February 2013



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Feb. 8th, 2013


Characters: Martha Jones
Rating: R for torture
Trigger Warnings: Mention of torture and death
Location: Martha's apartment above the hospital
Day and Time: July 25th, morning
Status: Closed and Finished

Martha had made her way back to her apartment above the hospital once she woke up. Mal had told them to stay at the complex, but she felt safer back at her hospital. She wasn't sure why. She hadn't slept much that night however, as a sense of foreboding kept her up.

Morning brought sun and a new day. No messages on the phone. Quiet. Martha yawned, stretched, and made her way to the bathroom. As she passed through the door however, she found herself not in the restroom as she had expected, but instead tied up to a chair. Someone knocked a four beat pattern somewhere behind her. Martha looked down at her arms for the familiar scars, but they were gone. Her stomach knotted as the knocker came around front.

The Master stood before her, just has he had the last time. She remembered all the questions. The slaps. The cuts. But this time, she kept silent. She knew what was at the other end of this torture session and she was tired of it. She'd go through those memories again. Losing Eddie again. And Jack. And Phanan. Everyone she had come to care about would be gone. No, Martha was not going to go through that again. So she stayed silent.

And this time, the Master stayed and watched her bleed out.

Back in the apartment above the hospital that had once been Martha's, her corpse lay on the floor of the bathroom. There were no marks. Nothing to suggest how she had died. She just lay there, never to get up again.

Feb. 4th, 2013


Characters: Evangeline Nix, Tavros Nitram, and open to a medical professional.
Rating: R (for scary stuff and likely gore)
Trigger Warnings: Scenes of vampire violence, death, trauma, gore
Location: The apartments, and then nightmares
Day and Time: July 25th, around 3 in the afternoon
Status: Open!

Eva had dropped a glass in the kitchen of hers and Devon's flat. Her hands were so treacherous lately, the fingers cold and occasionally barely-useful. The glass shattered and shards scattered across the cheap linoleum. Blinking back tears of frustration, she called back into the apartment, telling Devon to stay out of the kitchen, less she cut her feet.

Of course, there wasn't a broom about the place, but she recalled seeing a maintenance closet in an emergency access hall off the lobby that probably contained such an instrument.

"I'm going to find a broom. I'm not leaving the building." She called to Devon, and slipped out of the apartment in search of that closet.


Waking from one nightmare into the next...

Characters: Basil Hallward and (open). Multiple threads welcome
Rating: PG-13 and no higher
Trigger Warnings:
Location: The apartments
Day and Time: July 24th, 11am
Status: Open

The first thing Basil Hallward noticed was the discomfort. He was much too old to be sleeping on the floor, and there was a deep ache in his shoulders and lower back.

But what was he doing sleeping on the floor? And this wasn't the ceiling in his and Gray's flat (their ceiling had a very fine crack roughly in the shape of the British Isles on it), so where was he. He might have sat up quickly, but he was too sore for such things, so he sat up slowly and with much groaning.

He recognized some of the other people laying here with him, and was both relieved and terrified to see Gray curled at his side. A moment's panicked examination revealed that his lover was breathing and seemed at peace. He kissed the young man's forehead and got up unsteadily. Every bit of him ached, as if he had been very still for a long time, and slowly made his way through the cluster of sleeping bodies, going in search of some more lively person to explain why he had been moved.

Feb. 2nd, 2013


Phase 2

July 25
You walk through a door and suddenly you're not in the valley anymore. In fact, now you're experiencing one of your worst memories. Other people can come with you. In fact, if someone else enters a door you just went through, they will now be there with you. It doesn't sound so bad. It's a memory after all. The catch is that you can very definitely get hurt. The only way out is by concentrating on the valley and opening a door. And that's not very easy when you're caught inside your head.

Please refer to the OOC post regarding logistics and for plotting purposes.

Feb. 1st, 2013


Waking Up

July 24
Perhaps you're sitting in the room keeping watch and you see movement. Or maybe you just woke from a coma and don't know where you are. Either way the comatose patients are waking up!

Please refer to the OOC Post for information and plotting purposes.

Jan. 31st, 2013


Shit storms

Characters: Open to all, multiple threads OK
Rating: PG 13
Trigger Warnings: Swearing and Possible Violence
Location: Awenasa apartments
Day and Time: July 18th, 20 minutes after Malsum disappears.

Mal had missed the whole Malsum event. He'd been out getting food for everyone, and perhaps checking out the area to find a more defendable position. Thus he had no idea when he entered the lobby laden with food that Malsum had just been there twenty minutes earlier and created havoc. At the exact moment of his entry, he didn't notice anything amiss, mainly because one of his paper bags split and fruit rolled everywhere.

"Zǔzhòu nǐ fú hé nǐ de biéjiǎo dài (Curse you Buddha and your crappy bags)!" he cursed as he placed the other ones on the floor and began picking up apples.

Jan. 29th, 2013


Characters: Davesprite, open
Rating: PG
Trigger Warnings: mild swearing (will update if necessary)
Location: Apartment building, room 102
Day and Time: July 17th, 5 pm
Status: Open to all

(you can start a new thread or join an existing one, whichever you feel like)

Floating a few feet off the ground and leaning against the wall, Dave could see most of the people laid out in various spots in the apartment. His tail twitched with vague annoyance, his gaze wandering over the blank, sleeping faces of John, Aradia, and all the others.

It was more than the stupid old cliché of people looking like they were just sleeping or whatever. All these guys really looked...well, comatose. Dead to the world, and cut off from everything around them. It was more than a little unnerving.

