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Feb. 3rd, 2015


Announcement: Tristan returns to classes like normal Wednesday morning


Meet Shima Inao! )



UPDATED: Howdy folks! All those interested please click here :) )

Feb. 2nd, 2015


SORRY THAT I DISAPPEARED THE PAST TWO WEEKS. (especially sorry to mary and vic because i should have tagged that thread forever ago and i'm seriously going to tonight) But school has been BRUTAL. (Aka 7:30 in the morning chemistry classes when I can't fall asleep until 2 is pretty rough on my brain.)

ANYWAY. Laurie would love a thread? And I wouldn't say no to threads for Niko also. I'm going to be slow for awhile as I get into the swing of things, but I REALLY want to get my boys out and doing something. <3



In this cut you'll find the state of the city Monday morning for anyone commuting to work or popping their head out their window/door. Lots of images.

it's all about to change )

Feb. 1st, 2015



So my computer has decided to go full out potato it seems. All our attempts have so far proven to be fruitless. We're gonna attempt to format it but we're pretty sure my graphics card has given up. If that's the case I still have my phone and Kindle but I'll be a bit slower until we can afford a new laptop.

I'll keep you guys updated!


Guys. GUYS. A couple things:

If you see a post that someone hasn't added their tag to the post but they've posted and you're about to add your tag. BE A BRO AND ADD THAT PERSON TOO, RIGHT? Like srsly I know when I'm on my phone I can't add tags, it 100% will not even show me the tag list, and I bet other people have issues like that too. So yeah, just... be a bro to your fellow writers. Don't be selfish with tags.

And there is an open party post here for Adalina's party. WONDERLANDS ESPECIALLY should be interested in crashing this party but please, have at it. Ko is offering her child's birthday party up here to all of us and we should make it horrible because everyone has a reason to hate Adalina by now. Everyone.

Okay that's all. More tomorrow when I put up the plot with me post and the next big plot shift and fun ic info to get us all writing more.


Arts Guild Gallery Presents

Hey guys! Thanks to help and suggestion from Siobhan, Violet is displaying her art in a Rockwell gallery from February 1st to February 8th. It's an enormous deal for her, because she usually is so very guarded and private. After her exhibit wraps, she'll be giving her art away to those closest to her - a clue of her current mental state, for those who know her. A lot of her art pieces are varied due to the variety of assignments and styles Siobhan selected for her to practice. Several of them could be considered self-portraits - a cyborg girl's own studies and exploration into who or what she really is and what defines her in a world that isn't hers. There's only one black and white sketch piece - an image of her brother, and it is the focal point of her display. (Please pretend the photographed images below were her studies in realism! They were just too fitting to pass up.)

Violet Artwork - Multiple Large Images! )

Jan. 29th, 2015


Tristan has gone coocoo for cocoapuffs. If anyone has any questions about what happened or what is happening in the future related to what happened with Arkin, now is your chance to ask them.

No question is stupid or will make me think less of you, if you want a play by play or tldr for what happened that's fine too. Seriously ask away, I'm not keeping a lot of secrets here.

Jan. 27th, 2015


So apparently I'm stupid and posted this to my journal on accident and not the comm... OOPS! Take Two!

Oh hi there! My name is Chelsie and I'm new here. I know I've played with a few of you guys before but to everyone else, nice to meet you! It may take me a bit to get used to a new game, so please bare with me but I'm extremely friendly and would love any lines you guys wanna throw at me.

Everybody meet Asher Diederich! He's a complete ladies man and douchebag party boy... Okay, so maybe not. Asher is the husband of Nikolai Diederich and father to Isabelle and Magdalena Diederich as well as their two younger siblings. Asher works in the local hospital as an ER doctor, as well as being a member of The Stars and Stripes. He's a level 300 magnetic field manipulator and he may or may not be secretly allied with Syndicate 9. As far a personality wise, he's a nice enough guy maybe a little bit dry or surly. I don't know. I am absolutely terrible at these things. Go read his app, it's short.

I'm excited to play here, so give me everything you got. You can reach me on AIM- spectralpolkadot or gmail -!

Jan. 23rd, 2015


Yep that's the sitch, folks, I'm officially back. So a few things are gonna happen in the next week. We're going to do a "Plot with me" post to get you guys plotting and talking more, we're gonna do my favorite and most looked forward to meme about Aesthetics and what reminds you of characters, and we're gonna launch a huge plot thing that will encompass the Wonderlands directly and the whole entire game by secondary.

Of course I'm not just bringing with me the winds of change though, I'm also bringing back all my boys (and Alice). So yay happy times that I am home once again, anyone miss me?

I noticed the Draft was a lot more scant this time around and hope everyone is doing okay in their real and writing lives, remember if you're struggling at all or want something done you can always bring it up on the dropbox or the mod email. Don't be afraid to come up with your own big plots, I have a hard time seeing us turning down anything the whole game could enjoy.

Also we're opening up registration to anyone and possibly posing advertisements again soon in light of losing a lot of people to rl commitments which is bittersweet.

Jan. 22nd, 2015


Sorry I've sucked. D: I was studying for my state certification and that's now done and out of the way, so I'll be able to be around and play proper like. GIMMIE STUFF.

Jan. 19th, 2015


HI HELLO HEY EVERYONE. So. Soooo. This is Chelsea with my second (much more annoying) character (who Nikolai actually can't stand, not even joking).

