Posts Tagged: 'new+character/player'

Nov. 4th, 2018



Please watch your step, there’s (more) new blood on the ground…

Greetings students, staff, and all resident termites!

Ever had that one friend who invites you out at 10PM for ice cream - and three hours later you’re wearing fireman pants, missing a tooth, and chasing a cow down a highway?

...yeah that one.

Meet Fisher Drosselmeyer, the living embodiment of “it seemed like a good idea at the time” especially if the idea involves cunning, creativity, and three pounds of crazy in a two ounce bag. Fisher is an Intermediate level student though this is (sort of) her third year at St. Margaret's; she had to leave school early last year due to getting accidentally cursed health issues. Her witchcraft deals with physical enchantments. In practical terms this puts her somewhere between talisman artisan and supernatural plumber. (Fisher herself votes for the latter.)

Fisher has the tendency to scavenge for craft materials and a very liberal definition of what material is considered “available.” She’ll “borrow” anything she can pry loose, but the items will usually be returned in a day. Or two. A week tops, honest. So if your bed is suddenly missing a leg or your toothbrush has gone inexplicably bald...

Think that it’s possible your wunderkind ran into Fisher before? Here’s some potential common ground:



On a more personal note: ‘ello, I’m Lee! (Your second one, I think?) I’m on EST time but am very email friendly and, being the Worst Employee, will 110% reply when I should be working. Sadly, GChat isn’t much of an option. ☹ If you’re keen on threading via GDocs, though, then hey hey hey: marry me, gorgeous.



[No Subject]

Hi everyone. I'm Jay, and this is my girl Talyssa.

She's another Antonite. Originally she's Roma, from Romania; she's obviously spent time in the castle, and now she's at Saint Margaret's.

Talyssa is an omniglot. That means, she is fluent in every language that is, was, or ever will be. As a result, she doesn't really understand language. Everyone else has run into a situation where they meet someone who doesn't speak their language for the first time and begins to understand that they have a language, and some other people have other languages... well, Talyssa's never had that. For her, there are just words, and some people use some words, and others use different words. She understands it all.

She understands animals, though there are certain physiological differences which mean she's not as adept at speaking their language. Sometimes, her ability is akin to someone speaking English with a heavy accent and a speech impediment... sometimes, she simply can't make the required sounds and ends up inadvertently insulting the creature she's speaking to!

She understands plants and trees, though that's more an emotional thing than a language thing. Trees and plants are alive, but they're not sentient in the way that humans are, or even the way that animals are.

There's more in her bio if you're interested, but that's about the long and the short of her. She's into tarot (can read the cards) but the language thing is her main gift/power.

She needs friends! She also needs enemies/people who don't enjoy her. Particularly people who don't realize the scope of her power and try to talk about her in other languages, thinking she won't understand! Because of what she endured in the castle, she tends to be pretty chatty: sometimes too much so.

I work M-F 8-4 at the moment, but I'm in New Zealand so I'm not sure how that'll line up with other people. I'm not sure how much playing I can do from work. I'm on a computer all day, but it's too soon to tell how much downtime I'm going to get!

Oct. 29th, 2018



Another Intro!

Hi guys, it’s Theo again! Allow me to introduce my second teacher character, Maximilian Price. Mr. Price is a Pride Demon from the commune in NYC. He’s here to fill some shoes that include Head of Pegasus House and professor of Psychology and Literature. He’ll also be overseeing Student Council. Seeing as Pride is such a diverse Sin, you’ll see Max demonstrating all kinds of behaviors that could make him seem like any of the other kinds of demons. He’s the best kind, you see. He takes all the good things about the other demons and leaves out the rest. He’s the smartest and the prettiest. You can sit with him, I guess. Without his glamours he resembles an evil goat from the waist down and horns out, but you’ll rarely see those cloven feet.

He’s heard stirrings of angels in the area and has come to catch a glimpse and to hopefully start his own little commune in Maine. How wrong is it that all those Stephen King novels are set in Maine and yet demons haven’t built a commune there yet? Pshaw.

He’ll be introducing himself on the network shortly.

Don’t look at his journal! It’s still under construction and my icons are in the works. :sheepish: Run the friend button so we can play!

Oct. 19th, 2018



New Character!

