Feb. 8th, 2013


Characters: Martha Jones
Rating: R for torture
Trigger Warnings: Mention of torture and death
Location: Martha's apartment above the hospital
Day and Time: July 25th, morning
Status: Closed and Finished

Martha had made her way back to her apartment above the hospital once she woke up. Mal had told them to stay at the complex, but she felt safer back at her hospital. She wasn't sure why. She hadn't slept much that night however, as a sense of foreboding kept her up.

Morning brought sun and a new day. No messages on the phone. Quiet. Martha yawned, stretched, and made her way to the bathroom. As she passed through the door however, she found herself not in the restroom as she had expected, but instead tied up to a chair. Someone knocked a four beat pattern somewhere behind her. Martha looked down at her arms for the familiar scars, but they were gone. Her stomach knotted as the knocker came around front.

The Master stood before her, just has he had the last time. She remembered all the questions. The slaps. The cuts. But this time, she kept silent. She knew what was at the other end of this torture session and she was tired of it. She'd go through those memories again. Losing Eddie again. And Jack. And Phanan. Everyone she had come to care about would be gone. No, Martha was not going to go through that again. So she stayed silent.

And this time, the Master stayed and watched her bleed out.

Back in the apartment above the hospital that had once been Martha's, her corpse lay on the floor of the bathroom. There were no marks. Nothing to suggest how she had died. She just lay there, never to get up again.

Dec. 11th, 2012



Characters: Martha Jones and open
Rating: R
Trigger Warnings: Everything in her life that's happened so far? Torture and death discussions most definitely
Location: Hospital... main room
Day and Time: July 16th, 9 AM.
Status: Open

The phone message... that had been bad... awful even. Jack... Jack gone. Completely and totally gone. Jack murdered. She didn't care... not one bit that she had told Phanan they had to keep things professional. She walked on over, bold as brass, and entered his room. Except he wasn't there. Nor was the Ewok.

"Phanan...? Phanan?" He wasn't there... and yet she couldn't bring herself to leave the room. Not now... Martha curled up to his pillow and finding small... small comforts in it.

Hours later, Martha stumbled through the hospital. He wasn't there. Not in the office... and not in the hospital. What else. Where else could he be?

Martha pulled out the phone. And Ton Phanan's name was... gone. Malsum was fucking with them. That was all she could figure. If Phanan's name were gone, then he had his next sacrifice.

They were gone... all of them... Ianto... his name was gone too. And Saetan... But Phanan...

Martha pulled out her phone:

There are other's missing. Not just the ones who died, but Saetan, Ianto, and Phanan. According to my records we have... She looked at the phone... 17 people left. I... I'm sorry... sorry for everyone's... everyone's loss... She turned off the phone to cry by herself.

Dec. 6th, 2012


Can Friends Break Up?

Characters: Martha Jones and Ton Phanan
Rating: PG
Trigger Warnings: None that I know of
Location: Hospital
Day and Time: July 13, afternoon
Status: Closed

On days where Martha and Phanan ended up in the office together, they didn't work much. Sometimes they shared medical procedures from their respective worlds. Phanan taught her many things she didn't know which was very good. And they had plenty of paper airplane/paper thermal detonator fights. But not today.

It had been a tough day. Martha had to admit finally, that Jack was gone. And more concerning, so were a few other names she had known including Miller. Which she supposed made sense. She hadn't seen him in recent mornings, and they'd not had a training session in a while. To see his name gone from the list was definitely concerning, but not more so than Jack. Jack had been here... forever. He was around before she came to the old castle. He'd been there fore her when she needed him most in her life.

Today she ignored every single thermal detonator and all sounds that came from his way. Until she couldn't take it anymore. Not looking up from the book she was pretending to study, Martha finally spoke up. "I think we need to stop seeing each other out of professional hours."

