Dec. 30th, 2012


Characters: Tavros & Aradia
Rating: PG-13 ish
Trigger Warnings: Talk of torture and death
Location: Tavros' house
Day and Time: July 16th, around 4 AM, after this conversation.
Status: Closed

Tavros was upset. Aradia had said she was coming, so that was a good thing, that was what she was supposed to do in situations like this. The thing was, it wasn't an upset that he could remember feeling in a long while. Of course he was scared, of course he was sad, those were both a given. But the main thing, the main upset-feeling was...well...disappointment, he was pretty sure.He'd thought that this place was different. He'd thought it was a place where large, powerful beings weren't going to kill you on a whim, just because they could. Not like home. He'd thought everyone was relatively equal, relatively safe. He'd thought it was a place he could be happy, maybe even useful. But things had changed, and innocent people were dead. And he was weak and useless again. Weak and useless and...disappointed.

He sighed and went about closing the curtains and wandering quietly around the house until Aradia showed up. It was time to hide again. And he was so tired of hiding.

Nov. 3rd, 2012


Characters: Vriska Serket and Aradia Megido
Rating: Pg-13
Trigger Warnings: Girlfriends
Location: Aradia's apartment
Day and Time: Saturday July 10th, late morning
Status: Complete

This whole mess of everyone turning human was a fiasco. Some of the vampires (Eric, most obviously) had been reacting pretty violently, while others seemed almost happy about it. Vriska was pretty angry that Ike (probably) had done something crazy again without any warning, but...she was also intrigued at the thought of some of the people she knew becoming human, too.

Vriska'd made her way up to the apartments in town, hoping Aradia was home. She...wanted to see her. To see what she looked like. To see her reaction to what Vriska now looked like, too. She reached Aradia's door, hesitated just a second or two, then knocked. "...Aradia?"

Oct. 30th, 2012


Characters: Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram
Rating: PG-13 for possible swearing
Trigger Warnings: None that I'm aware of, will update accordingly
Location: Aradia's apartment
Day and Time: July 9, late afternoon
Status: closed

Aradia was really upset. Surprisingly so. Tavros had never seen her so freaked least not freaked out in a frightened sort of way. Usually, it was a pissed-off-avenger sort of way, if she was freaked out at all. And it was his job, as her moirail, to calm her down. Which seemed impossible. Because she was really upset.

Unfortunately, with his new humanity, Tav was having a little trouble with his robotic legs and the fact that they were made for...well...troll anatomy. They didn't want to walk as well as they had before and they hurt his back a little bit. So it took him a little longer than he'd wanted it to, and so it was getting kind of late by the time he got into town and up to Aradia's apartment.

He knocked on the door, first timidly, then with a little more force. He had work to do! “Aradia? Are you in there? If you are not, then...uh...I'm not sure where I'm going with this. Never mind. Are you home?”

Oct. 23rd, 2012


Characters: Aradia Megido, Davesprite
Rating: R for cussin'
Trigger Warnings: none that I know of
Location: Aradia's apartment and surrounding area, Dave's apartment
Day and Time: July 9th, morning
Status: Closed

Aradia woke up, sputtering in the sopor slime she slept in. It didn't feel...right, anymore. She felt cold and icky instead of warm and pleasant as she usually did. It was difficult to haul herself out of the recuperacoon today, and she trudged into the ablution block to wash the slime off.

Her soap, specially formulated for troll skin, felt horrible today, rough and sting-y and awful. But she managed to get herself washed off, still feeling kind of horrible. She went to towel off, looking at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes widened.

She screamed.

Sep. 26th, 2012


Characters: Derreck De'Amore
Rating: PG, for now
Trigger Warnings: None
Location: Around the cabins and village, specify where you see him. (ie gathering herbs around the clinic, shopping around the village, eating at the cafe...)
Day and Time: July 2nd, late morning
Status: Open to All, multiple thread welcomed.

They needed to go restock.

Yep. That was Derreck's first thought that morning upon waking up and walking into the kitchen. They needed stuff the kitchen, for the bar and he needed things for the clinic.

With a huff he went and dressed before heading out, ears and tail twitching slightly in annoyance. How could they let their kitchen get so empty!

Sep. 10th, 2012


Characters: Vriska Serket and Aradia Megido
Rating: PG-13
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, blood, a little violence
Location: Roof of the apartment building
Day and Time: Tuesday June 28th, around midnight
Status: Complete

Vriska sat near the edge of the roof, curled up with her arms around her knees. It was pleasantly dark for most of the night, with the mountains blocking the moon from view, and only now was moonlight beginning to spread over the valley.

