Apr. 7th, 2008


Round Three: The Stats!

Okay, here are the stats. Any mistakes made here were made by me; don't blame this month's mod: [info]salixbabylon.

Speaking of whom...let's all give her a big round of applause; she presided over the largest and most complicated porn battle yet. *applauds*

On with the stats, then! There were 218 entries created by 70 authors and artists in 91 fandoms and 8 crossovers. I excluded the 12 anonymous writers/artists from the count of the writers because I don't know if some of those were the same people, so please don't feel left out if you posted anonymously, we love you too! :)

The top five writers were:

[info]shiegra -- 23
[info]icedark_elf -- 15
[info]ciceqi -- 14
[info]inarticulate -- 10
[info]mitsuhachi -- 6 (tie)
[info]puella_nerdii -- 6 (tie)

The top fandoms. Bear in mind that I separated the various versions of Final Fantasy and left out the crossovers.

Final Fantasy VII -- 29
Baccano! -- 11
Naruto -- 9
Bleach -- 8
Supernatural -- 7

The raw numbers. )

Finally, let's compare some numbers here.

Round One: 529 prompts. 41 entries. 18 writers. 19 fandoms.
Round Two: 1024 prompts. 136 entries. 47 participants. 54 fandoms
Round Three: 2148 prompts. 218 entries. 70+ partcipants. 99 fandoms (including crossovers)

Also if you're interested in possible changes in the way the battle works, keep watching the comm. Otherwise...thank you so much for making this awesome and we'll see you in six weeks!


Round Three - Master List

We have 218 stories and arts!!!

Master List and links )
Thanks so much to all you writers and artists out there - you all did a fantastic job of porn battling!!!

Stats coming soonish...

Apr. 6th, 2008


Round #3 = the battle ends!

The battle will be over midnight tonight, in about 2.5 hours! We've had almost 200 fics/arts submitted this time - great job, everyone!

I'll calling the battle over at midnight but I won't collect those last entries until tomorrow morning, so there will be an 8 hour grace period when you can sneak in any last fics and art, for you night owls. The Master List will be posted as soon as I can get it together Monday morning, and stats will follow later.

To recap:

Battle over = 12:00/midnight PST (tonight)
No more fics accepted, for really for reals, = 8:00am PST (tomorrow)

Thanks for battling with us!

Apr. 3rd, 2008


Prompt List: Round Three! (Part 2 = N-Z and crossovers)


Round 3 of the Porn Battle is officially over!!! No more submissions will be accepted. (9:00am PST, 4/7/08)

Wow - the list of prompts was too long for one post! Prompt list, Part 1 = # and A-M

You must put the prompt in the subject header of your comment. If the prompt is too long, name the fandom and pairing and as much of the rest as you can. (This is so that at the end of the round, we can make a link back to your fic on the final Master List.)

If I somehow missed your prompts, please go back to the prompt list and leave a comment letting me know so I can add them back in.

We close down Monday, 4/7, probably sometime in the morning.

Part 2 = N-Z and crossovers )


Prompt List: Round Three! (Part 1 = # and A-M)


Round 3 of the Porn Battle is officially over!!! No more submissions will be accepted. (9:00am PST, 4/7/08)

Holy frijoles - we have 2148 prompts this time, people! WOW!!! Thank you so sharing so much creative energy!

ETA:The list is so big, it's spread acropss two posts, with # and A-M here and N-Z and crossovers here.

And so on with the PORN...

You must put the prompt in the subject header of your comment. If the prompt is too long, name the fandom and pairing and as much of the rest as you can. (This is so that at the end of the round, we can make a link back to your fic on the final Master List.)

If I somehow missed your prompts, please go back to the prompt list and leave a comment letting me know so I can add them back in.

We close down Monday, 4/7, probably sometime in the morning.

Ready, get set, PORN!


Mar. 31st, 2008


Round Three: The Prompts!

With credit to the other two awesome mods for writing all this stuff first...

As of now (11:06pm PST, 4/9/08), the prompts are closed! The final list will be posted tomrorow morning(ish).

We have over 2000 prompts - w00t!

Here we go! It's time to offer up prompts for round three of [info]porn_battle!

1) Prompts may be slash (both m/m and f/f), or het or threesomes or moresomes.

2) Fandoms may be any fandom you can think of; both FPF and RPF are allowed.

3) Please follow the format of the examples listed below; it will make it much easier for us to post the final list. You may offer as many prompts as you like; the idea is to give people a lot to choose from.

Fandom (spelled out -- no abbreviations, please), Pairing/Moresome, prompt word(s), prompt lyrics (totally optional)

If your prompt is for a crossover, please start with "Crossover, Fandom/Fandom/(however many fandoms you want to see crossed over)," and then add pairing/prompt word/lyrics as desired.

For RPF, let's try this: tell us whether your pairing is actor, music, sports, or other. If you don't give us a category, we will automatically put it in the "other" category. Please do NOT give us a more specific category (CW, lotrips, etc) or you will just confuse us.

RPF (actor), Viggo/Dom, fatigue
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla, outsider, I am just a poor boy/though my story's seldom told
Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Keller, readiness
Crossover, Stargate: Atlantis/Stargate: SG-1, Elizabeth/Sam, fruity umbrella drinks
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural, Buffy/Sam/Dean, competition, Anything you can do/I can do better/I can do anything/better than you
RPF (actor), Jude Law/Ewan McGregor, domesticity isn't pretty
RPF (sports), Evan Lysacek/Johnny Weir, sit-spin

4) Fanart is most definitely welcome in the porn battles! Go wild! (But please, if your art is NSFW, link us to it instead of posting it in comments)

5) Please leave your prompts as top-level comments! In other words, don't put them in a comment to a comment. Otherwise we have to go in and unfold all the comments and things can (and likely will) be missed.

If you have any questions, please ask!

Otherwise, let's get this party started! You have until late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning to leave prompts. The prompts will be posted Thursday morning for your consideration and inspiration.

And yes, you may start writing porn based on prompts as you see them go up (more than one person can write to a prompt) but you can't post until the list goes up on Thursday.

Have fun!