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Jun. 26th, 2008


prompt case you are interested...

phone calls.

actual conversations.
angst/love/pure sillyness.
silly calls in the middle of the night when the other one is out of town and they missing each other like whoaaa,sorry:D

Jun. 23rd, 2008


Drabble for prompt airports/flights/flying

Title: The Mile High Club
Timeline: Post-513, but not set in the HMC universe
Characters: Lindsay and Melanie

Half an hour into the flight to Pittsburgh Lindsay stretched her arms back and yawned.

“I’m just going to the bathroom to freshen up.”

“Ok, see you in a minute.”

Lindsay made her way down the aisle and entered the cubicle.

One minute later she heard a tap on the door.

“Yes?” She slid the door open a little to see what the problem was.

“Oh, this is a surprise!”

Mel slid into the cubicle with her.

“I thought it was about time we joined the mile high club,” she grinned as she slid her hand up her wife’s skirt.


drabble - prompt 'flying'

Title: Not Fun Flying
Author: [info]foreverbm
Characters: Michael and Jenny Rebecca

JR screamed from the moment they boarded the plane. Nothing Michael did calmed her. He saw the glares of annoyance from passengers but ignored them as he jiggled his daughter on his knee.
The sympathy he’d first received from the air hostess was now wearing thin. He just wanted the plane to land.
Finally it did and he grabbed their bags, getting off as quickly as possible; her cries continuing.
They walked through the gate and JR’s tears stopped instantly when she saw Ben.
“Uncle Ben!” she yelled in glee.
Michael knew next time Ben would be coming with them.


drabble for the prompt "Flying"

Title: Last Step
Author: [info]foreverbm
Character: Justin

He heard his flight being called and stood, grabbing his dufflebag and walked slowly towards the boarding gate. The airport was full of activity, even at this early hour, yet somehow he felt completely alone.
He pulled the boarding pass from his pocket, and his step faltered, just for a moment, before taking that final step through the gate.
The memories of the last hours passed through his mind, a slight smile touching his lips. He wondered if that last kiss he had gently dropped on his lips as he climbed from the bed, had been felt. He hoped so.

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Drabble for prompt airports/flights/flying

Title: Kids do the funniest things
Timeline: Set in my 'Hold me close' universe
Characters: Debbie, Gus, JR
A/N: Inspired by [info]gmta_nz

After Lindsay dropped them off at the airport, Debbie decided to get the children something to eat.

“Whaddya want kids? Burgers, tacos, ice-cream?”

“Ice-cream, ice-cream,” both Gus and JR screamed at once.

“Yeah, I figured you’d say that! Ice-cream it is then. And soda?”



Two hours later Debbie wasn’t so sure the ice-cream and soda were a great idea.

“Ganma Deb, I feel sick.”

“Uh-oh. Here you go sweetie, here’s a bag.”

“I think JR don’t feel well.”

She leaned over, and just as she did a stream of vomit exited JR’s mouth.

Debbie reached frantically for the towels.

Jun. 20th, 2008


drabble for prompt "flying"

Title: Missing You
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Post season 5
Characters: Ben, Michael, Jenny Rebecca

Ben couldn’t help but laugh at Michael who was almost bouncing up and down in his seat as the lights from Toronto airport came into view.
“Sorry!” Michael said.
Ben leaned in kissing him.
“It’s ok”
“It’s been so long since we’ve seen her”
“All of three months.” Ben laughed
“Three months is a long time to a five year old. I miss her.”
“I know you do baby.”
The plane landed and they grabbed their bags quickly.
“Daddyyyyyyyyyyyy.” JR yelled when she saw them.
Michael scooped her into his arms.
“I’ve missed you Daddy.”
”I’ve missed you too sweetheart.”


drabble for the prompt "Flight"

Title: Coming Home
Author: [info]foreverbm
Character: Hunter

He’d always wanted to fly, but not like this. He just wanted to get home. He needed to know, to see for himself, that Ben and Michael were ok. He should never have left he knew that. He loved them and they loved him. They showed that in so many ways and he’d been too stupid to see it. They were a family; nothing he could do would ever change that.
The pilot’s announcement to buckle their seat belts startled him and he looked out the window at the airport lights below and knew it would always be his home.