It was strange being here. Living here felt both more and less like home, and the loss of the castle that was so much like her old hive back on Alternia was a less-than-welcome change. The mountains here were very different from the ones she'd grown up looking at, too...these ones, blocking out so much of the horizon and the sky, just made Vriska feel trapped. The troll girl unconsciously bared her fangs a bit as she looked out over the town.

Aug. 27th, 2012


Characters: Tavros Nitram, Aradia Megido
Rating: PG-13 for possible potty mouth, will update accordingly
Trigger Warnings: None that I can think of?
Location: Outside of his cabin
Day and Time: Sunday Jun3 26, evening
Status: Open

Tavros hadn't liked the Change. He had just gotten all used to the Castle, then he woke up in a place that wasn't his pretty pink room and he'd really liked his pretty pink room and now it was just an ordinary hive and oh he didn't like change at all.

So he'd been sleeping, mostly. Sleeping, he found, was the best way to ignore things that were happening, he'd always found. Sleeping was the ultimate tool of avoidance and Tavros was well practiced in it. So, whenever he woke up, he would check to see that he was still in the not-pretty-pink-castle-room, and then sink back into his recuperacoon and sleep for a while longer.

But, finally, he woke up and though he still wanted to avoid his current situation, a more current situation was brewing that he couldn't ignore. He was hungry. So he dragged himself out, washed himself off, got himself dressed and ventured outside.

And then it occurred to him that he didn't have the slightest clue where to go and so he just sighed and scowled and sat on the ground outside his cabin. This not-castle-place was dumb. It was dumb and he didn't like it.

Aug. 2nd, 2012



Characters: Ramie Wadmal, Fend Ternary
Rating: G? I don't even know
Trigger Warnings: None
Location: Cabin 3N, Wonunican Valley
Day and Time: Wed. 22 June, around 7:30 AM
Status: closed for the moment

After closing her phone, Ramie went to see if Fend was awake yet. She should feel really strange at just being picked up and dropped somewhere completely new, but instead, she felt really excited! Nothing bad had happened to her after leaving the Arena, so she had no real worry that anything bad would happen here either. People had been really nice and kind to her and Fend and she couldn't  complain.

She walked around. The floors were wood, kind of like home, and the walls were white painted, and there was a kitchen with yellow cabinets, her very favorite color. There was another whole room just for sitting down, too, with a fireplace. It looked so comfortable and so cozy, and there was a note! She couldn't read it very well, but she'd get Fend to read it for her.

And speaking of Fend...

Ramie went back into the bedroom and peeked in to see if he was awake. Oh shoot, he was still buried under the covers! Ramie sighed and climbed up into the top bunk, crawling over with a grin on his face. "Fend... Fend, wake up, everything's different!"

It's a really good thing there are rails on the sides of the bunk...

Aug. 1st, 2012


Somewhere New Again

Characters: Davesprite, Aradia Megido
Rating: PG-13 for swearing
Trigger Warnings: None
Location: 4th floor of the apartment building, Wonunican Valley
Day and Time: Wed. 22 June, around 6:30 AM
Status: Complete

Davesprite blinked blearily as he slowly came awake, pushing his bangs back from his face and rubbing his eyes. He warbled unhappily, wishing that his bird-brain didn't always wake him up before his teenager-brain was anywhere close to wakefulness. Burrowing out of his tangled nest of blankets, he groped around in the direction of his bedside table for his shades...however, the table was nowhere to be found.

Frowning and sitting up, Davesprite glanced around the room, instantly coming fully awake as he realized this was most definitely not the room he'd gone to sleep in. Grabbing his shades off a nearby table and putting them on, he floated around the room, taking in his new surroundings. It looked...sort of like his old room, the room he'd had back when he lived with Bro. But it was bigger, and there was a doorway leading to a bathroom, and a kitchenette or something in the corner. Davesprite narrowed his eyes, feeling uneasy, and wondering if Aradia and Ramie and everyone else had new rooms too...


He flew over to an open window, his eyes widening when he saw what was outside. The castle and the forest surrounding it was gone, replaced by a view of a small town surrounded by impossibly tall mountains. He darted out the window, which was big enough for him to pass through with relative ease, and just floated there, trying to get over his surprise and unease.

Shit. Where the hell was he this time?