me know; otherwise, it'll stay listed under the Snupin Santa account.

If you have older stories/art from 2005-2008 still listed under the Snupin Santa account and you'd like them switched to your account, leave a comment with your account name and a link to the story/art you want switched.

Snupin Santa 2009 Master List!

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Here it is - the master list of gifts posted in the Snupin Santa 2009 Fest! Gifts are listed in the order in which they were posted.

Gifts marked with an asterisk were included in the Recommended section of the Daily Snitch and Snapenews newsletters. Guesses made in the poll are noted beneath the gifts. Thanks to the four brave souls who participated in the poll!

The general stats are at the bottom of the post.

Snupin Santa 2008 Master List )

Snupin Santa 2009 Stats )


Now that the master list is up, I'm going to work on switching the gifts to the creator's account at the Snupin Santa website. I'm not sure how long it will take, but I'll let everyone know when I'm finished. In addition to being able to edit your stories/art at the site, you'll receive comment notifications for new feedback if you've turned on that option for your account, and you'll be able to respond to feedback left in response to the story/art.

If you want your story/art switched to your account, you need to let me know what your account name on the Snupin Santa site is ASAP, especially if it's different from your IJ/LJ ID. If you've participated in PREVIOUS years and want any stories/art from 2005-2008 switched to your account, leave a comment identifying which stories you want switched with a link.

Also, if you have not said thank you for your gift(s) yet, PLEASE DO SO. Someone did their best to create something, and it deserves to be acknowledged in some way, even if it's just "Thank you, I appreciate the effort you made for me".

Thanks again to all participants, pinch hitters, readers, reccers, and commenters! Double thanks to [info]kopernik, [info]real_life_rosy, and [info]lore for helping out this year! Snupin Santa 2009 produced some wonderful stories and art, and I'm proud that it was a successful fest.

See you again for Snupin Santa 2010!

December 30th, 2009

Snupin Santa Guessing Game

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Because when Lore tells me to jump, I ask how high. Let's all cross our fingers I can do this without messing it up. My apologies if I've missed anything or committed any typos.

Copying and pasting last year's instructions, because I can:

Just for fun, I thought we'd have a poll so people could guess who created which story/art. The answers will be hidden, so you can't see what others guessed, and the poll will remain open until the master list is posted.

Simply type the name of the author/artist you think created a particular piece in the text box. Stories and art are listed in alphabetical order, and you can refresh your memory about the gifts by visiting the 2009 category on the Snupin Santa site.

If you wrote/drew a gift and you identify yourself as the author/artist, your vote doesn't count! Ditto if you were a beta-reader.

2009 Snupin Santa Guessing Game )

Snupin Santa seeks pollster and a postscript

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Snupin Santa is sprawled on a chair by the fire
and his elves lay in bed, so very tired.
You can still Stuff the Stockings
And Leaving Recs takes no toll,
But the one thing we're missing
is a fun guessing poll.

That's right funsters, team [info]snupin_santa is pooped. But if anyone with a paid account wants to create a guessing poll on who created what gift in Snupin_Santa, more power to you! I've linked two of the most recent polls above for you to use as an example. Here's the LJ poll creator link, and here's IJ's poll creator link. You need a paid account on one of the two sites to create a poll, and you should be sure to post on both Lupin_Snapes to direct people to wherever you post the poll. We leave prizes in your capable hands as well, but bragging rights is certainly acceptable. I'm guessing McKay will make the final roster of gifts available to whoever runs the poll.

Good luck, on this mission, should you accept it! I'm going to go crawl into bed now. Wake me up when it's 2010.

love, lore
P.S. Snape's birthday is open as is any other posting in which you might be involved (*waggles eyebrows*). Also, please, in case you were thinking it, no thanking me for the exchange here. I'm not Snupin Santa; McKay, Rosy and Kopernik are the Snupiny Dream Team, and there will be posts from them in the next few days. If I don't post again before next year, have a safe, joyous, prosperous and fun New Year, and be sure to glance at the full blue moon on New Year's Eve. I know I'll be howling, will you? ~_^ ♥

Gift Icons, for all Snupin Santa 2009 participants

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Title: Gift Icons, for all Snupin Santa 2009 participants

From: whitestar

These icons are ONLY for the use of Snupin Santa participants, including pinch hitters. Please do not take or use them if you did not participate in Snupin Santa 2009.

This is the final gift of the Snupin Santa 2009 Fest! Thanks to everyone who participated, to everyone who commented on and recced the gifts to give our participants some holiday cheer, and to the Snupin Santa mod elves, who helped make the fest run as smoothly as it did.

