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Oct. 1st, 2011


Occasion 「Vampire Knight; Yuuki/Ruka」

Title: Occasion
Author: [info]takerzmuse
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Pairing/characters: Yuuki/Ruka
Rating: G
Warnings: Alternate history/divergence thingy. Angst-tinged, fluffy female/female romantic friendship.
Prompt: Yuuki & Ruka, under the stars
Author's Notes: Sequel to a previous 0TP fic, Arise From Loving. (This may just turn into a proper AU after all!)

Simple moments added up are what make living worthwhile. )

Jun. 30th, 2009


Arise From Loving 「Vampire Knight; Yuuki/Ruka」

Title: Arise From Loving
Author: [info]takerzmuse
Rated: PG-13
Warnings: Alternate history/divergence thingy. Angst, not-quite romance of both the female/female and male/female types. Slight mentions of incest, but that’s to be expected, considering.
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Prompt: Kurosu Yuuki and Souen Ruka are in a marriage of convenience
Spoilers: Nothing extremely specific after chapter 48, other than a mention or two about the nature of an adult vampire’s feeding habits.
Pairings/Characters: Kurosu Kuran Yuuki/Souen Ruka, Kain Akatsuki + Souen Ruka, mentions of Kuran Yuuki + Kuran Kaname.
Summary: When Ruka first caught sight of the Kuran heir, she was still a child. But even a child could love and all of Ruka’s love was for Yuuki.
Author's Notes: This is less of a ficlet and more like an excerpt from a larger alternate history fic (that I will likely never write). All you really need to know is that Kaname, the son of Haruka and Juuri died, but Rido never raised the clan’s ancestor Kaname due to being very much deader than dead (and not coming back from it, either). Also not a pairing I ever considered writing - I’m firmly settled between the Zero/Yuuki and Kain/Ruka camps - but an idea I had some fun with nonetheless. And there’s a glaring lack of Kaname, which makes me happy. (After a certain point in canon, I have a hard time giving a damn about him at all, so. Yeah.)
Disclaimer: All things Vampire Knight belong to Hino Matsuri-sensei. The poem used is Aubade by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Grassy only lays claim to the plot.

“If I’m not strong enough to bear such a weight, I don’t deserve to be near Yuuki-sama.” )