Dave sighed, wishing for the umpteenth time that there was something more he could do to keep himself from feeling so useless.

Jan. 25th, 2013


Enter Chaos

Characters: Malsum and Ike, all others
Rating: R
Trigger Warnings: Evil... torture?
Location: Apartment lobby
Day and Time: July 18th, night
Status: Open to all

A sound akin to nails screeching on a chalkboard resounded through the first floor of the Awesana apartments. Malsum strode in through the door, dragging a bloodied and beat up Ike behind him in one hand and dragging his claw-like nails across the wall in the other. Scratches appeared where his hands trailed. Once he was in the lobby, the creature stopped.

"You see Ike? They're all living here. In this apartment. On this floor. Scared like little puppies. And you can't do anything to protect them," Malsum sneered.

"Oh children!" he called out. He was bored. The people had done pretty much nothing for a while. It was time to make them worried.

Jan. 7th, 2013


Characters: Eva Nix and Devon Harkness-Hart
Rating: PG-13, no higher
Trigger Warnings: none presently
Location: The village, then the apartment lobby
Day and Time: July 17th, 10:30 AM
Status: currently closed; PM to join

For such a skinny fellow, The Doctor was terribly heavy, especially dead weight. And she found herself apologizing every time his shoes dragged over a particularly bumpy rock as she dragged him along, his arm slung over her back and her arm around his waist. He had been utterly comatose when they found him, and it seemed no amount of discomfort was inclined to wake him. Now and again he snored slightly when his head flopped.

Of course, it might have been easier with two people, but Devon had her hands full with her friend Dare. It made more sense to struggle along like this, rather than make multiple trips and therefore more predictable targets for themselves.

But goodness, it was a long trip back to the apartments. Eva was relieved when she staggered into the lobby, Devon on her heels.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Characters: Ramie Wadmal, Davesprite
Rating: PG-13
Trigger Warnings: probably some cursing, lots of crying
Location: Their apartment on the first floor
Day and Time: July 17th, late at night
Status: Closed

Ramie was used to being busy. She was used to doing things. Working hard and getting things done.

But this. This watching over and waiting for someone to wake up who might never wake up, this waiting and not being able to think for worrying? This wasn't something she was at all used to, and didn't know how to handle.

She couldn't sleep, and she was picking at her food. It had been a little over a day, but already she was feeling the strain. She couldn't help thinking of when she was sick and how her momma would take care of them so well, couldn't help thinking of how comforting it was to know that she was there and taking care of things, stitching everything up at the end of the day so that you didn't have to worry about anything at all, even if you were sick and even if you still had to work next day anyway.

She left Fend's bedside and padded out into the dark living room, curling up on the side of the couch and putting her head down on her knees to cry.

By the Lady she missed her momma.

Dec. 30th, 2012


Characters: Tavros & Aradia
Rating: PG-13 ish
Trigger Warnings: Talk of torture and death
Location: Tavros' house
Day and Time: July 16th, around 4 AM, after this conversation.
Status: Closed

Tavros was upset. Aradia had said she was coming, so that was a good thing, that was what she was supposed to do in situations like this. The thing was, it wasn't an upset that he could remember feeling in a long while. Of course he was scared, of course he was sad, those were both a given. But the main thing, the main upset-feeling was...well...disappointment, he was pretty sure.He'd thought that this place was different. He'd thought it was a place where large, powerful beings weren't going to kill you on a whim, just because they could. Not like home. He'd thought everyone was relatively equal, relatively safe. He'd thought it was a place he could be happy, maybe even useful. But things had changed, and innocent people were dead. And he was weak and useless again. Weak and useless and...disappointed.

He sighed and went about closing the curtains and wandering quietly around the house until Aradia showed up. It was time to hide again. And he was so tired of hiding.

Dec. 17th, 2012


War Council

Characters: Malcolm Reynolds and Everyone
Rating: R for swearing I assume
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of torture and death
Location: Apartments first floor
Day and Time: July 17th, 9 AM
Status: Open, multiple threads until everyone shows up. I'll change it when it's necessary.

Mal stood in the first floor lobby staring at everything. He'd looked through his phone list, wrote down all the names still there, and now he had an attendance list. He wasn't fully sure how things were going to go though. Whether this new man would really be the death of all them, Mal wasn't sure. But he had to keep people from panicking. Keep them alive until a way out was discovered. So he stood and waited for someone, anyone to show up.

Dec. 16th, 2012


Characters: Gray and Basil.
Rating: pg-13
Trigger Warnings: none at the moment
Location: their apartment.
Day and Time: July 16th, 11 AM perhaps going into the 17th where the slip in coma
Status: pm to join

Gray sat starting at his phone. He was still in a state of disbelief. Not only was his brother gone...but he was worse then a captive now. He was a possible sacrifice.

The man sighed and slipped his phone back into his pocket. "Basil?"


So fast asleep they were, they were not able to wake up for a hundred years

July 17th
Upon waking this morning, friends will find most of the town asleep. In a coma. Quiet. Unnatural and definitely creepy. Will they ever wake up?

Dec. 11th, 2012



Characters: Martha Jones and open
Rating: R
Trigger Warnings: Everything in her life that's happened so far? Torture and death discussions most definitely
Location: Hospital... main room
Day and Time: July 16th, 9 AM.
Status: Open

The phone message... that had been bad... awful even. Jack... Jack gone. Completely and totally gone. Jack murdered. She didn't care... not one bit that she had told Phanan they had to keep things professional. She walked on over, bold as brass, and entered his room. Except he wasn't there. Nor was the Ewok.