Hello! This is Theo and my new chatacter, Tomi. He's from Japan, first time in the states and thrilled to be here. He was turned into a vampire by a fangling on the run and they're both newly arriving to the school (I'd also love it if someone was interested in playing Violet, his teenage sire).

He's a Standard year in Pegasus. His vampire power is bat scattering, where he turns into a swarm of about 12 bars. When he was turned, his throat was torn open and it essentially destroyed his vocal box, so Tomi is mute.

He's nice and interested in everything and wants to get to know people!

PS: mods, I can't access the friend button :(

Sep. 13th, 2018



Not-So-Fresh Blood

Hello hello hello! I am Khush and put your finger on the FRIEND BUTTON again because this is Khentimentiu Meskhenet Omorose, but he goes by Kent Rose.

Kent is an Intermediate year Alchemist in Hydra House and he's already a senior writer for The Oracle and working his way to becoming the next Editor-in-Chief. His branch of magic is the birthplace of modern science, and as such Kent is heavily into the sciences and the mathematics. He's a Type A personality, very driven and focused and will crush you if you get in his way. In a group setting, he will always take charge. He just doesn't trust any of you schmucks with his grade or his future. I hope your characters don't take it too personally.

He's been a student here for a year already, so pretend he's been around. These are some rumors about him that your character may have heard or may hear in the future:

Kent doesn't make friends because he's so busy studying.
Kent will do your homework for pay.
Kent has obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Kent can make drugs on demand and not only sells them to students, but uses them himself to stay so obsessively focused.
Kent has a long-distant girlfriend back in Canada.

Any past interactions? Friends/acquaintances/enemies? Boom, go.

Sep. 12th, 2018



New Character & Player

Hello! I'm Kit and I'm brand new to the game; I used to be really active on IJ about a decade ago and have tried and failed at panfandom more recently. I'm very shy and bad at introductions and keep weird hours (I'm in US EST but generally only online during the daytime) but um, yes, hi~ I have a long history of playing elementalists, various sorts of -paths, and my favorite fox spirits and am here for the second, so:

More importantly this is Inhyeon, or you can call her Hye if that's too much of a mouthful if you think you might say it wrong. She's a kumiho, around two centuries old, which means she's a dumb adolescent. Her profile is here.

She is a standard in Sphinx, and very chatty but also really nervous because she's never been to the US before and this is the most she's had to use English without a break ever. Human shape is also not always her favorite or even really her default so that's also requiring some adjusting!

Sep. 7th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hello Everyone!

Digi here with another new standard.

Meet Alyson Evans. Standard. Vampire. Pegasus. She hails from Oxford, UK.

She is a very sociable girl. She loves being a vampire, feels it is the best thing to ever happen to her. She isn't opposed to siring new vampires either, so long as the person wants it.

She is the popular type and makes friends easily.

Her bio is here -

So yeah, hit me with the plotties, peoples!



New Character Alert! And you'll have his axe!

Kidding. He is a dwarf, but he's terrible with axes.

Cris here, with Obsi! Obsi is a new addition to the school, a dwarf straight from the Himalayas. Why is he at the school? Because he has one dream: he wants to be star, no matter what. Preferably the next Adele or Beyonce. Only problem is that he's - well, a beardy dwarf and his voice is less diva and more Josh Groban. He's basically Rachel Berry compressed into a tiny humanoid. Prepare for drama!

He's in Pegasus, deeply insecure, which he will try to hide by pretending he knows exactly what he's doing. Anyone want to have a run-in with him? Check his app for other plot lines! Just don't call him a footstool, he might just serve you some attitude.

Hit me up!

Aug. 16th, 2018



I'm back!

I am so glad this game is still going.

Hi, I'm Ari! Some of you know me, some don't. I've got a wonky schedule because I live in Seoul (until October, then I'll be in Tokyo).

I am bringing back Felix (this journal) and Peyton (~matchstickgirl).

Felix is an Intermediate in Ladon and Peyton is a Standard in Pegasus. Felix is a merman and Peyton is a werewolf.

I am retconning them completely. So those that knew Peyton in her last incarnation won't have met her this time. But if you had (or wanted) pre-established CR with Felix, I am down for working it out.

I look forward to playing with everyone again! :D

Aug. 15th, 2018



OOC Intro - Xavier the Vampire

Hola. Bri here with my number two guy. This is Xavier the vampire. He’s Advanced year, a new student, in Ladon. He looks young for 17, that’s because he was turned a couple of years ago. He doesn’t like most people at first, so no offense. For the most part, he won’t be a dick to people unless they are to him first, but I’m sure there will be exceptions. He’s smart, but doesn’t show it, puts forth minimal effort in school.