The master list will be posted on January 7, so you've still got plenty of time to enjoy the gifts while they're still anonymous! After the 7th, all participants will be free to repost and archive their story/art anywhere they like.

Miscellaneous Graphics, for Snupin Santa 2009 participants

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Title: Miscellaneous Graphics

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Notes: right-click to see a larger version of the wallpaper. Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

Story: Indentured Servant, for serpenscript

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Title: Indentured Servant, for serpenscript

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: The wizarding world has no parole system, and this leaves Severus Snape only two choices: Life in Azkaban, or an Indenture Contract.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings: Dark!Remus, bit of a slave fic, semi non-con, abuse. Bad cockney accents.

A/N: The indenture contract is almost word for word a replica of one from 1773. So no, it’s not full of typos…it’s historical! And for Severus’ outfit during the indenture, think long sleeve scrubs.

My prompt was: “5. Cliché again! Slave!fic, post HBP: The Ministry binds Snape to Remus as a slave, permanently. He must wear a slave collar, belled anklets & restrictive slave bracelets, & brew wolfsbane. Lastly, they add a clause preventing him from coming without his Master's touch/permission. But the brewer's semen is required for wolvesbane! I'd like to see angry, vengeful Remus taking advantage of/humiliating Snape, then slowly falling for him as the truth about DD's death comes out.”

Word count: 5930

Story: A Tutor for Teddy, for rip-von-christ

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Title: A Tutor for Teddy, for rip-von-christ

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Remus hires Teddy a tutor, but it's Remus who ends up learning a thing or two.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Prompt: Post DH AU - Remus lives and is a single father. Teddy is reaching the age where he's ready for a tutor, but Remus is still only marginally employed and is largely surviving on his widower's pension from the Aurors. He advertises for a tutor and finds the perfect candidate - who turns out to be a disguised Severus. Smut a plus! ;)

Notes: Happy Christmas, Omni! I hope this satisfies on all levels! Many thanks also to my betas L, A and the letter D!

Word count: 7307

December 29th, 2009

Story: A Sirius Wish, for sweetmelodykiss

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Title: A Sirius Wish, for sweetmelodykiss

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa, in thanks for pinch hitting

Summary: Beware the help of the gods, for they never make anything easy, as Sirius, Severus, and Remus discover.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Notes: I have completely ignored almost everything from the end of the Order of the Phoenix on when dealing with Severus, Remus and Sirius for the sake of my sanity (and my plotline!) As much as I adore the little tyke, alas, poor Teddy, thou shall not exist. :( But otherwise, yay for the living! Oh and I don't speak or read Italian. Babelfish is to blame for anything I've done wrong! - some angst but not over the top, a dab of frottage and a happy ending. Oh yeah, and some David Bowie. I'm no Conan Doyle and alas, I'm not a David Bowie fan so forgive me the mad use of "China Doll". This started with an image and kind of snowballed from there, as they sometimes do. Thanks to my roommate for the title, as mine was lame. Merry Christmas and a very happy 2010.

HISTORICAL FOOTNOTE TO PROVE I'M NOT MAKING STUFF UP: "On these [the Indian] mountains there live men with the head of a dog, whose clothing is the skin of wild beasts. They speak no language, but bark like dogs, and in this manner make themselves understood by each other. Their teeth are larger than those of dogs, their nails like those of these animals, but longer and rounder. They inhabit the mountains as far as the river Indos. Their complexion is swarthy. They are extremely just, like the rest of the Indians with whom they associate. They understand the Indian language but are unable to converse, only barking or making signs with their hands and fingers by way of reply, like the deaf and dumb. They are called by the Indians Kalystrii, in Greek Kynocephaloi (dog-headed)." - Ctesias, Indica Fragment (summary from Photius, Myriobiblon 72) (trans. Freese) (Greek historian Circa 4th B.C.)

Word count:

Story: To Knit Our Loves in Fantastic Strain, for scribbulus-ink

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Title: To Knit Our Loves in Fabulous Strain, for scribbulus-ink

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: When the unexpected changes their lives, can the three come together, or is the strain too much?

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Warnings: genderbending, mpreg, threesome, angst and het/slash sex.