"Phanan...? Phanan?" He wasn't there... and yet she couldn't bring herself to leave the room. Not now... Martha curled up to his pillow and finding small... small comforts in it.

Hours later, Martha stumbled through the hospital. He wasn't there. Not in the office... and not in the hospital. What else. Where else could he be?

Martha pulled out the phone. And Ton Phanan's name was... gone. Malsum was fucking with them. That was all she could figure. If Phanan's name were gone, then he had his next sacrifice.

They were gone... all of them... Ianto... his name was gone too. And Saetan... But Phanan...

Martha pulled out her phone:

There are other's missing. Not just the ones who died, but Saetan, Ianto, and Phanan. According to my records we have... She looked at the phone... 17 people left. I... I'm sorry... sorry for everyone's... everyone's loss... She turned off the phone to cry by herself.

Dec. 10th, 2012


Characters: Fend, Ramie, Davesprite
Rating: R just to be safe
Trigger Warnings: talk of torture and Very Bad Things
Location: Fend and Ramie's cabin
Day and Time: July 16, 3:00 AM thereabout
Status: Closed, PM to join

In Panem, unexpected video transmissions in the middle of the night never meant anything good was going to happen. Never. Someone had angered the Capitol in some way and something awful was going to come of it. And so, as soon as the phones made a sound, Fend was waking up.

The static went through his head like a shock of electricity and the breath caught in his throat.

"...Ramie? W...w-wake up...something's happening..."


Characters: Vriska Serket, John Egbert
Rating: PG-13?
Trigger Warnings: Probably discussion of recent disturbing events (torture, murder)
Location: John's house
Day and Time: July 16th, 3:50 AM
Status: Closed, PM to join

Vriska had grown up seeing death and injury often. That was simply how Alternia was, even when younger trolls were the only ones who lived there. Thus, she didn't know how alarming this kind of thing could be for humans, and more importantly, she hadn't expected to see John so worried about it. It hurt something in her bloodpusher to see him upset like this. It hurt sort of badly.

She hurried over to his house after sending a reply message to him, and knocked loudly on the door. "John? It's me!"

Dec. 6th, 2012


Can Friends Break Up?

Characters: Martha Jones and Ton Phanan
Rating: PG
Trigger Warnings: None that I know of
Location: Hospital
Day and Time: July 13, afternoon
Status: Closed

On days where Martha and Phanan ended up in the office together, they didn't work much. Sometimes they shared medical procedures from their respective worlds. Phanan taught her many things she didn't know which was very good. And they had plenty of paper airplane/paper thermal detonator fights. But not today.

It had been a tough day. Martha had to admit finally, that Jack was gone. And more concerning, so were a few other names she had known including Miller. Which she supposed made sense. She hadn't seen him in recent mornings, and they'd not had a training session in a while. To see his name gone from the list was definitely concerning, but not more so than Jack. Jack had been here... forever. He was around before she came to the old castle. He'd been there fore her when she needed him most in her life.

Today she ignored every single thermal detonator and all sounds that came from his way. Until she couldn't take it anymore. Not looking up from the book she was pretending to study, Martha finally spoke up. "I think we need to stop seeing each other out of professional hours."

Nov. 26th, 2012



Characters: Malcolm Reynolds and Eva Nix
Rating: PG. Most likely some swearing
Trigger Warnings: None that I can think of. Will edit if anything comes up
Location: Woods and boundaries
Day and Time: July 9, noon
Status: Closed, PM to join

Mal leaned against the shiny new red postbox in the town square. He looked much like he did on any day. Boots, coat, gun slung on his hip. The only difference today was he had a coil of rope slung over his shoulder and a knife as well. Mal knew to come prepared. However, that was as prepared as he would be.

Exploring. He'd been wanting to do this for a while, but something had always stopped him. And then he agreed to go with Eva which meant they had to find time together. Mal had been glad to receive the call if for no other reason than he was ready. Ready as he'd ever be at least.


Characters: Ramie Wadmal, Dave Strider
Rating: TBD, maybe PG-13 for swearing
Location: Outside Ramie and Fend's cabin
Day and Time: July 12 morning
Status: Closed, PM to join

It was a really nice day outside, and so Ramie decided to take the sewing outside, since there was enough light. While she was considering carefully where to put her shop and what she should sell there, there was still quite a lot to do in the house. The truth was, she wasn't very sure that she should even be opening a shop. She didn't know anything about shopkeeping...she just wanted to weave and sew and do the things she was used to doing.

So for now, she'd just...think about it. And keep on sewing because Fend just kept finding new ways to tear his clothing. Not that she was much better, tromping around the woods, heedless of thorns and brambles.

She wasn't easy on clothing...


Doing a little light reading

Characters: John Egbert and Open
Rating: TBD
Location: Outside John's Cabin
Day and Time: July 12 Early afternoon
Status: Open to multiple, seperate threads please!

Really, when it came right down to it, there wasn't much for a 13-year-old boy to do around here. There was no Game, he didn't have the computer, or internet, he didn't have video games or Pesterchum. He didn't even have the resident junk in his bedroom to futz around with, just the stuff in his sylladex. He could only fly so long, after all. 

So he had dragged out Colonel Sassacre's Daunting Text of Magical Frivolity and Practical Japery, and was now reading it on the floor of the front porch. True, it was very large. And rather daunting. But maybe he could get some good ideas for practical jokes to play on people. He needed something to do after all.