In addition to all the typical vampire fun, Xavier can influence small animals (bats and rats and such) to do his bidding and can even see through their eyes. A more detailed description is in his bio. He plays guitar. He’s a good poker player. He’ll end up involved in plays at school.

His home life / family life was messed up before he was turned, had a neglectful mom, was passed around between family members, spent a large chunk of his childhood on the reservation with his grandmother. He was turned by a vampire who was a fangling herself, soon after found himself in Bert McColl’s care, who helped him through that ‘hungry all the time’ phase before enrolling him at St. M’s. Xav showed up the weekend before classes started with Bert, who probably took the time to briefly visit his former co-workers, no doubt congratulating Cress and Micah. All his history is here. His future could hold such plots as former vampire associates coming around to cause trouble and be a bad influence, and him really struggling with wanting to feed on humans, maybe even a specific one. I’ll also be posting a Wanted soon for his former vampire co-horts. Tap that Friend Button again and give me lines, y’all!

Aug. 14th, 2018



Meet Madison


This is Madison.  She's a 16 year old mermaid from Atlantic City, New Jersey and is new to the school.   She's an intermediate and in Kitsune.   She's behind in school and struggling academically.  She has hydrokinesis powers which are well developed for her age.   

She's an orphan with a difficult past.  Her legal guardian was abusive. She was removed from his home and spent time living with other merfolk. She couldn't adjust to living in the ocean, then she spent time in a foster home and that didn't work out. St. Margaret's feels like her last option.

She acts cheerful and tries to have as much fun as possible to make up for the fun she missed out on in her past and to distract herself from bad memories.  She is friendly and wants people to like her.   She does has trouble with trust, especially around those with telepathic abilities, authority figures, and non-supernatural humans. 

In her past, she was forced to participate in a magic show as an escape artist; she would be chained in a tank of water and escape from it.  The act was done in her human form, not mermaid form.  It was advertised that she was performing the 'same trick that killed her parents.'   (That wasn't what really killed her parents.)  It's been two years since Madison's been in the show, but it did get her some fame.  It's possible that characters may have seen her act on youtube, other sites, or in person if they were in Atlantic city between 2011-2016.   They might recognize her, but she won't want to talk about it.


P.S. Clara is happy and doing well in New York.

Aug. 7th, 2018



Good things come in three

Hey everyone! I hope summer treated you all better than it treated me :)

Anyways, meet Kara Langly, Elias' illegitimate daughter. He was complete unaware that she existed until her aunt died and he got a phone call from a social worker. She has inherited his magical gifts, so now she will be coming to St. Margaret's to learn and get to know her newly discovered father (though she isn't quite stoked about the latter part).

She's in Kitsune, just like all of the other new Standards somehow, and she loves to paint. She does not always choose the best medium for her talents though, as those in charge will discover sooner than later. She can be a bit reckless with her actions, choosing to live a fun life while she has one rather than playing it safe. I could go on all day about her personality, I'm sure, but that's what her profile is for. Basically, she's a typical Kitsune, and she will have fun there.

So who wants to play?

Witching up the place


This is Chrissie and I'm bringing in a character, HIKARI MIDŌ to celebrate the soon-to-arrive school year! If you want to read through her full profile, you can do so HERE! :D Here are the basic facts:
  • She is a STANDARD in KITSUNE!
  • While her name is Hikari, she prefers to go by KARI and will introduce herself as that instead of her actual name.
  • She is a WITCH and her specialization will be in DIVINATION, meaning she can see into the past, present, or future. She will, from time to time, (unwillingly) receive visions of the future. Naturally, I won't have her magically know things about your character if she does any sort of divination and anything she does learn will be with permission!
  • Kari grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii but got herself into some bad shit, so her family moved to Camden, Maine. Her parents have a dentistry in town.
  • She is a talented artist and her sketchbook has some cool artwork as well as fashion designs!
  • Passionate about her likes and dislikes, and can get pretty chatty.
  • Hates sports. Sports are dumb. She's not happy about having to take a sporty class. :[
  • Third generation Japanese American! She speaks the language with good fluency and has visited Japan a number of times over the years.
  • Dreses in a punky/goth style.
That's what I got for now. If you wanna know what bad shit she got into, read through her app. If any characters hang around Camden a lot, they'd have seen her walking around town. She kinda sticks out.


