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Jan. 27th, 2009


Positioned (CCS: Eriol/Sakura)

Title: Positioned
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Eriol/Sakura; Eriol/Kaho implied
Rating: R for sex
Warnings: explicit sex
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Sakura and Eriol, first time kink

Excerpt: Her hands were whispers on his chest, barely touching as they inched across his abdomen. It was as though she was mapping him with her fingertips, trying something utterly new.

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Jan. 26th, 2009


The Princess, the Waitress, and the Fairy Godfather (CCS: Tomoyo & Clow)

Title: The Princess, the Waitress, and the Fairy Godfather
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: slight Tomoyo/Sakura; mostly Tomoyo and Clow gen
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Clow and Tomoyo as the main characters in a fairy tale

Excerpt: He turns her broom into a cat and she maces him, and for good measure, the hay-colored cat.

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Jan. 25th, 2009


Strangers Passing (CCS: Eriol/Meiling)

Title: Strangers Passing
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Eriol/Meiling; Syaoran/Sakura implied
Rating: PG for mentions of sex
Warnings: mentions of sex
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Meiling/Eriol: don't cry now babydoll / nothing too good ever lasted long

Excerpt: "Li Meiling," she explains, her handshake firm, and he offers to buy her coffee and a new pair of shoes.

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Jan. 23rd, 2009


Trusting Gaze (CCS: Syaoran/Sakura)

Title: Trusting Gaze
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Syaoran/Sakura; Eriol
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Syaoran and Sakura: "Don't give up now."

Excerpt: It's been a while since he's seen that look-- that look she wore when the card pretended to be her mother, the look from when the Mirror stole Touya.

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Jan. 21st, 2009


Becoming Family (CCS: Meiling & Sakura)

Title: Becoming Family
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Syaoran/Sakura; Meiling
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Sakura and Meiling: "I'd hate to ruin the surprise."

Excerpt: "Come on, come on!" Meiling said, reaching for Sakura's hand, and they were both grinning as she dragged her up the stairs. For a moment they were kids again instead of the adults they proposed to be.

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Jan. 19th, 2009


Opportunity's Kiss (CCS: Meiling/Syaoran)

Title: Opportunity's Kiss
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Meiling/Syaoran
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Syaoran and Meiling: "Virtue is its own punishment"

Excerpt: She wondered why she'd never begged a kiss when she had the chance. She'd never had a ring; she could have at least had her first kiss.

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Jan. 16th, 2009


Concessions (Cardcaptor Sakura: Syaoran & Tomoyo)

Title: Concessions
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Syaoran/Sakura; Tomoyo/Sakura
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Syaoran and Tomoyo, eternal rivals

Excerpt: In some sideways world there was a Sakura without a Syaoran, a Sakura with only a Tomoyo, and this Tomoyo seemed to know that somehow.

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Jan. 12th, 2009


Subtlety (Cardcaptor Sakura: Eriol/Tomoyo)

Title: Subtlety
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Eriol/Tomoyo; Syaoran/Sakura
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Tomoyo and Eriol: O body swayed to music, O brightening glance / How can we know the dancer from the dance?

Excerpt: The dance was the catalyst, but it started the day she startled him and he realized he couldn't think of her as a child anymore; she'd been grown up all of her life.

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Jan. 8th, 2009


Take a Chance; or A Hope in Hell (Cardcaptor Sakura: Syaoran/Eriol)

Title: Take a Chance; or A Hope in Hell
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Syaoran/Eriol implied
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Eriol and Syaoran with the title, "A Hope in Hell"

Excerpt: When he teased Syaoran, he wasn't thinking of it in a romantic way. He knew that touching the boy would derail him in a humorous way, so that's what he did. Syaoran was fun to provoke.

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Jan. 7th, 2009


Support (Cardcaptor Sakura: Tomoyo/Sakura)

Title: Support
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Tomoyo/Sakura; Syaoran/Sakura
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Tomoyo and Sakura have nothing left to lose

Excerpt: If Tomoyo had a selfish wish, it would be that she would have magic too, to make Sakura's job easier.

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Jan. 6th, 2009


Bright Futures (Cardcaptor Sakura: Syaoran and Clow)

Title: Bright Futures
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Syaoran/Sakura implied; Clow gen
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Clow and Syaoran: an unexpected act of kindness

Excerpt: Even as he carefully crafted the little pink staff, Clow knew there would be another challenger. He kept good track of his descendants, especially the ones who would be on the cusp of the turning point.

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Jan. 4th, 2009


Rebirth (Cardcaptor Sakura: Eriol & Clow)

Title: Rebirth; or proper selves
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura (/xxxHOLiC)
Pairing/characters: Clow/Yuuko; Eriol & Fujitaka gen
Rating: PG
Warnings: (canon) character death; transgenderism
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Eriol and Clow: transformation of some kind (genderswitch? body swap? species shift?)

Excerpt: Clow dressed in layers. It was the only way he was comfortable-- to be as separate from his skin as possible. He tied his hair back and wore the thick robes, and even Keroberos and Yue never saw him without them.

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Jan. 2nd, 2009


Stumble (Cardcaptor Sakura: Tomoyo/Meiling)

Title: Stumble
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: slight Tomoyo/Meiling; past Tomoyo/Sakura; past Meiling/Syaoran; Syaoran/Sakura
Rating: G
Warnings: implied drunkenness
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Tomoyo rescues Meiling from some kind of trouble

Excerpt: "You agreed to give Syaoran to Sakura, just as I agreed to give Sakura to Syaoran," Tomoyo said quietly, her fingers gentle in Meiling's hair. "You're making him worry about you."

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