Jun. 26th, 2008


Drabble for prompt phone calls

Title: Midnight caller
Timeline: In the HMC universe
Characters: Melanie, Michael, JR


“Mel? It’s Michael...”

“Michael, what the fuck...is JR OK?”

“Er, well, she’s been a little sick.”

“A little sick?”

“She’s thrown up a few times, and now she’s really cranky and we can’t get her to sleep.”

“What have you been doing to her?”

“Er, we went to the fairground, and you know that spinny thing they have, the one that goes round really fast?...”

Mel stifled a giggle.

“OK, put her on the phone.”

She could hear JR whimpering and began to sing to her. A few minutes later everything was quiet.

“Thanks,” Michael whispered.

“Goodnight Michael!”