~ Chrissie

May. 12th, 2018



[No Subject]

Hello! This is Bri, making my return here after quite a while away. I’m happy to be back and among familiar characters and players. I’m bringing in a new guy, and am planning on him being my one and only for quite a while. I just want to focus on the one character and really do him justice.

Anyway, my guy here is Mani Clarke. He’s a Standard year, in Ladon, and new to the school. Mani is a night-djinn, also known as a ghoul. He can’t do the smoke an’ fire djinn stuff so well, but can shift into a hyena form in order to sniff out carrion, which he eats. He can also shift into the form of the last (and only so far) human he ate, a young woman.

There is much more to him, please read his Bio HERE . I’d love to have plots for him, the usual, friends, high school drama, etc. Also meeting other djinn, sharing the woods with the weres, either sharing or having conflict over blood with the vamps. Would love for him to have some dynamic with someone not in his house or classes who gets to know him first in his girl form. I’d also be open to and happy to see his missing brother come into the game at some point, lots of plot potential there. I can be contacted here or at his Contact Post HERE. Also, I’m digging the mods adding the rumors into the apps, so if you want, when you intro your characters to me, let me know what Mani might hear about them, the good, the bad, the completely made up.



[No Subject]

Meet Tyler Danko. The other half of the Danko Bros. Yes twins, no not like the elves. He’s the prettier brother though.

He’s a witch from a voodoo family, a bit better off than most but grew up doing tours around their family home so he’s a bit of a performer. He loves to dance, it’s his passion. So of course he’s taking dance class. He’s also in Kitsune and an Intermediate as well. Oh! And he’s on the Oracle so that’ll be fun. Unlike his brother Ty is straight.

Yes, okay, he’s a bit of a prankster and probably doesn’t focus on his magic as much as he should- which is why he’s there. Oh, and you know that trick at Easter? You can ignore the rumors, they got it wrong. It wasn’t a Standard who messed things up, it was two intermediate witches who didn’t plan things all the way and fucked up the spell. Yup these two boys are to blame. Not that they won’t let some random Standard take the blame.

He’s been at St. Margaret’s since the beginning of the semester so any lines are welcome for ideas. He had a few friends in New Orleans (back home) but did spend a lot of time with his brother so this environment is new for him. And he’s most likely going to be lead astray before he finds his way. Hehe. But ya anyone who might be a potential friend, enemy, whateves...

Oh yea. This is Lexi :p

Apr. 22nd, 2018



Small Change

This is a notice that we've added a small change to the character application. This change is only for new characters who have been at the school for some time already. In the history section, we've added that for existing staff or students, it is now required to write 5 rumors related to the character's reputation: 2 good, 2 bad, 1 false. These will be things existing characters will have overheard.

We think this small change will help characters get better footing in the community when they're new to the game, but known in the overall story line.

Since we're sitting on several applications right now, and some of them fit this type of character, we totally encourage you to go back and add these rumors.

That's all!

For The Mods

Feb. 13th, 2018



Hey, y'all.

Yes, it's that time of year. The time of year where Chrissie braces herself the impending departure of Experts by bringing in a new character to ease the pain. This time, the character is EWAN CARLYLE, who is none other than our dear Van Carlyle's half-brother! Whoop. Here are some facts, in case you don't want to dig through his PROFILE:
  • He is an INTERMEDIATE in house PEGASUS
  • Ewan grew up in SCOTLAND, so yes, he has a very strong Scottish accent and will make liberal use of slang (but I'll provide translations upon request).
  • He is almost a year older than Van, but will be an intermediate because his education wasn't all that great growing up.
  • Ewan is friendly and outgoing and charming. He's a KELPIE so you know what that means? It means he's pretty and, boy, does he know it.
  • Yes, he has a lot of Scottish pride and no, he isn't a fan of Bravehart, but he will joke around about it.
  • He gets protective over his family and friends, so he'll be the first one to throw a punch, as you will soon see.
  • Ewan is a smoker and likes drinking. In America, he is too young for both, so problems will arise from that. Whoop.
And that's what I got for you. He's brand spankin' new and his intro thread is reserved becase he's Van's bro and they gotta meet somehow . . . right? But other than that, he'll introduce himself on the network and be his loud, friendly self.

