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Nov. 23rd, 2014


This post is huge so most of it is under a cut. (Also keep in mind that the Schools page has been edited to reflect all current changes and the Application is going to go under construction soon, a post about the application will come later but it shouldn't affect too many of you already in game, you won't have to rewrite anything I promise)

WELCOME TO THE THANKSGIVING PLOT 2014! A lovely scientist working for the 54th Street Gang, part of a mess of scientists trying to do different changes to the Cure that was released and flopped earlier this year, decided he didn't like his job anymore.

This scientist wanted people to have something to be thankful for and maybe that should be POWERS! Plus he really wanted to test this new serum. The secrets and science of this serum will not be disclosed at this time however know that if you drink water, cook with water, get water in your mouth at all or in your eyes/nose/ect.... you have the effects of the serum. This only effects the city of New Waverly.

For 48 hours all people in contact with water will have powers bestowed upon them. These pile onto existing powers if you have them, you'll have MORE powers for the time being. This is happening in game on Thanksgiving (Nov. 27, Thursday) at noon and lasts until Saturday the 29th at noon.

We're posting this early so you can do all your threads and net posts and everything now, since some of us will be away or busy with family the day of the actual event and holiday. Keeping that in mind, please refrain from doing any NET POSTS that exist before Thursday, unless you specify on them what date they're for. All net posts from now until saturday will be counted as having occurred during the 48 hour powered period, which gives us more time to play with as well. There is NO group thread, so arrange your threads solo for this plot, but feel free to plot here with others asking for threads and laughing at the things people were saddled with.

If that's not clear PLEASE ask for more information, don't hesitate, and you can ask that here. All powers below were selected with a randomizer, the process was entirely without bias and completely randomized. But without further adieu and no more gilding the lily, the list of powers bestowed is under the cut (we recommend using CTRL+F to find your people).

here )

Nov. 22nd, 2014


Just wanted to let everyone know that either Sunday night or Monday morning (comment if you have a preference on either or), the Thanksgiving game plot will be going up.

A lovely and talented scientist involved with the 54th gang is going to split from the group and give the entire city something to be thankful for. This will be a funny plot for people to play around in and it will NOT be a group thread.

Due to that we suggest you don't overtax yourself and fill your plate with threads for this weekend, we have a feeling people will want to do more for the holiday event than anything, it'll be short lived in game, lasting 48 hours.

The reason it's earlier than the holiday is because we know you guys are probably traveling and doing things for it so we figured this would be easier/more accessible!

If you will not be here or will be far too busy to participate, please let us know here so we aren't counting in your characters to the mass list that will go up. Yes I'm being secretive, it's a surprise. ;)