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May. 18th, 2009


Something New 「Gundam 00; Tieria/Hilling」

Title: Something New
Author: [info]takerzmuse
Rated: R(-ish? Probably overrating, as always, but best to be safe.)
Warnings: Het, not-exactly-romantic, AU thing. Fly-by mention of Tieria’s not-quite-heterosexuality. Crack. Or maybe not. (It’s hard to tell when you mix these two.) Nudity and sexual overtones, but nothing really graphic. Mention of canonical crossdressing.
Fandom: Gundam 00
Prompt: Hilling Care and Tieria Erde are in a marriage of convenience
Spoilers: Up to 02x20, Anew Returner. Sort of. The crew knows of Anew’s past, but she’s still with them.
Pairings/Characters: Tieria Erde x Hilling Care
Summary: Theirs is not a marriage that would eventually lead to love. They’d be lucky to consummate it without killing one another first.
Author's Notes: WHAT IS THIS I DON’T EVEN- Tieria with actual boy parts? What kind of fuckery is this? *sighs* This pairing amuses me, if for no other reason than that I prefer Tieria with Hilling’s “brother,” Ribbons. And there’s so much backstory here that I ignored in favor of snark. Like just why exactly there has to be a wedding. Truth be told, part of the idea came from a wedding prompt on the S2 Kink Meme.
Disclaimer: All things Gundam 00 belong to Sunrise and Bandai, with major props to Kouga Yun-sensei for the beautiful character designs. Grassy only lays claim to the plot.

“And really! Why did *I* have to be the bride? History *proves* that I look better in a tux and you a dress. So~ humiliating…” )