Nov. 25th, 2012


Characters: Phanan, Martha, and Jack
Rating: PG
Location: Martha's room
Day and Time: July 12, Night
Status: Closed

It was normal at this point for Phanan and Martha to spend their nights together and he was never going to stop being a little in awe of that fact. It was still strictly platonic and he had no intention of ever trying to change that; it would have just felt weird. And - he could not believe he was going to say this - but having one person after all this time he could be honest with about how he was feeling was better than any sort of sexual relationship they could have been having.

Around her he could drop all the walls, the manufactured self-appreciation and sarcasm and just let her know when he'd had one of his bad days, like the incident this afternoon when he'd reached for a bottle of pills that needed to be put away and become so suddenly away of the artificial thing clamped in place of his hand that all he could do was sit and stare at it for what felt like hours, fighting back nausea. It happened sometimes, fairly regularly actually, and he'd never had anyone to talk about it with before. But now, lying here in bed with her he actually could and not feel stupid or awkward about it.

Nov. 15th, 2012


Characters: Sawyer, open
Rating: PG
Location: Outside his cottage
Day and Time: July 11, morning
Status: Open

Sawyer was in a bad mood before even opening his eyes because all that sunlight streaming in on his face meant part of his tent had collapsed and if it had been another boar he was gonna shoot that son of a bitch this time. The annoyed grumble died on his lips as his blue eyes snapped open and stared around him at what was unmistakably a house. Four walls, comfy bed, no sign of sand or palm trees and without the unconvincing artificial sunlight of the Hatch.

His hand snuck under his pillow and sure enough there was a gun right where he would have left it. That didn’t make no sense because far as he knew the only houses on the Island were the ones the Others had – not that he’d ever seen ‘em, but Alex had mentioned them, although what the hell the Others needed backyards for he had no idea. Anyway that theory didn’t fly because the Others wouldn’t have let him keep his gun. He popped it open just to check and yeah, sure enough, loaded.

He sat up, pulling on the boots sitting by the side of the bed and keeping the gun close as he headed for the door. Pushing it open he stared around him at a landscape made up of soaring mountains and dark evergreen trees that was definitely not a tropical island. “Aw, son of a bitch!”

Nov. 7th, 2012



Characters: Daemon Sadi and...whoever else wants to show up.
Rating: ...R is just going to be a default from now on for Daemon.
Location: Preeeeeetty much anywhere.
Day and Time: Saturday evening, July 9
Status: Open to any and all

To put it lightly, things were beyond ridiculous and completely incomprehensible. Saetan was perfectly healthy even without blood, and no vampire seemed to be restricted to their night-walking habits. It was very strange, and Daemon was having trouble processing it properly.

And that was why he had, like a somewhat obedient person, dropped a note in Ike's strange dropbox asking what in the name of the Darkness was going on around here. From there, it was double-checking that everyone was actually not dead, which was an important discernment to make, and from there...investigating. Sort of.

Which mostly just meant sitting on his ass with a cigarette and watching the clouds in their perfectly uniform shapes.

Nov. 4th, 2012


Truce and Apologies

Characters: Davesprite, Fend Ternary, Ramie Wadmal
Rating: PG/PG-13
Trigger Warnings: Mild/casual swearing
Location: Fend and Ramie's house
Day and Time: Thursday July 7th, afternoon
Status: Complete

So after two days of feeling like shit, and then another two days of feeling even more like shit (Ramie's message had torn him a new one alright), Davesprite finally convinced himself to man up and head over to their house. Like it or not, and no matter how awkward this had become, he knew inside some apologies and shit were overdue. Now outside their front door, he adjusted his shades for the fourth time, hesitated a second longer, then finally reached out...and knocked.

Nov. 3rd, 2012


Characters: Vriska Serket and Aradia Megido
Rating: Pg-13
Trigger Warnings: Girlfriends
Location: Aradia's apartment
Day and Time: Saturday July 10th, late morning
Status: Complete

This whole mess of everyone turning human was a fiasco. Some of the vampires (Eric, most obviously) had been reacting pretty violently, while others seemed almost happy about it. Vriska was pretty angry that Ike (probably) had done something crazy again without any warning, but...she was also intrigued at the thought of some of the people she knew becoming human, too.

Vriska'd made her way up to the apartments in town, hoping Aradia was home. She...wanted to see her. To see what she looked like. To see her reaction to what Vriska now looked like, too. She reached Aradia's door, hesitated just a second or two, then knocked. "...Aradia?"



Characters: Martha and whomever
Rating: PG13 likely for swearing
Trigger Warnings: Possible cranky violence?
Location: Hospital
Day and Time: July 9th spanning morning and afternoon; after her Universal Transmission
Status: Open to multiple in separate threads. Please mark the time of day in your thread for chronology purposes.

Martha readied all the supplies she might need for today including blank patient files, a list of questions, syringes, and cotton swabs. She then sat out on the porch to wait for both answers to her phone call or a patient. She had thought about asking Phanan for help, but he was nowhere to be found.

The first two people to call were less than pleased. Perhaps she could have worded herself a little better. They clearly thought she was going to do something awful. Or they just held that much disdain for humans when they were whatever they were before. Martha didn't take it to heart, and at least one of them said he would show up. She merely waited.

Nov. 1st, 2012


Characters: Peter Pan and one other Ton Phanan
Rating: G... PG for blood?
Trigger Warnings: None
Location: Forest
Day and Time: July 9th midday
Status: Open to one other person Enter Phanan

It was perhaps lucky that Peter Pan had decided to sleep on a lower branch the night before. For when he woke up and tried to fly away, he landed 'THUMP' face first on the ground. Peter was too shocked to be hurt gentile reader. He didn't notice the blood pouring from his nose or the fact that his arm was hanging oddly. Flying boys didn't dislocate their shoulders from falling after all. But dislocated it was and bloodied his nose was.

