Jan. 2nd, 2015


just a reminder, if you guys don't tag your posts we won't go hunting for them so they won't get counted for activity or like...existing. So yeah please be vigilant about tagging your characters when they respond to things, it makes everyone's life easier.

if your character is new just type their name in and press save and it'll create the tag for them. If they're NOT new please don't type a character's name in and make a new tag. You might misspell it or they might already have a tag under a nickname. So stop doing that cause I have to go in and delete all the misspellings and redo the tagging for the post.

last edit: also we retired the format tags, that's why they're missing, so you don't need to keep typing those back into existence, just tag your characters and that'll suffice

Dec. 19th, 2014



Dec. 18th, 2014


Time for a less fun post.

really important in here guys )

Dec. 15th, 2014


We're starting a new system, please read and respond acknowledgement in some way!

newnewnew )

Nov. 23rd, 2014


This post is huge so most of it is under a cut. (Also keep in mind that the Schools page has been edited to reflect all current changes and the Application is going to go under construction soon, a post about the application will come later but it shouldn't affect too many of you already in game, you won't have to rewrite anything I promise)

WELCOME TO THE THANKSGIVING PLOT 2014! A lovely scientist working for the 54th Street Gang, part of a mess of scientists trying to do different changes to the Cure that was released and flopped earlier this year, decided he didn't like his job anymore.

This scientist wanted people to have something to be thankful for and maybe that should be POWERS! Plus he really wanted to test this new serum. The secrets and science of this serum will not be disclosed at this time however know that if you drink water, cook with water, get water in your mouth at all or in your eyes/nose/ect.... you have the effects of the serum. This only effects the city of New Waverly.

For 48 hours all people in contact with water will have powers bestowed upon them. These pile onto existing powers if you have them, you'll have MORE powers for the time being. This is happening in game on Thanksgiving (Nov. 27, Thursday) at noon and lasts until Saturday the 29th at noon.

We're posting this early so you can do all your threads and net posts and everything now, since some of us will be away or busy with family the day of the actual event and holiday. Keeping that in mind, please refrain from doing any NET POSTS that exist before Thursday, unless you specify on them what date they're for. All net posts from now until saturday will be counted as having occurred during the 48 hour powered period, which gives us more time to play with as well. There is NO group thread, so arrange your threads solo for this plot, but feel free to plot here with others asking for threads and laughing at the things people were saddled with.

If that's not clear PLEASE ask for more information, don't hesitate, and you can ask that here. All powers below were selected with a randomizer, the process was entirely without bias and completely randomized. But without further adieu and no more gilding the lily, the list of powers bestowed is under the cut (we recommend using CTRL+F to find your people).

here )

Nov. 22nd, 2014


Just wanted to let everyone know that either Sunday night or Monday morning (comment if you have a preference on either or), the Thanksgiving game plot will be going up.

A lovely and talented scientist involved with the 54th gang is going to split from the group and give the entire city something to be thankful for. This will be a funny plot for people to play around in and it will NOT be a group thread.

Due to that we suggest you don't overtax yourself and fill your plate with threads for this weekend, we have a feeling people will want to do more for the holiday event than anything, it'll be short lived in game, lasting 48 hours.

The reason it's earlier than the holiday is because we know you guys are probably traveling and doing things for it so we figured this would be easier/more accessible!

If you will not be here or will be far too busy to participate, please let us know here so we aren't counting in your characters to the mass list that will go up. Yes I'm being secretive, it's a surprise. ;)

Nov. 18th, 2014


Reminders and Updates

As MJ originally stated here, remembering everything can sometimes be tricky, even with a second mod now involved. If you have official game inquiries about anything ranging from hold ideas to plot questions to general notes, please do not try to discuss it with us in aim. We will very likely forget later! We ask that you either contact our personal emails or the mod email [savingthemods@gmail.com], or use the drop box and plot suggestion page. This helps us keep on top of things!