Jun. 19th, 2008



the RAIN  has to stop.*sobs for rain,i love rain*

*hearts all of You who have been writing gorgeous drabbles/ficlets*

*hearts Claudia b/c of TEH drabble in which artist!Giastin is overpowered by the beauty which is Venice and then overpowered by Brian*

so my new dream:


for example you can try and explain to me wtf was Brian thinking with that hideous `fuck off` 
or Hunter thoughts while flying to Disneyland (or was it flying back??)
or Michael and Ben flying to Toronto to see the girls and JR
or Justin flying home from New York
or Drew and Emmett flying for some kick ass Sport Person of the Year Award ceremony
or Debbie and Carl`s first holiday(imagine them on a plane !!!hilarious,especially Debbie) catch my drift:D
oh just one more:D Giastin flying to Italyto Venice :DD

Jun. 20th, 2008


QAF-US Drabble: "Water on Water" (Brian/Justin)

100-words drabble, for the 'rain' prompt (thank you, Kata, you're inspiring!)

Part of my Venetian series

Water on Water

Jun. 19th, 2008


Drabble for the prompt 'Rain'

Title: Standing In The Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Character: Justin
Warning: Angst
A/N: My first time at attempting something from Justin's POV, be kind :)

Justin stood in front of Kinnetik. The name hadn’t been changed yet, the new owners ripping the inside apart first.
Every morning when he woke he told himself he wouldn’t come here, but his feet seemed to have a mind of their own. While the name remained so did part of Brian.
The sound of a large truck interrupted his thoughts and he watched through the rain as the sign was removed, replaced by a name which meant nothing to him. He dug his hands into his pockets and walked away, knowing he would never return to this spot again.

Jun. 17th, 2008


Drabble - Rain

Title: Finding The Right Spot
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Ben and Michael
A/N: Some porn for a change :)

The rain lashed against the window as Ben worked his way down Michael’s body, his mouth concentrating on spots he knew drove Michael wild, taking particular interest in his nipples, sucking at them until they were rock hard. He continued his journey, feeling a shudder travel through Michael’s body as his tongue licked its way up his cock, before taking it into his mouth, his fingers gently circling his balls. Michael clawed at the sheets as Ben devoured his cock, sucking on it until Michael couldn’t hold on any longer screaming out his orgasm as lightening lit up the room.


QAF-US Drabble: "Once More, With Feeling" (Brian/Justin)

One more 100-word drabble from me!

Unrelated to the challenge.

Once More, With Feeling


Meta on Justin

A little meta on Justin Taylor, in my IJ.

Jun. 15th, 2008


Drabble for the prompt 'Rain'

Title: Playing In The Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Ben/Michael/Jenny Rebecca
A/N: Set when JR's about 3. I'm not that good at writing children, be aware of that please :)
Behind a cut because it's 200 words.

Playing In The Rain )



For Fathers' Day, and incorporating the rain prompt:

The rain fell in Pittsburgh on Fathers' day, but some Fathers didn’t mind. Being with their children was precious whatever the weather.

Brian was running around  the loft, desperately trying to stop Gus from destroying yet another expensive item of furniture, whilst Justin sat watching them with a wry grin on his face.

Michael was cradling JR, she was teething and hard to pacify but he loved every single minute of it.

Ben and Hunter were out in the rain, sharing a special time together.

The Fathers' all shared one thought, that they would do anything to protect their children.


Drabble for prompt 'Rain'

Title: Rain and Sunshine
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Brian and Justin
A/N: I know, I don't know when to stop. Last for today I think I need to do some housework :)

Brian looked out the window at the driving rain. It’d been relentless for the last two days and even the thought of the thumpa thumpa of Babylon couldn’t inspire him to leave the loft. He wandered around aimlessly, bored beyond belief. Justin was sitting at the table, deep in thought, surrounded by drawings for the next issue of Rage, his hand flying furiously over the pages.
He looked up as Brian stopped in front of him, a wide smile crossing his face, reminding Brian, that no matter what the day was like; he would always have sunshine in his life.


Drabble for prompt "Rain"

Title: Rain And Tears
Author: [info]foreverbm
Warning: Angst

Rain And Tears )


Drabble for the prompt Rain

Title: Dancing in the Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Ben and Michael

“This is shit” Hunter moaned “Can’t we watch X-Men!”
“Hey, it’s a classic movie” Michael snapped, snuggling up closer to Ben on the couch.
“Come on dudes, who the fuck sings or dances in the rain!”
Ben grinned at Michael, before grabbing his hand, pulling him from the couch.
“Where we going?” He laughed as Ben dragged him outside into the dark night.
“Haven’t you noticed it’s raining?” Ben pulled Michael into his arms, swinging him around.
“Christ you two are freaks!” Hunter yelled from the doorway.
Ben and Michael ignored him as they danced in the lightly falling rain.



Theme: Black Shirts
Artist [info]foreverbm
Quanity: 24
Mixed Batch


At My Graphics Journal


QAF-Drabble: "Rain in Pittsburgh" (Brian/Justin)

Genre: 100-word drabble
Warning: Angst

Rain in Pittsburgh )

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