Feb. 11th, 2015


Meme Time

Yep, here have another meme. This time it's very free flowing. Post your characters below and people will respond with images, quotes, or songs that remind them of your character. It can be ANYTHING. Something the character would like, something that describes them, something that captures their essence.

Bonus points if you explain to the person why you picked what you picked but sometimes we don't know, we just feel it and that's okay too.

This is a pre-cursor little blip of fun to the Valentine's Day plot which will be fun and uplifting (hopefully) to help destroy the growing assumption that all holidays in New Waverly are cursed. This meme is a great way to really start thinking about other people's characters in a more in depth way!

Naturally this meme will be image heavy so people beware in opening it once it gets going if that's not your kind of thing... and HAVE FUN!

(Also I changed all the comm layouts again, they were a mess, they're better now)

Dec. 20th, 2014


The wonderful, magnificent, jolly Jun has suggested, written, and formatted a holiday meme for us all! Thank you, Jun! ♥ And enjoy, all!

the Mistletoe Meme
  1. post a comment with your character's name in the subject
  2. for whatever reason they find themselves under the mistletoe with whichever character that replies to your comment
  3. the mistletoe has superpowers so no one can leave until a kiss (can be forehead, cheek, or hand instead) is done
  4. react accordingly
  • alternatively you can request a drabble of the situation instead of threading it out! just be sure to specify
  • what happens in the ooc comm stays in the ooc comm, nothing here is std(s) canon unless all involved parties agree on it
  • have fun!
  • Tags:

    Dec. 15th, 2014


    December Meme!

    Comment below with your characters, and other people will comment with one of theirs and one of the following AU's. Then you write a drabble, a character synopsis, a letter, or just a sentence—heck, draw a comic and post it-—whatever you like! Just as long as it's in that AU.

    1. Wild West
    2. Steampunk
    3. Supernatural
    4. Pirates
    5. ...in SPACE!
    6. Genderswap
    7. Film Noir
    8. Dystopia
    9. Fantasy
    10. College/High School
    11. Disney

    Also, apologies for being lax in updating the friend list! I JUST added all the latest folks, so I'm posting it here for y'all's convenience. :)


    Nov. 3rd, 2014


    MEME! and side note

    Before we get to the meme, a head's up to those who may not know about this feature! On each of the community pages, there is a sidebar just above the character list which includes links. Among these is a link which says Calendar. We will be updating it with events, plots, and character birthdays, so please use it as a quick reference point! This saves us from having to overload the ooc board. Furthermore, if you ever want to add your own plot ideas to the mod page, make sure to supply dates, even if tentatively, so we can make sure to mark it!

    NOW, onwards!

    Interview Meme

    1. Post each of your characters.
    2. Pick numbers from the list on the Master List Link and post the numbers under other character headers for them to answer!
    3. Answer (either IC or OOC, up to you) and have a lovely time!
    4. Please note: none of these character answers are considered in-game canon/common knowledge unless their writer determines it. Also please be cautious about overusing gifs in order to help those who may be replying from cell phone! For those who are interested, a randomizer can be found here.


    Sep. 25th, 2014


    Our lovely resident Vic had a FANTASTIC idea for a meme, so how's abouts it? Let's go ahead and do this thing! =D

    It's kind of like madlibs, you go to this site, fill in stuff about your character, and then post what you get here for us all to laugh at! All of this is ooc of course, just for fun and to get us talking more.

    Also she let me know if you get a story you don't like or you get duplicates you can refresh for another instead!


    Apr. 15th, 2014


    MEME: Speed dating

    Okay so first official meme time! Memes are going to be pretty much OOC in this community, although there may be some exceptions. This is just a fun little writing exercise to bounce characters off of each other and have players/characters interact in a common setting.

    So we're setting our characters up on dates! Speed dating, to be specific. I've personally never done this, so I'm going to do a lot of inferring, but this video will help for those that may be confused. (Including me.) Basically what you have to do is comment with your character's name (one comment for each character, using their journal)  and then people can reply and start the speed dating. Let's assume the time limit for the dates is around fifteen minutes, although it doesn't really matter that much. Reply until your hearts content, and try to try out unconventional pairings!

    After the dates, you can post the character's "review's of each other. They'll basically be rated on a scale of 1-10.
    The amount of anonymity the characters have with each other is up to you guys. These events won't count in game unless you want them to. Have fun and stuff~.