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Jul. 7th, 2008


"Cold and Dark," Baccano!, Claire/Lua

Title: Cold and Dark
Author: Laylah
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing: Claire, Lua->Ladd
Rating: worksafe
Prompt: love is blindness / i don't want to see / won't you wrap the night around me

Cold and Dark )

Jun. 28th, 2008


"Domino Effect," Baccano!

Title: Domino Effect
Author: Laylah
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing: Ronnie/Maiza
Rating: worksafe, to Ronnie's chagrin
Prompt: Ronnie and Maiza - "I love you."
A/N: Totally inspired by episode 16; some minor spoilers.

Domino Effect )

Jun. 26th, 2008


"Puss in Suits," Baccano!

Title: Puss in Suits
Author: Laylah
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing: Ladd/Dune
Rating: not entirely worksafe for glossed violence and heavily implied kitty porn. whut.
Prompt: Ladd and Dune as the main characters in a fairy tale.

Puss in Suits )

Jun. 24th, 2008


Baccano!, Luck & Chane

Title: Hijacking in the Name of Good!
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing/characters: Luck Gandor, Chane Laforet
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Chane and Luck Gandor: they fight crime!

A/N: Despite the title, this is a totally serious fic no lie.

Read more... )

Jun. 13th, 2008


Baccano!, Claire/Chane

Title: The Edge of the Map
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing/characters: Claire/Chane
Rating: PG13/R
A/N: Part of that Baccano! pirate AU [info]laylah prompted me with a while back.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: * Chane and Claire Stanfield with the title, "The Edge of the Map."

Read more... )

Jun. 5th, 2008


"Fierce and Angry," Baccano!, Ladd->Chane

Title: Fierce and Angry
Author: Laylah
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing: Ladd->Chane
Rating: not worksafe
Prompt: the memory cannot keep me warm / but it never leaves me cold
Warning: fantasized rape, murder

Fierce and Angry )