Other Pairing: Remus/Severus/Regulus

Notes: For McKay, because there isn’t enough Snupinreg in the world. I hope you like it, sugar. A thousand and one thank yous to my wonderful betas, who made sure this wasn't utter tripe and riddled with redundancy and errors. Any errors left are either stylistic choices... or my own stupidity. I'll let you be the judge. Wherever you see a ~*~*~ is a jump between past and present. The title comes from this poem:

Send me some token, that my hope may live,
Or that my easeless thoughts may sleep and rest;
Send me some honey to make sweet my hive,
That in my passions I may hope the best.
I beg no riband wrought with thine own hands,
To knit our loves in the fantastic strain
Of new-touched youth; Nor ring to show the strands
Of our affection, that as that’s round and plain;
So should our loves meet in simplicity;
No, nor the corals which thy wrist enfold,
Laced up together in congruity,
To show our thoughts should rest in the same hold;
No, nor they picture, though most gracious,
And most desired, because best like the best;
Nor witty lines, which are most copious,
Within the writings which though hast addressed.

Send me not this, nor that, to increase my store,
But swear thought think’st ‘I love thee’ and no more.

“The Token” ~ John Donne

Word count: 15529

December 28th, 2009

Story: Love, Confusion, and Fateful Choices, for stasia

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Title: Love, Confusion, and Fateful Choices, for stasia

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Life is full of choices and Severus has to make a lot of them.

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)

Warning: mpreg

Word count: 7345

Graphic: Fluidity Layout, for sweetmelodykiss

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Title: Fluidity Layout, for sweetmelodykiss

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: I mixed two of the prompts given. Artwork is based on her Lupin/Snape drabble titled Fluidity. Background is a modified stockart that will be credited properly after the reveals. This is intended for a 1200x800 screen resolution. I do hope you enjoy this, and if any modifications (either via the background image or the actual html) need to be made to better suit your eyes, feel free to comment and I will make adjustments. Happy Holidays!

Rated: On the Nice List (G)

Notes: A preview journal is here, and the zip file with necessary images is here.

Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

Story: Bungle in the Jungle, for lore

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Title: Bungle in the Jungle, for lore

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: After being stranded in the middle of nowhere, temperamental chef turned TV host Severus Snape develops a new-found appreciation for his capable right-hand man, Remus Lupin. Non-magical AU.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Notes: Happy Snupin Santa, lore! Based on the following prompt: "AU, magical or not up to author. Snape is a travel/food writer sent on a big assignment to a thought-to-be-safe exotic land with capable, knowledgeable, kick-ass assistant Remus. Whether they know each other or not up to whether you choose magic or non-magic AU. Snape's mouth gets him into trouble and it's his Guy Friday, Remus, to the rescue. Smexy action-adventure."

Word count: 36810

Art: What's Written In Blood, for hiddenfantasy

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Title: What's Written in Blood, for hiddenfantasy

Warnings: a little blood

Summary: I have an alternate version (shaded differently) that I ended up not liking as much, but you're welcome to have after reveals are up. I think I spent more time on this piece than any fest so far, and I tried a whole bunch of new things, so I hope you like it, I was really proud of it. May it brighten your holiday season!

Rated: Gingersnaps (PG13)/mildly NWS

Prompt used: ART: Remus and Severus standing in the kitchen of Spinner's End. Remus and Severus have their shirts open/off, exposing their chests. Both have cuts on their index fingers. There are red runes on Severus' chest and Severus is holding Remus' gaze as Severus draws the same runes on Remus' chest, over his heart.

Notes: The two runes I ended up going with were, Ingwaz for family love, and Eihwaz for defense, protection.

Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

December 27th, 2009

Story: Learning New Lessons, for Iheartbowie

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Title: Learning New Lessons, for Iheartbowie

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: You never know who will save you.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Notes: I had lots of help from many wonderful people. Thank you to all of them. Happy Holidays, iheartbowie!! I hope you enjoy this! This is based on a real event which happened in Ancient China – accounts are all slightly different, but here’s the wiki page about it: Legalism.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Word count: 6222

December 26th, 2009

Art: Tussle in the Library, for kittylefish

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Title: Tussle in the Library, for kittylefish

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)/WS

Note: Happy Christmas! I hope you find this to your liking :).

Right-click to see a larger version of the images.

Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

December 24th, 2009

Story: Savage Messiah, for lordhellebore

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Title: Savage Messiah, for lordhellebore

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Guilt, grief and redemption are ideas which Remus Lupin knows. Intimately. When Lupin is needed by the Minister of Magic, Shacklebolt sends one of his men to fetch him, one who no longer cares about such serious matters. However, redemption and love come in many shapes and sizes, and lives which seemed set in stone are once more changing.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Notes: A quote will be credited after the reveal. No stealing intended. Thanks to my wonderful betas G&C. For Lordhellebore who requested a story that included "Remus survives the last battle although he hoped not to. Severus survives also and is cleared of all charges, hoping to finally be able and pursue Remus. Surprisingly, Remus goes religious... Severus is alienated, but takes interest for the sake of having something to talk about and establishing at least a friendship."