~ Chrissie

P.S. Here's the family resemblance )

Oct. 14th, 2017



[No Subject]

Hey everyone. Lee here with a new character as well.

Meet Cascada. She is a Djinn of the Shaytan variety. This means they are less the grant you wishes sort and more the cause you to lose everything type. Many of them tend to become con artists, and that was what she was taught to be. She is the half sister of a previous student at the school,Bushara , but this is not something she is ready to divulge yet. She was raised with the idea that what is hers is hers and what is not hers is only that way because she allows it. She has a great many internal issues that she will be doing her best not to show those weaknesses.

She was sent here by her guardian in order to keep out of trouble, but she sort of manipulated the events that led to that happening. Her true intention is to locate something that her dear half sister left. This means that she will be especially keen to become friends with anyone she learns had a connection to Bushara.

Aside from all of that she is not that bad a person. Sure she may steal things she likes, manipulate people to do what she wants them to do, and sometimes take a person for everything they're worth, but at least she will try to make sure you have fun while she's screwing you over. She also loves to work on jewelry, enjoys shopping, needs to learn how to actually have fun for herself, and needs to learn to let go of a grudge that was passed down to her.

Plots anyone? Everyone?

A new challenger appears!

Hey all!

Chrissie here! I've had this one holding for quuuuiiiiiiiite some time and finally he's ready to go and now in the game. Woo woo! Meet MIKE KARASIK. You can read more about him on his PROFILE but here's what you gotta knooooow off the bat.
  • He is a STANDARD in SPHINX.
  • He was born and raise in Dallas, Texas, but lacks the "FUCK YEAH, TEXAS!" attitude that is stereotypical of the state.
  • His power is technopathy. He's useful for fixing computers and if pressured properly, a good source of illegal funds. >_>;
  • He is a big ol' nerd. I mean, he really looks like one. Gangly frame, graphic tee's, glasses, etc. He's a dork and he knows it.
  • In person, he's very shy and struggles to talk to people, especially girls. There are so many pretty ones here and he doesn't know what to do!
  • Online he's a bit of a bully and one of those gamers that people hate because he's SO good and rubs their face in it. He talks a lot of shit online too.
  • He is a Jew out of respect for his parents and his Holocaust survivor grandmother. He doesn't attack or oppose people about religion but he doesn't want people to try to convert him either.
  • He's not a bad guy and Mike can be pretty sweet. But he struggles a lot.
That's him! Gimme your plots! Bullies, fellow geeks, pretty girls for him to embarrass himself in front of, and so on!

Yes, I am still computer and internet-less at home, but I'm going to make daily excusions to the library to borrow a laptop and keep up with things. Except on Sundays. (Most) Everything in England is closed on Sundays.

~ Chrissie

Oct. 13th, 2017



It's A Twofer!

Hi, hi, Khush here again, this time with Cheyenne!

She's technically from Hades, but more recently she's been living on Île Campobello, which sits just off the coast of Halifax, Nova Scotia and is lovingly dubbed The Pound for old, defenseless, or otherwise homeless rare supernatural animals. Students of Supernatural Studies and Creature Lore took a fieldtrip out there one year.

Cheyenne is the daughter of Cerberus and was made by the hands of Hades and Hecate for the special calling of becoming Cressida Hallowfen's familiar. She'll bond with Cress and Cress with her and Cheyenne will make Cressida's magic strong again.

She is arriving on Sunday a la Blake Hartley and will start at the Academy as a Standard in Ladon House.

Like her father, she is a three headed Hellhound. Unlike her father, she can turn into a human and doesn't have to guard the gates to the Underworld. She's super eager to get off the island and see what's out there. Her little island didn't have much, but she's not completely naive to the ways of the world. She's totes skinny, but she's super athletic, too. She loves to wear makeup and dress up. Cheyenne tends to be an alpha personality, but she's fiercely loyal to people who make friends with her and can be a meangirl to people she thinks are making fun of her.

In her human form, the only thing unusual about her, besides her reflective eyes like any canine, are her, well, her actual canines. They're sharp and filled with venom that can kill someone in 20 minutes or, if she misses, cause wolfsbane to grow where it drips.

For more fun info on Cheyenne, take a gander HERE. For more info on Hellhounds, check out HERE.