Peter tried to lift off. But nothing happened. He ran. He jumped! And he fell again. And this time, Peter did fell the pain. It was perhaps the first real pain he'd ever felt. And knowing little else to do, Peter curled up in a ball on the forest floor and cried. He couldn't fight. He couldn't fly. He wasn't going to try crowing.

Poor Peter.

Oct. 31st, 2012


Harmony goes sunbathing

Characters: Harmony Kendall and ?
Rating: PG for now
Trigger Warnings: None anticipated
Location: By the lake
Day and Time: Saturday 9 July, early afternoon
Status: Open to multiple (in one thread, please)

Harmony had decided to make the most of being human and do the thing she'd most missed since being a vampire. She put on her pink bikini, sarong and sandals (which had, ridiculously, transferred from the castle to the valley with her, unlike most of the clothes she actually needed day to day!), popped into the supermarket for some sunglasses, and headed down to the lake.

There, she spread out a towel on the warm wood of the little jetty and lay down with a happy sigh, sunning herself blissfully.

Oct. 30th, 2012


Characters: Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram
Rating: PG-13 for possible swearing
Trigger Warnings: None that I'm aware of, will update accordingly
Location: Aradia's apartment
Day and Time: July 9, late afternoon
Status: closed

Aradia was really upset. Surprisingly so. Tavros had never seen her so freaked out...at least not freaked out in a frightened sort of way. Usually, it was a pissed-off-avenger sort of way, if she was freaked out at all. And it was his job, as her moirail, to calm her down. Which seemed impossible. Because she was really upset.

Unfortunately, with his new humanity, Tav was having a little trouble with his robotic legs and the fact that they were made for...well...troll anatomy. They didn't want to walk as well as they had before and they hurt his back a little bit. So it took him a little longer than he'd wanted it to, and so it was getting kind of late by the time he got into town and up to Aradia's apartment.

He knocked on the door, first timidly, then with a little more force. He had work to do! “Aradia? Are you in there? If you are not, then...uh...I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Never mind. Are you home?”

Oct. 29th, 2012



Characters: Jack Harkness & Ianto Jones
Rating: Probably at least R for language NC-17 for sex!
Trigger Warnings: None anticipated
Location: Jack and Ianto's cottage (3W)
Day and Time: Saturday 9 July, around noon
Status: Closed Completed

Jack still didn't have more than basic plumbing in his den so he was still sneaking back to the cottage to use the shower every other day or so. All right, he could have broken into one off the empty houses or apartments to use a shower, but all his things were still in the cottage so he felt it made sense to keep coming back here, even if it did mean he had to make sure Ianto was out of the way first.

Of course, if he'd had any self-awareness whatsoever, the fact that he hadn't actually moved any of his possessions out of the cottage and into another one might have told him something about how he felt about living with Ianto, but sometimes Jack wasn't all that bright.

On this particular day, his morning visit to the cottage was later than he'd intended, put off by the revelation that all the vampires had suddenly turned human, but he still needed a shower and a change of clothes, so he hung around hidden in the trees opposite the cottage until Ianto went out and then slipped inside.

He was naked and about to step into the running shower when the snick of the latch warned him he was no longer alone and he froze, torn between getting into the shower anyway and getting dressed again so he could get out of there as quickly as possible.


In search of distraction

Characters: Jack Harkness and Eric Northman
Rating: NC-17
Trigger Warnings: Probably vampire-type stuff Strong s/m
Location: Fangtastic/Jack's den
Day and Time: Thursday 7 July, late evening
Status: Closed Abandoned

It took Jack three days to make it to Eric's for whatever comfort – or at least distraction – he could offer from his ongoing fight with Ianto. Initially, he'd pretty much tried to tough it out on his own. He wasn't in the mood to have to talk about things. Mal had been fantastic in that respect, offering his couch for the night and then, in the morning, helping him get a mattress finally into his den so at least he could sleep there, even if it didn't have a bathroom, or anywhere to cook. Not that cooking was a problem – he had enough credit to eat out in the diner – but it did mean he had to sneak back to the cottage a couple of times for a shower. Still, he had a place to call his own, where he could just be himself without worrying about someone else, and he told himself that was all he needed. He really wasn't in the mood for company.

By the end of the third day spent pretty much alone, though, he'd had enough. Both jailhouse and den were as finished as they could be (bar finding someone to install a shower in his den) and he'd run out of distractions.

Time for distraction of a different nature. He washed off the grime of the day as well as he could with just a single tiny basement cloakroom (toilet and basin) for facilities, and crossed the street to the back of Fangtastic, hoping Eric would be there. Opening the back door to the club, he stuck his head in and called, "Eric? You there?"

Oct. 27th, 2012


Characters: Evangeline Nix
Rating: PG-13, max
Trigger Warnings: Some mentions of blood.
Location: Outside of Eva's cottage
Day and Time: July 9th, mid-morning
Status: Open to all; multiple threaders welcome.
*this can be primarily reflection on her new circumstances, but if anyone wants to drop by or answer her message in person, feel free. But no especial pressure.

Eva knew she had been sleeping more than usual, and particularly during the day, but today she awoke at a perfectly reasonable time-- when the last blush of dawn had faded and the sun was shining brightly into her windows. And what's more, she felt perfectly marvelous. No exhaustion, no nausea or dizziness, no pain, no fever. She got up and went to get dressed. She was in the middle of reaching for her corset when she caught sight of herself in the closet mirror and gasped.