Nov. 25th, 2012


Characters: Phanan, Martha, and Jack
Rating: PG
Location: Martha's room
Day and Time: July 12, Night
Status: Closed

It was normal at this point for Phanan and Martha to spend their nights together and he was never going to stop being a little in awe of that fact. It was still strictly platonic and he had no intention of ever trying to change that; it would have just felt weird. And - he could not believe he was going to say this - but having one person after all this time he could be honest with about how he was feeling was better than any sort of sexual relationship they could have been having.

Around her he could drop all the walls, the manufactured self-appreciation and sarcasm and just let her know when he'd had one of his bad days, like the incident this afternoon when he'd reached for a bottle of pills that needed to be put away and become so suddenly away of the artificial thing clamped in place of his hand that all he could do was sit and stare at it for what felt like hours, fighting back nausea. It happened sometimes, fairly regularly actually, and he'd never had anyone to talk about it with before. But now, lying here in bed with her he actually could and not feel stupid or awkward about it.

Nov. 3rd, 2012



Characters: Martha and whomever
Rating: PG13 likely for swearing
Trigger Warnings: Possible cranky violence?
Location: Hospital
Day and Time: July 9th spanning morning and afternoon; after her Universal Transmission
Status: Open to multiple in separate threads. Please mark the time of day in your thread for chronology purposes.

Martha readied all the supplies she might need for today including blank patient files, a list of questions, syringes, and cotton swabs. She then sat out on the porch to wait for both answers to her phone call or a patient. She had thought about asking Phanan for help, but he was nowhere to be found.

The first two people to call were less than pleased. Perhaps she could have worded herself a little better. They clearly thought she was going to do something awful. Or they just held that much disdain for humans when they were whatever they were before. Martha didn't take it to heart, and at least one of them said he would show up. She merely waited.

Oct. 17th, 2012


And a Week Later

Characters: Martha Jones and Ton Phanan
Rating: PG - 13
Trigger Warnings: Flashbacks to ugly things
Location: Martha's room
Day and Time: July 8th, 11 PM
Status: Closed

Their sleeping arrangement had been working quite well. Sometimes they waited for the other person to have a nightmare before going to their rooms, other nights one person just sort of showed up in the other persons. Martha had yet to attack Phanan for sliding into bed next to her at night.

She rolled over.

"Have you ever attacked someone for no reason?" she asked

Oct. 15th, 2012


The Elephant in the Room.

Characters: Martha Jones and Roy Miller
Rating: R for probable language and subject matter
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Martha's past. Language
Location: Woods
Day and Time: July 8th, morning
Status: Closed

Martha woke up curled against Phanan. In her bed. Which meant she was probably the one with the nightmares last night. Fabulous. She woke him just to the edge where she could let him know she was leaving for the day and to let himself out when he wanted.

She grabbed something light from the fridge and went out for a walk to clear her head. Martha had enjoyed the woods when she was out with Miller two days ago. Enough that yesterday she had gone for a walk. Today would be no different. But the nightmare still burned in the back of her brain.

Martha walked until she found a small clearing. There she took some time to collect her thoughts and began to move through the stances he had taught her not two days before. Perhaps it was the nightmare that made her want to work harder. After a moment or two, she unzipped her jacket and put it to the side. There was no one around, and Miller had been right. It was much easier to move without the jacket.

Oct. 12th, 2012


Hands On Combat Training

Characters: Roy Miller, Martha Jones
Rating: PG-13 - non gory combat training
Trigger Warnings: very mild consensual violence
Location: Hospital, then by the lake
Day and Time: July 6th, 6am
Status: Closed to Martha Jones

He'd had a rough late night. He'd gotten in the middle of a scuffle between 2 maniacs who wanted a little venting violence. And he'd torn the just barely healed wound on his shoulder for his trouble. He'd gone back to his apartment and patched himself up, applied new gauze, some scar and infection preventing lotion, and a new shirt.

