May. 29th, 2008


Who: Euterpe & Anubis
What: Plans didn't go well
Where: Euterpe's condo
When: Today
Warnings: None

[He was captured so I could escape] )

Summary: Anubis, after being chased and fought by Bast, managed to get to Euterpe's condo with Bes and Hathor and then promptly collapses to the floor. Euterpe finds him and finds out the bad news.

May. 17th, 2008


Who: Temperance, Piper, & Damien
What: Investigayshuns.
When: Some night this week that Damien plays at Vice.
Where: Vice
Warnings: None yet.

Intro )


Who: Euterpe & Calliope
What: Lunch & news-ish stuff
Where: Random cafe
When: Backdated to just before the family battle-planning/interrogation scene
Warnings: Some minor emo, but not much. Also, when I forwarded the scene to myself to edit - apparently some small chunks were lost.

I really do hope you are going nuts )

Summary: Euterpe decides to give Calliope a call and share her sneaking suspicions about a certain newbie musician in town.

Apr. 16th, 2008


Battle Plans

Who: Any family members that can attend
What: Making battle plans
Where: Jube Hotel, Conference Room
When: Tuesday, 10am
Warnings: Possible tempers and language. This is the family after all...

Hera had arrived at eight to begin seeing to all that would be needed for the sake of the meeting. There were to be no people in any room even remotely near by, the walls well made to prevent sound from escaping. She brought in various food and snacks that were left on the counter with plates and cups, coffee and hot water to the side. A small fridge held milk, juice and a few choices of soda, as well as water. A small bathroom was even connected to the space. No. There would be no excuse for them to be disturbed during these plans, and she would see that everything was needed.

A large draw erase board was posted on one wall; note tablets and pens available. She'd even brought her small laptop computer in case it was needed.

Now, as the hour drew closer, the Queen peered around what would serve as the battle chamber for however long the plans took. She doubted that it would take long, but she would at least be prepared for such things. Her pumps made barely any sound as she made a last circle around the table, then walked out to the hall to see who would arrive first.

Apr. 13th, 2008


Who: Muses and all they have invited.
What: Muse picnic
Where: A cute little park near Thalia's studio
When: Sunday, 1pm
Warning: None

Thalia had packed enough food to feed a small army )

Summary: A picnic with a lot of sisterly fun.

Feb. 27th, 2008


Who: Piper and D
What: Negotiations
Where: Over the phone
When: Backdated to this past weekend
Warnings: None.

Better than nothing. )

Summary: Piper negotiates her client's booking and wages with the owner of Vice.

Feb. 10th, 2008


Who: Piper & D
What: Arranging a trial gig
Where: Vice
When: Sunday night?
Warnings: Really short scene

I always like fresh blood around here anyway )

Summary: As promised, Piper goes out and finds her new little charge a trial gig for an employment opportunity. They chat, she succeeds, and the night goes on.


Who: Piper and Damien
What: Meeting & a Muse with a new charge
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The park
Warnings: None

Money is nothing, and fame is shit. )

Summary: While out meandering to clear her head and take Pitch out for a change, Piper comes around a particularly talented musician. And as a Muse would do, she jumps on the change to take him under her wing, and the two walk away from one another with an agreement.


Who: Euterpe and Pitch
What: Information DOOM
Where: Euterpe's Dream
When: BACKDATED to the night of the 7th/8th
Warnings: All [Greekspeak]

[That Nate keeps trying to pose me with Sadie.] )

Summary: Pitch wanders into Euterpe's dream again to update her on more information to share. Then there's an alarming reveal before the dream settles and continues on as normal.

Jan. 27th, 2008


Who: Hera and Euterpe
What: Meetings and Information
Where: Hera/Zeus’s temporary home at the hotel
When: Thursday, January 18th, 3pm
Warnings: None.

Pitch won't attack the cat. )

Summary: Euterpe meets with Hera as planned to give her the information that was revealed to her. The meetings doesn’t go as planned as tempers fly and the muse leaves in anger.

Jan. 22nd, 2008


Who: Euterpe and NPC
What: Dream sequence
Where: The couch/dreamland couch
When: Evening of the 17th
Warnings: Lots of [language] {switching}.

You dropped this... )

Summary: Euterpe falls asleep while reading a book and has a dream discussion with someone uncannily familiar, that delivers a warning.