Gone were the sharp protrusions of her ribs, of her hips; there was suddenly shape to her, feminine softness. She tore herself away from her staring, rushing to the room she had set up as a study. She took up a scalpel and set it to the crook of her arm and was shocked when bright blood welled up quickly, to be herded onto a little glass slide and thrust under the ornate filigree microscope she'd found among her things at the castle previously, that had apparently come with. The results revealed made her cry out in shock and relief, before she was distracted by needing to bind up her elbow, which she was used to not bleeding quite so much after this daily blood test.

Her blood showed no trace of the pathogen which had haunted her for years. That which made the sun her enemy, and gave her the most unwholesome compulsions, had robbed her of flesh and breath and strength. She put her hands to her scarred throat and laughed and and laughed with the giddy relief of it.

She dressed quickly, in trousers and boots, and went in search of her mobile, where she spotted the video message from Saetan. There was a brief exchange before she had to turn the feed off, that she might sit down in stunned and joyful silence.

She was cured. By some unknown means, of course. But for once she didn't care to ask any questions as to the how and the why. She would think to question Ike later, to ask him why. But for the moment, she just listening to her heart racing in her ears, the easy draw of her breath, the sensation of warmth in her extremities. Then she took up her mobile again, and sent a message of her own.

Oct. 25th, 2012


Characters: Eric Northman
Rating: R for serious F-bombs
Trigger Warnings: none yet
Location: Outside of Eric's house, West block
Day and Time: July 9th, morning, after this call
Status: Open to Any, multiple solo threads

He stormed up the stairs as soon as he hung up on Saetan, ducking away from beams of light, covering his face with his hands as he hissed at the bright lights which hurt his eyes.

He squinted, and made his way for the door, carefully opening it. He pushed his foot into the halo of light that washed into his house with a heat he hadn't felt in centuries upon centuries. Staring down, at his own hands as they didn't instantly start peeling, cracking, turning to ash before his eyes, he squinted heavily under the wash of morning light. He wasn't dead asleep, or bleeding from his sockets, but he couldn't believe it.

Once he regained his senses, he took a deep breath, something he hadn't done in just as long, and started screaming at the top of his lungs.


He kept on at this, his body pink now that he was human, as he hollered, chest and stomach heaving, as he cussed the skies, the traitor-horror that was Ike, until he collapsed on his porch, shaken, out of breath, his throat raw, and groaning painfully as his stomach twisted once again.

So this was hunger. It was worse than the thirst. It was worse than silver chains against his skin. How did humans even begin to deal with this kind of torture, three times a day, every day, forever.

Oct. 23rd, 2012


Characters: Aradia Megido, Davesprite
Rating: R for cussin'
Trigger Warnings: none that I know of
Location: Aradia's apartment and surrounding area, Dave's apartment
Day and Time: July 9th, morning
Status: Closed

Aradia woke up, sputtering in the sopor slime she slept in. It didn't feel...right, anymore. She felt cold and icky instead of warm and pleasant as she usually did. It was difficult to haul herself out of the recuperacoon today, and she trudged into the ablution block to wash the slime off.

Her soap, specially formulated for troll skin, felt horrible today, rough and sting-y and awful. But she managed to get herself washed off, still feeling kind of horrible. She went to towel off, looking at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes widened.

She screamed.


Reopening Fangtastic - 2nd Attempt

Characters: Eric, Harmony, Gray
Rating: PG-13 - Eric - vampire behaviour
Trigger Warnings: none
Location: Fangtastic
Day and Time: Saturday July 2nd, 1 hour after this call, after dark
Status: Open to Any, multiple threads welcome

A discount on blood? Fine. 20%? You assholes. Fine. There was no money to be made from this, and most of him wanted to just forget it, to just let the stupid bar rot where it stood, and not bother with it.

Ike wanted them to socialize, and rely on one another, fine. He'd open the damn thing, just as an excuse to get out of the house, to get away from his 'house mate', but he didn't care. He was so over this whole prison in another dimension business. He was so over wasting all his time and what little money he COULD manage to make on building a business that wouldn't be lucrative, that wouldn't be visited by patrons in any sizable number or frequency. Where he wouldn't be respected.

The clientele in these parts was too diverse to really market to properly. There weren't any Kinko's or sign makers or t-shirt printers or places to get uniforms. Not really.This was doomed to fail, and as a business man, someone with experience, given any choice, he wouldn't even consider going into business here. But, he didn't seem to have a choice. And Harmony kept harping on him about opening it, so fine, FINE, he'd open it.

But no one could make him care. He'd do it, to fill the evening, to have a place to go after he woke up at night, but he wouldn't care. And they couldn't make him.

He made his way to the bar, opened the door which creaked when he pushed it, and just stared, angrily, at the dilapidated interior. And waited for other people to show up.

Oct. 22nd, 2012


Ruffled Feathers

Characters: Davesprite and Fend Ternary
Rating: PG-13
Trigger Warnings: some swearing (nothing too intense), offensive language/insults
Location: Cabin 3N
Day and Time: Sunday July 3, noon
Status: Complete

Davesprite's feathers felt wonderfully warm in the midday sunlight, and the wind ruffled them slightly as he glided over the town and towards the north road. It looked like it was going to be a pretty nice day, and he figured it'd be nice to go hang out with Ramie for a while.

He flew down to the cabin's little front yard and gave himself a quick preen, smoothing down his hair and fixing any neck feathers that had gotten bent into odd angles during his flight over here. Finished with that, Davesprite floated up to the front door, only to narrow his eyes when he saw that it was slightly ajar.