Then he'd tucked in for a brief rest, to get over the adrenaline of combat. An altercation where both parties had immediately pushed him out and then summarily ignored him. Fine, they wanted him out, he left. No problem. From his window, he could see a lake, with a large patch of empty grass, far enough away from everything that Martha and him could have some privacy.

By 5, he was up, stuffing a towel and some swimming trunks into a duffel and heading out to the hospital by 5:30, after a very small breakfast. Toast, coffee, and that was pretty much it. Almost exactly at 6am, he was at the hospital, knocking on the door for her. Punctual, to a fault.

Oct. 8th, 2012


Characters: Basil Hallward, Martha Jones
Rating: no higher than PG, I think
Trigger Warnings: None anticipated, Martha's previous abuse might come up?
Location: Basil's flat
Day and Time: June 25th
Status: closed

He was alone in the apartment for the moment and had busied himself setting up a corner of the living room for his work. Near the window, where the most natural light was afforded. He tacked up one of the dull sheets from their linen cupboard to use for a back-drop-- the drapery would be more interesting than the bare wall-- and pulled over an an armchair that he hoped was suitably comfortable. Then he put up his easel and got out all his brushes and cleaned them and sorted them and checked all his paints and pigments.

He felt very at ease, in spite of them peculiar situation he had found himself in. Peace seemed to have settled between Gray and Marco, and it was wonderful to sleep tucked between them at night (though they hadn't gotten up to much else, things were still too confusing) and to sit and talk with them during the day, to prepare meals together and try to make themselves comfortable, find a way to make a normal sort of life in their strange surroundings and stranger arrangement. But he was happy, and now he had found his most comforting possessions and was embarking on a new project. He'd never painted someone like Martha before, and looked forward to the challenge, and to being able to give his friend a beautiful gift when it was done. And he hoped she would find it to her liking, he wanted to very much to give her something in thanks for helping him so much in the past, and to give her some happiness and comfort after how difficult things had been for her.

He checked the chair again, added another pillow or two and fidgeted with it until he was sure it was in the right light. And then he waited, listening for Martha's knock.

Oct. 5th, 2012


Roy Miller, the Doctor will see you now...

Characters: Roy Miller, Martha Jones
Rating: PG-13
Trigger Warnings: None yet, maybe medically things
Location:  Hospital
Day and Time: July 4th, late morning after this call
Status: PM to Join

He had his breakfast, just toast and coffee, changed into clean clothes and headed across town to the hospital where he'd first woken up. He gets a better look around, catching sight of the Neon Sign that read Fangtastic, placing that landmark in his mind. He coudln't believe he'd missed it, it looked like a redneck bar with a cheesy neon sign over the door and everything. He had to grin, Harmony was right. But why would a vampire run a place that low-brow? Not that he knew the first thing about vampires.

He hopped up the steps, light on his feet as he pushed open the door to the hospital and stepped inside. "Doctor Jones, I'm here for my check up!" he called out loud, pushing his hand into his pocket while he idled inside, waiting for her to appear.

Sep. 24th, 2012


Town Meeting

Characters: Everyone
Rating: R for possible language
Trigger Warnings: None at the moment
Location: Town Square
Day and Time: July 1st, beginning fifteen minutes before actual sunset. Lasting until 8 PM (Thinking sunset is at 6 PM)
Status: Open to everyone

Anyone looking at the square would not suspect anything close to a meeting happening. All day the square remained empty. No chairs. No tables. Nothing to look like a meeting. And then, 15 minutes before sunset, there were suddenly rows of chairs and a small stage with a table set up. At the table sat Ike and Chuck. Ike looked quite imposing looking out over the the empty set up, gavel in front of him. Chuck on the other hand had a mess of papers that he kept dropping and having to pick up.

Neither man seemed willing to talk or respond to anyone wishing to talk to them at the moment.

