March 2015

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March 7th, 2015

[info]slowlydrifting in [info]savingthemuns

Hello all of you beautiful peeps!

This is Joan and I'm capitalizing on my brief break between classes and testing to bring you one Hailey Elizabeth Brennan (age 21, human) whose last name you might be familiar with especially with all those Fiddy texts flying around, I'M WATCHING YOU TWO ;]

Long story short, she grew up most of her in NW as the second child of parents who hated being parents. Not to say they were evil or even horrible people, but child rearing? HA. But despite her circumstances Hailey grew up rather well under the doting attention and over protective brotherly affection of her older sibling Finn. At least until he left the house to join the police academy when she was 12, which basically stripped whatever wool was left over her eyes about how her family really was. So she got a little wild, a lot artistic, and did what any teenage girl wanting more for herself does best; she dreamed big. Basically she didn't need people who didn't need her, plus she was an artist so by default she had a passion to share that could ultimately change the world.

Sounds a bit naive,right? Well after the death of her parents, dropping out of community college, and running away to Cali to live off her passion for art, Hailey got the memo. Six months away from home at the sweet age of 19, Hailey had hit rock bottom until luck brought her to Paris to be a model of all things for about six months before discarding one form of art for the other; photography. But while Europe was wonderful, even at its low moments a la fuck you Pierre, Hailey knew she had to come back to make things right with Finny.

So after 2 years away Hailey has just stepped off her flight home (literally like today) and is in hot pursuit of some digs. Also she'll soon be that new hot bartender you will all love to tip generously at the Pour Judgement so there will obviously be some fun times there. If you have any thoughts about possible back stories or future lines I'd be open to all of it. All in all though I'm just happy to introduce my girl to you.

Write with you soon!
♥ Joan