Feeling a little uneasy, he pushed the door open and looked into the front room, moving forward to hover a few feet inside. "Anyone home? ...Ramie?"

Oct. 20th, 2012


Characters: Gray and Basil
Rating: pg-16, may upgrade may not
Trigger Warnings: Male/male kissing and touching
Location: Their apartment
Day and Time: July 1st late morning
Status: Closed, pm to join

You have me and I have you. )

Oct. 18th, 2012


Characters: Evangeline Nix and (OTA)
Rating: PG, tops
Trigger Warnings:
Location: Eva's cottage, the supermarket, and the space between
Day and Time: July 2nd, around noon
Status: Open to any

Eva found herself picking her away along the path to the town square under a bright but somewhat misty noon-day sun. The way the mist diffused the sunlight made everything kind of glow. It made her head hurt, and she was wearing glasses with smoked lenses to try and ease some of the discomfort but she still found herself squinting and walking with her head down.

She'd fallen asleep the previous afternoon and slept through the meeting with Ike, and she cursed herself for missing another opportunity to approach their strange jailor. But apparently she had needed the sleep, as she had slept like-- and the comparison made her uncomfortable-- the dead. Equally uncomfortable was the fact that she had fallen asleep during the day. She refused to become wholly nocturnal, in spite of her inclination to sleep through the painfully sunny hours and remain awake all night reading, exploring or planning how to carry out her personal research with limited tools.

So she was headed to the supermarket to see if she could find tea or medicine to help her sleep at the proper times.

Oct. 17th, 2012


And a Week Later

Characters: Martha Jones and Ton Phanan
Rating: PG - 13
Trigger Warnings: Flashbacks to ugly things
Location: Martha's room
Day and Time: July 8th, 11 PM
Status: Closed

Their sleeping arrangement had been working quite well. Sometimes they waited for the other person to have a nightmare before going to their rooms, other nights one person just sort of showed up in the other persons. Martha had yet to attack Phanan for sliding into bed next to her at night.

She rolled over.

"Have you ever attacked someone for no reason?" she asked

Oct. 16th, 2012


Characters: The Doctor and ota
Rating: PG-13
Trigger Warnings: none yet
Location: In town, small building he picked for the school
Day and Time: July 6th, late morning to early evening.
Status: Open to All, Multiple threads welcomed

Guess school isn't out... )


Characters: Devon and OTA
Rating: Pg-16 for now (just in case)
Trigger Warnings: Should be none
Location: The Diner
Day and Time: July 6th, pretty much all day and into the evening
Status: Open to all, multiple threads welcomed. She needs distraction.

even though I know how very far apart we are it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star )


Harmony goes clothes shopping.

Characters: Harmony Kendall and ?
Rating: PG for now
Trigger Warnings: None anticipated
Location: The supermarket
Day and Time: Thursday 30 June, after dark
Status: Open to multiple (in one thread, please)

Harmony had finally admitted that she needed more clothing. She simply couldn't survive on only four sets of underwear and about six outfits, one of which was her Fangtastic corset and skirt, which was pretty much useless until Fangtastic was open again. There was going to be far too much laundry involved for her liking (not to mention that several items couldn't even be washed, and she had no idea how to deal with 'dry clean only' in this place!) and the obvious solution was to buy some more.

Which had led to her standing in the supermarket that Thursday evening, sifting through its meagre offerings. She'd found a couple of pairs of lacy panties that were far below her usual quality but looked like they would at least fit, and was going through the bras trying to find any that would both fit and match, with a desultory look on her face.


Characters: Gray, Jack Harkness, Basil
Rating: pg-13
Trigger Warnings: none that I know of?
Location: Basil, Gray and Marco's apartment
Day and Time: June 27th, after the psychic meeting
Status: closed for now

Its like a bad dear john letter )

Oct. 15th, 2012


The Elephant in the Room.

Characters: Martha Jones and Roy Miller
Rating: R for probable language and subject matter
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Martha's past. Language
Location: Woods
Day and Time: July 8th, morning
Status: Closed

Martha woke up curled against Phanan. In her bed. Which meant she was probably the one with the nightmares last night. Fabulous. She woke him just to the edge where she could let him know she was leaving for the day and to let himself out when he wanted.

She grabbed something light from the fridge and went out for a walk to clear her head. Martha had enjoyed the woods when she was out with Miller two days ago. Enough that yesterday she had gone for a walk. Today would be no different. But the nightmare still burned in the back of her brain.

Martha walked until she found a small clearing. There she took some time to collect her thoughts and began to move through the stances he had taught her not two days before. Perhaps it was the nightmare that made her want to work harder. After a moment or two, she unzipped her jacket and put it to the side. There was no one around, and Miller had been right. It was much easier to move without the jacket.

Oct. 14th, 2012


Hey Look! A Bed!!

Characters: Peter Pan and Whomever
Rating: PG
Trigger Warnings: 19th century terms.
Location: Town Square... Jack's mattress
Day and Time: July 4th night/July 5th early morning
Status: Open to one

Peter was tired. He remembered that he had woken up in a bed maybe two days ago. He wasn't sure. But he didn't know where that bed was. It was in a room. Maybe. Again he wasn't sure.

He hadn't eaten in a while either, but that wasn't too much of a problem. He just made feasts up in his head. But he was tired, and he couldn't sleep on the clouds. But, as luck would have it, there was a bed right there in the middle of the square as he flew over it late one night. There was also blood which meant there had been a fight. Excellent. Peter liked fights.

But there was a bed. And so Peter landed happily, jumping once or twice before curling up in the exact center and falling asleep.