[OOC Introductions will go up first. We'll get topic number 1 going tonight when I get home from work at 6 PM CST]

Sep. 11th, 2012


Characters: Ton Phanan, Martha Jones
Rating: PG for now
Trigger Warnings: Discussion of mutual trauma also Phanan sarcasm?
Location: Paco and Awanata doctors office apartments
Day and Time: Tuesday. June 28, middle of the night
Status: Closed, PM to join

One of the lucky benefits of the head injury that had resulted in the cybernetic face was just enough brain damage to keep Phanan from remembering the event. The obvious drawback here was that nightmares were just vague, fiery messes that made no sense at all and just sort of hurt. He liked to pretend he did not really notice the metal parts, or that he did not really care and most days that was more or less true. And on the bad days, the days it wasn't true he would just force on a smile, and let his sarcasm become a bit more bitter than normal and that would be that. And sometimes, on days like today, he'd just have nightmares anyway even though everything had been fine.

His remaining eye snapped open as he finally dragged himself out of it, lying frozen in bed for a long moment, suddenly, infinitely away of every piece of technology welded to his body. He imagined he could feel every wire racing up to connect to a tendon, ever circuit replacing brain cells, every bit of electricity that had replaced muscle function. It was a horrifying feeling, incredibly disconcerting and for a moment he thought he was going to be sick.

Instead he sat up slowly, hating that he had done this so many times now and was still terrible at dealing with it. The cool air struck the bare, sweat-soaked skin of his chest and he shivered, running a shaky hand through his hair and trying to avoid contacting any bits of metal. Vaguely he wondered if he had been screaming. His throat certainly hurt enough for it. Oh, that was nice. He did not bother turning on the light, and the eery red glow of his robotic eye did little to penetrate the darkness.

Sep. 6th, 2012


Improvements to the Hospital

Characters: Martha Jones and Fend
Rating: PG in case of swearing
Trigger Warnings: None
Location: Hospital
Day and Time: Saturday, June 25, morning
Status: Closed

The rest of the hospital was already put together. And functioning very well. There was even enough room in the office for her and Phanan to have their own desks though she had yet to see Phanan at his. She also had moved the filing cabinet around and found all of the blank patient files so she could get all of that squared away. She'd even gone ahead and put down names of everyone she had met here so far and alphabetized them.

The only thing left to do was fix the electric. And all that was was making sure the connections for all the different buttons worked. Especially the small boxes by the doors and connected to each bed that would call the doctors from other areas whether it be other rooms on this floor or their apartments up above.

Martha was sure there was someone around more knowledgable in electronics than she was, so a call had been made. Fend... little timid Fend who she had met at a bad time in her life... had responded. And Martha invited him over. Now she just had to wait. She made her way out to the porch and sat on one of the two chairs that she'd put out there.

Aug. 31st, 2012


Taking the Night Air

Characters: Basil Hallward, Martha Jones
Rating: PG-13, tops
Trigger Warnings: None at the moment
Location: Center of town, near the apartment block.
Day and Time: June 23rd, sunset and shortly after
Status: Open to multiple; start seperate threads please.

Basil had his little flat to himself for the moment, with Gray and Marco settling themselves in their own quarters. Giving themselves a little breathing room until they could sort things out for themselves.

However, he didn't stay indoors long, feeling restless and trapped in the uninspired and gloomy apartment. So he took up an overcoat that he found hanging in the closet and went down to have a look around town.

Aug. 13th, 2012


Characters: Sarah Jane, open
Rating: PG
Trigger Warnings: none
Location: Somewhere down town; Sarah's lost
Day and Time: Sunday June 26, mid day
Status: OTA

Sarah had woken up in a room to some apartment complex. Funny, she didn't remember dozing off let alone suddenly being in... well, most certainly not her own bedroom. Startled, and finding some little square thing with a screen, she pocketed it as she avoided people to get outside.