This overly enthusiastic little idiot is Laurie Everett (seriously, don't call him by his full first name, he hates it). Personality-wise, he's reckless, impulsive, obnoxiously friendly, completely unaware of personal space, very handy, and fairly emotionally intuitive, actually. His super awesome (well, not so much) power is bioluminescence. So yeah, he glows. Um, it's fun? He can control which parts of him glow, as well as the color and intensity of that light. His eyes can glow too, which is a neat, if creepy little trick, that ~*~magically~*~ gives him superb night vision. (*handwaves that*) He's also capable of secreting fun glowing liquid, which ends up looking a lot like glow-in-the-dark paint. So he could paint your face and make you glow? Also, pls don't accidentally ingest it unless you want to be violently ill for a few hours.

To sum up his history, he's a run-away, took off with his little sister at the age of 16 and never looked back. They found their way to New Waverly in pretty short order, where they just barely managed to survive. (But, hey, it was better than dealing with their parents, right?) He's 20 going on 21 right now and has worked an awful number of odd jobs in the course of his life, so chances are you've seen him somewhere. Right now, he only has two primary jobs: working with a landscaping company during the day and bartending at night. But he's definitely put the word out that he's open for other odd jobs, if someone could use him. Courier, messenger, janitor, anything, really. Doesn't matter, he'll probably do it.

SO. Friends??? People he's worked with before? Regulars he sees at the bar? People who find him grating? Maybe someone who's manipulated him in the past (seriously, a good sob story will do it)? ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING GUYS, PLS. I love this kiddo and he needs all the lines.


The Draft

Read more... )


Wha! Alright I'm back! For real this time! I apologize, I got three different kinds of unwell one right after the other. I know I owe log tags and that I've got fun waiting for me on the activity check~. These will all be tackled today and tomorrow! I'm storming the castle and planning to get active in this game properly.

This brings me to the reason for this post! I've been failing horribly the past month or so at the one thing I used to always pride myself at being good at in gaming: making me and mine available for everyone's use and need! I've been terrible at keeping up with lines or having mine be around to support or react to what's been going on. So under the cut are quick (HA, quick, right) references to my characters, their current status, affiliations, and all the things they're available for. So for anyone who would love to do something with one of them, I WOULD LOVE to let them support whatever you may need! Basically I'm re-advertising my brood. Bring on the trouble.

trumpets )

Jan. 18th, 2015


Hulloo everyone! I come to you with my fourth kiddo, and my last for a fair while I think.


Jan. 16th, 2015


Hello people, it’s Mary here! Thought I’d drop by with some plot news!

First off, if you saw the entry from Dr. Magnus, the Tech Expo is in fact going to be a thing! Like our Gala, Apple Orchard, and Halloween group threads from before, the Techxpo will be an event that all characters will be free to participate in. It’s your typical convention, focused on featuring new prototypes in computers, engineering, robotics, biotechnology, etc., with Magnus Labs hosting its own stuff, as well as technology from other companies. Best of all, the main floors are completely free to the public (although you’ll hopefully spend money on food and goodies. If you want to attend demonstrations or hear guest speakers on their views of the future of science and superhumans, you have to pay for a special VIP ticket). (I say “you” but I mean “your character(s)” of course, lol).

Feel free to comment below to start plotting and planning what kinds of interactions you’d like to have. The starter will be posted on February 5.

IMPORTANT - while you’re free to bring in unique ideas for technology of your own or stuff that you’ve seen that scientists are actually working on in real life, keep in mind that in this world we still don’t have things like faster-than-light travel or Star Trek-style teleportation. We have cyborgs, but they’re still kept secret from the general public. Think like the Stark Expo in the Marvel universe is basically what we’re going for.

Other )

Apologies to the mods for taking up space on the comm. Be sure to check out the Activity Check, guys!

- Mary (Magnus, Roxana, Julian, Siobhan, Caleigh)



Jan. 12th, 2015


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey guys! I'm back! I won't bore anyone with details of my life, but it feels great to be back and I'm excited to get the chance to write with everyone again.

To everyone who I didn't happen to meet the first time around, I am Charlie and I'm the writer for LJ Shelton here. Leonard is a member of the Stars and Stripes, often acting as a scientific consultant on most days. His other job can be roughly described as "tactical ordinance" because he is the owner/creator of a snazzy nanosuit and highly advanced weaponry. His day job is that of an inventor/philanthropist. He runs the Pharos Group and the Utopian Foundation, of which the former is a private think-tank/patent holding company and the latter is a philanthropic organization focused on disaster relief and human rights. He's kind of a prodigy in multiple fields of science. He's also a self-evolved post-human. Which can all be seen in much more detail in his application.

So, I'd love to catch up and meet with all his S&S team members of course. Science(!) friends or just people who want to do fun experiments with him. Also, maybe some people he ran afoul of during his vigilante days and people for him to meet as a civilian and give him an outlet that isn't a government-sponsored team.

Jan. 10th, 2015


Hey guys! Vic here. Sorry I'm a bit quiet! Like DCJ, I have migraines, and one kicked my ass the other day. Right now I'm resting, but I'll be back to 100% on Monday! That includes doing all the mod updates and preparing for activity checks and that good stuff!

I will say, though, that my computer is being a weirdo about letting me access new comments left on the mod journal posts, or sometimes even letting me know that they're there at all. If anybody has added a new question to the drop box or submitted a hold or an application this past week, or is planning to, please email the mod email ( instead. I'll be much quicker on getting back to people that way. Thank you!


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