Word count: 14454

Art: Party Spirit, for woldy

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Title: Party Spirit, for woldy

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: What did Severus Snape really think of Slughorn's Christmas party?

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)/WS

Note: I'm sure I meant to do some sort of sensible script for this but somewhere along the way it mutated into bad poetry. Hope you enjoy.
Thanks to the mods for being utterly patient with my Adamsian attitude to deadlines.

Right-click to see a larger version of the images.

Please do not take and use Snupin Santa gift art for icons, wallpaper, or any other purpose. It's intended for the recipient alone.

December 23rd, 2009

Story: Untitled, Wrapped in Boxer Shorts, for anglo-don-juan

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Title: Untitled, Wrapped in Boxer Shorts, for anglo-don-juan

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Any castaway risks being caught up in the classic desert island story. Such is the fate of one Severus Snape.

Rated: Holiday Spice (R)

Notes: A Snupin Santa gift for anglo don juan, who wanted a cracky, happy story set on a desert island in wartime. I snuck one of her other prompts in there as well. It turned out to be angstier in places than I expected, but I promise that it all works out in the end. Happy winter holidays, ADJ!

Word count: 13952

Art: Sir Guy Goes to Battle, for skree-ratling

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Title: Sir Guy Goes to Battle, for skree-ratling

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: From skee_ratling's fic, "Once Upon a War", Severus heads off to battle accompanied by Lupin and Eloise.

Rated: On the Nice List (G)/WS

Media: photoshop

Notes: I made up the device for Severus's tabard, hope I didn't mangle any real SCA heraldry.

December 22nd, 2009

Story: The Dibley History Project, for nehalenia

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Title: The Dibley History Project, for nehalenia

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Geraldine Granger-Kennedy is happy, and she wants her parishioners to be happy. So she decides to act as matchmaker for the parish council's newest member and its surliest – Remus Lupin and Stephen Snape

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Notes: Much love to my beta for reassuring me that some people might find this amusing. Many thanks to for this prompt – not only was it fun to write, but it gave me a really good reason to go out and buy The Vicar of Dibley box set. It is AU in that Severus and Remus both survived (and Tonks was madly in love with Charlie). It is set in the year following the final VoD episode, and may mess up their canon dates somewhat, but since they pay no attention to canon I saw no reason why I should have to.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Harry Potter and The Vicar of Dibley universes – all recognisable characters and settings from Harry Potter are the property of J. K. Rowling and her associates. All recognisable characters and settings from The Vicar of Dibley are the property of Richard Curtis and his associates. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work.

Warnings/Kinks: Vicar of Dibley in jokes, annoying villagers, and it's probably not as funny as I was hoping it would be.

Word count: 7846

Story: The Cat's Paw, for ghot

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Title: The Cat's Paw, for ghot

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Remus learns his pet is even more special than he imagined.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Notes: Based on the following prompt: "Snape is an animagus and he survived Nagini's bite transforming into a cat. The problem is that the blood loss and/or leaked memories when he was so wounded complicated the transformation and now Snape's mind is locked away somewhere inside a cat's simpler mind. Cat!Snape starts living at Hogwarts and is taken care of by Teddy and his daddy Remus (who also survived somehow). He slowly starts to recover his mind. Cat!Snape socializing with other animals as well as he did with people, no previous Snupin relationship and no Tonks, please!"

Word count: 12489

December 21st, 2009

Story: Thirteen Years Ago, for marauderswolf

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Title: Thirteen Years Ago, for marauderswolf

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: The story of Remus and Severus before Harry met Professor Lupin. A series of letters creates a simple story of love through the ages.

Rated: Gingerbread & Cocoa (PG)

Notes: Happy Snupin Santa Marauderswolf! I do hope you like it.

Word count: 3380

Story: Another War, Perhaps Two, for irena-candy

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Title: Another War, Perhaps Two, for irena-candy

From: Your Secret Snupin Santa

Summary: Severus and Remus get involved in a Muggle Middle Ages reenactment group -- on different sides.

Rated: Coal and Switches (NC17)

Notes: This was i-candy's second prompt. This web address may help with the stranger bits of speech (there aren't a lot). Many thanks to my speedy betas e & i !!

Word count: 3847
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