Honestly, she wasn't certain why she was avoiding people, just she suddenly seemed so confused. The Doctor had left her, and granted he dropped her off not in the location she had asked for which was typical of the Doctor, but this..? It didn't even look like England!

She stood at the edge of one of the buildings, peering outwards downtown. Surely there had to be a sign somewhere, right? Where was she!?

Aug. 5th, 2012


Where's My Ship?

Characters: Mal and Jack
Rating: PG-13 for swearing
Trigger Warnings: As of yet, none
Location: Town Square
Day and Time: June 22, afternoon/evening
Status: PM to join

Mal was not a happy camper. He'd fallen asleep happy. His ship was fixed. His crew was back. They had all promised to be there when he woke up.

He had passed out again. But that was OK. Everyone would be there... except when he woke up, they weren't. He'd stretched in teh luxurious bed and realized it was too soft for the table in sickbay or even his bunk.

Slowly opening one eye, Mal had discovered he was definitely not on his ship anymore. Still injured... there were bandages on his arm and at his belly but he wasn't... home.

Mal had reached for his gun, finding the welcome packet containing the piece of plastic that apparently had money on it ($100! Holy Buddha!), the letter signed by some mysterious Ike, and the phone. All of it crude technology.

He found his clothes next and dressed quickly. Then he left the room, happy to see the door was unlocked. Mal made his way down the stairs, exploring the town silently in the shadows when the infernal phone started talking and there was a man on the other line named Jack who seemed to know more about Mal than Mal did about him. And now they were to meet in the town square.

Aug. 3rd, 2012


Enter John Doe, GSW victim.

Characters:  Roy Miller, Martha Jones
Rating: PG-13 for hospital stuff
Trigger Warnings: Medical gore, possibly?
Location: Hospital
Day and Time: Wednesday, June 22nd, evening
Status:  Complete

The hospital floor was quiet. It had only been a day since it existed, or since the people who had come here knew it existed. The hospital beds had been empty, the ward as still as the grave. And then, one moment later, one of the beds had a person in it. The light on the nightstand turned on, to cast an eerie glow over his handsome face. He seemed quiet, calm, asleep maybe? He was in a hospital gown, with the sheets up over his chest, his body relaxed. He had several machines attached to him, an IV drip stand, the machine that goes ping. The most expensive machine in the hospital wasn't there, but the machine that records his pulse and heart rate and vitals came to life, emitting soft flips and dings as it ran the length of his heartbeat.

He was fine. But then he wasn't, because the machine started to go haywire, emitting an alarm when his pulse lowered, and the man let out a groan of pain, his body contorting on the sheets in perfect counterpoint for the calm he had been in moments before. A blotch of red started to grow out of his shoulder, through the hospital gown. Blood.

Aug. 1st, 2012


Characters: Ton Phanan, Martha Jones
Rating: PG
Trigger Warnings: None
Location: Paco and Awanata doctors office apartments
Day and Time: Weds. June 22, 8:30 AM
Status: PM to join

Most people might have felt self-conscious sleeping snuggled up with a fluffy toy Ewok, but Phanan was so far from most people the comparison hardly even mattered. The point was he was an adult and he was sleeping with a stuffed animal and there was nothing anyone could do to change his mind.

His glowing electronic eye never shut off even when he closed the organic one but he had more or less gotten used to sleeping with it open. As he floated towards wakefulness it took him a moment or two to notice that something unusual was going on with his surroundings but the second he did he sat bolt upright, looking around him and trying to figure out if this was a situation that required lots of explosions and gunfire or if it was all an elaborate prank.

He swung his legs off the side of the bed, the organic foot feeling the cool smoothness of the hardwood floor beneath him even if the metallic, robotic one did now. (It always looked a little out of place peeking out under the hem of perfectly normal looking cotton pajama pants.) The room was undoubtedly not the one he had been in before.

Grabbing the nearest weapon (the Ewok) he headed to the door and stuck his head out into the hallway. "Hello? Anyone evil out there?"