Oct. 12th, 2012


Hands On Combat Training

Characters: Roy Miller, Martha Jones
Rating: PG-13 - non gory combat training
Trigger Warnings: very mild consensual violence
Location: Hospital, then by the lake
Day and Time: July 6th, 6am
Status: Closed to Martha Jones

He'd had a rough late night. He'd gotten in the middle of a scuffle between 2 maniacs who wanted a little venting violence. And he'd torn the just barely healed wound on his shoulder for his trouble. He'd gone back to his apartment and patched himself up, applied new gauze, some scar and infection preventing lotion, and a new shirt.

Then he'd tucked in for a brief rest, to get over the adrenaline of combat. An altercation where both parties had immediately pushed him out and then summarily ignored him. Fine, they wanted him out, he left. No problem. From his window, he could see a lake, with a large patch of empty grass, far enough away from everything that Martha and him could have some privacy.

By 5, he was up, stuffing a towel and some swimming trunks into a duffel and heading out to the hospital by 5:30, after a very small breakfast. Toast, coffee, and that was pretty much it. Almost exactly at 6am, he was at the hospital, knocking on the door for her. Punctual, to a fault.

Oct. 10th, 2012


Pissed-off Captain manhandles mattress across town

Characters: Jack Harkness, Mal Reynolds, Roy Miller, Bridget Frostheart
Rating: R for language and violence
Trigger Warnings: None anticipated
Location: Back streets of the town
Day and Time: Night of Monday 4/Tuesday 5 July, straight after Jack's fight with Ianto.
Status: Open to any who are okay with having their heads bitten off by a frustrated Jack. Alternatively, I'm quite happy to leave it as a solo thread. :-) Closed now they're in Mal's apartment

After having stormed out of his house, Jack was faced with the decision of where to go. Until the day before, the decision would have been easy: John. John would not only have let him work off his frustration (in very wonderful ways), but he would have understood. But John was gone. So was Isaack, who wouldn’t have understood so much but still would have been very happy to help him let off steam. That left Eric, but Jack didn’t quite feel he could face Eric’s cocky derision just yet.

Maybe later.

He couldn’t think of anyone else who might understand, and frankly, he wasn’t sure he wanted company yet anyway. He was too angry, hurt and confusion swirling round in his head. How the hell had that happened? He and Ianto had always had that unspoken agreement not to talk about things and until recently it had usually worked!

Furious, Jack set off into the trees, heading away from the village. Far less likely to bump into someone there, and he could work off some of his aggression that way too.

There was only so far one could go, though, before the mountains got too steep, and eventually he had to curve back towards the town. He didn't like the sounds of what he was sure were wolves either. Tempting as it was to punish Ianto by letting him come across Jack's dead body ravaged by wolves, Jack didn't really feel like dying tonight. So he angled his path back towards the town, and decided that since he had all this nervous energy jangling around his body, he might as well put it to use. He was going to need somewhere to sleep tonight, after all, and his 'den' had a bedframe but nothing comfortable to actually sleep on as yet.

Thus it was that anyone out in the small hours of that night might come across Jack Harkness manhandling a kingsize mattress across the town, balanced precariously on two shopping trolleys. It kept overbalancing and there was a lot of swearing going on.

Oct. 9th, 2012


Characters: Eric and Ianto
Trigger Warnings: A little brainwashy and penises
Location: Eric's house
Day and Time: Monday, July 4th, after Jack and Ianto's fight.
Status: PM to Join

Under normal circumstances Ianto would have stayed in after Jack had stormed out of the cottage, silently stewing and trying to work through his misery on his own. But this fight had been so much more, so damaging, that the idea of being alone was unbearable, and the first person he had thought of going to was Eric. He could not entirely say way; after all, he had only met the vampire once, and all this seemed like a lot to dump on a person who was little more than an acquaintance, but he felt like he could trust Eric to listen to him, and that was what he needed right now.

He had planned on sending him a message at least, but it had seemed like such a waste of time when Eric's house was so close, and so here he was, surprising himself by knocking on the vampire's door.

Oct. 8th, 2012


Characters: Basil Hallward, Martha Jones
Rating: no higher than PG, I think
Trigger Warnings: None anticipated, Martha's previous abuse might come up?
Location: Basil's flat
Day and Time: June 25th
Status: closed

He was alone in the apartment for the moment and had busied himself setting up a corner of the living room for his work. Near the window, where the most natural light was afforded. He tacked up one of the dull sheets from their linen cupboard to use for a back-drop-- the drapery would be more interesting than the bare wall-- and pulled over an an armchair that he hoped was suitably comfortable. Then he put up his easel and got out all his brushes and cleaned them and sorted them and checked all his paints and pigments.

He felt very at ease, in spite of them peculiar situation he had found himself in. Peace seemed to have settled between Gray and Marco, and it was wonderful to sleep tucked between them at night (though they hadn't gotten up to much else, things were still too confusing) and to sit and talk with them during the day, to prepare meals together and try to make themselves comfortable, find a way to make a normal sort of life in their strange surroundings and stranger arrangement. But he was happy, and now he had found his most comforting possessions and was embarking on a new project. He'd never painted someone like Martha before, and looked forward to the challenge, and to being able to give his friend a beautiful gift when it was done. And he hoped she would find it to her liking, he wanted to very much to give her something in thanks for helping him so much in the past, and to give her some happiness and comfort after how difficult things had been for her.

He checked the chair again, added another pillow or two and fidgeted with it until he was sure it was in the right light. And then he waited, listening for Martha's knock.

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