Secondly, we'd like to remind everyone about encouraged and restricted hold ideas. Encouraged ideas are listed on the Holds page. If you have any uncertainties about what may need more characters, please take a look at the Teams & Gangs page, the Wanted page, and always know that we could use more NKN professors and students. A Powers List has been compiled by the two of us. It has plenty of power ideas that are unique and are helpful in providing ideas that don't fall under the Restricted category or have already been taken. We are constantly trying to update it with new powers. If you feel unsure about ideas, we're always really open to discussing concepts within these pre-established groups!

As for Restricted ideas, you can also find these listed on the Holds page. We ask that no more celebrity characters are held, especially because New Waverly is not a New York or Los Angeles-type setting. While a few celebrities are understandable, we have tried to provide plenty of alternative options for people to select because this is first and foremost a teams and gangs game. And as Jun posted on the Wanted page, things like shop owners or Handlers are a really great way to help create a more tightly-knit community for an already large setting of a game. Again, if you have any questions about an idea for a character that needs direction or second opinions, please feel free to ask us!

Thirdly, in light of trying to bring more attention to the 54th Gang, Reapers, and Syndicate 9, we will be removing the Superhuman Coalition as a gang. It will not be written out as though it never existed, however, and you can expect to see reports of the gang falling to ruin sometime next month.

As a last note, MJ is going to be on hiatus from mod activity for a week. If you have any questions or concerns regarding anything in game, feel free to contact me at the mod email or [dottieonthemoon@gmail.com] and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible. Thank you.

Oct. 29th, 2014


Hello, are you ready to get this pyjama party started?

Okay I have some things to say that are GOOD things! Here are some things I'd like to direct your attention to that can all be found on the main directory for the game!

Plot Recap - This is for any new people coming in, a quick reference of plots we've actually written in game. Continuously updated.
Handlers and Tier 400 - Rules, regulations, and guidelines for all things Handler and Tier 400 including lists of who belongs to who.
Power Suggestions - Having trouble thinking of a unique power? Here's a big list of ideas that will continue to grow, you can even comment there with more and they'll be added. If anyone wants to make this page pretty please have at it.
Rules - Some new official rules in there I ask you to just glance over, it's stuff you know already probably.
Plot Suggestions - There is a post for plot suggestions, it's been there forever and I would love for everyone to use it! This can be ANYTHING, char plots, gamewide events, parties, holiday things.

And a final note here, I know a lot of people talk to me really personally in aim and email and things like that but I would like to say officially that if you tell me things plot wise, suggestions or anything like that that involves the game and not just my people personally, I will most likely forget. It's absolutely best to get those things down somewhere I can refer to easily later like the plot suggestion page or the dropbox. This includes questions about characters involvement in the game or requests to do things that I won't be able to answer in the very moment. I'm a forgetful punk and sometimes I'm on the run and I want everyone to get the fullest out of everything so please please just stick your ideas in the posts instead of in a chat, it's so easy to lose them even if I do remember they existed. This stands for applications, too, make sure they're getting the app post cause I look there and if nothing new is there I'll forget there's one outstanding. Legit when I'm in mod-mode I look through the posts and if it's not there it's not in my mind at all!

Now back to fun stuff, Friday is Halloween and I'll be posting a narrative along with a Halloween S&S party group thread. The narrative will change things so you can group thread before the narrative and then do solo response kind of threads after or even if you want transition from before the narrative to after in the group thread in your own private sub threads. Does that make sense? Basically an event will occur that your characters will have to respond to, trust me they'll notice. LOL. And then Saturday I'll post an October newsletter in game about everything that happened and who was to blame and everything your characters will need to know. This will launch a plot that only lasts a couple days, involves a curfew city wide, and is more pesky and hilarious than anything. I hope you'll all enjoy it and you'll learn more on Friday!

apparently rest my hand means do ALL THE THINGS EVER. I can't help when the urge hits.