April 2013




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Mar. 31st, 2013


Posting begins on April 1st!

...whenever that time hits in your area (but don't worry, I won't be checking or anything, so if you're ready to get posting a little early...) ;)

As a reminder, here's the posting format:

Please include as a minimum in each post, the following headers:
Warnings: [character death, rape/non-con, and shota/chan/loli-con, or otherwise at your choice (if you want to entice us with your "warnings," I won't have a problem with that either)]
Prompt/challenge you're answering:

And the standard subject line is something like: Title (Fandom(s), Pairing), but please proceed as you see fit.

Tagging policies: Each piece will get a tag for its fandom(s), author/artist, pairing, and the challenge round that it answers.

I'll create new tags as they're needed -- feel free to add tags to your pieces if they're already in the tag list. That usually includes your author tag, and the '! 2013 spring 8 character challenge' tag. Otherwise, I'll be happy to handle them myself.

(and, for the record, since I recently talked to someone about it, the pairing tags are simplified to "so-and-so/such-and-such" just for convenience- any romantic or non-romantic combination of the two characters specified by the prompt is fine)

Once again, best of luck to everyone, and I hope we see a lot of excellent stories/art!

Mar. 4th, 2013


Prompts for Round 11!

How's everyone doing this morning?

As usual, the only numbers are in the appropriate locations in the prompts (though I have been known to screw this up before...), so you should be able to just find and replace them on your word processor of choice.

And here they are! )

So? Did you get something wonderfully hilarious, brain-breaking, or inspiring that you'd like to share? Feel free to chat and mention some of your favorites here!

And if you still want to sign up, just head on over to the sign-up post and make your lists. If you already peeked at the prompts though, don't cheat! ^^; Tell me you signed up late and I'll mix the numbers up into a new order to keep things randomized for you.

Posting starts April 1st! Good luck and have fun!

Feb. 18th, 2013


Round Eleven Sign-Ups!

The first rule of No True Pair is: have fun!
The second rule of No True Pair is: talk about No True Pair
(The third rule of No True Pair is also: talk about No True Pair- just in case you were wondering)

0TP Round Eleven is officially open for sign-ups!


Comment here with your numbered list of eight characters for the Spring 2013 round of No True Pair. As per previous rounds:

- your list can contain characters from one fandom or different fandoms
- you may use your original characters
- you may have more than one list (as many as you like)
- you can also use less than eight characters -- simply repeat the same characters until you have a name next to every number
- every character in your list will have a prompt with every other one.

This is a low pressure challenge. Signing up does not obligate you to complete any fic/art.

I do hope that you will participate and I encourage you to invite your friends!!

(I will be out this evening and away from the internet most, if not all, of tomorrow, so comments/answers to inquiries may be a bit delayed, but nevertheless, don't fret! I'm looking forward to being excited over this with all of you, as usual!)

Feb. 15th, 2013


Round 11 Sign-Ups Coming Feb. 18th!

.......or possibly a little early on the 17th? :)

Round 11 Schedule:

Sign-ups: Feb. (17th?/)18th

Prompts revealed: Mar. 4th

Posting begins: April 1st!

And in other No True Pair scheduling news, by popular request, there will be another period of general amnesty this summer. So, plenty to look forward to!

Jan. 7th, 2013


Round 10 "Back By Popular Demand" Masterlist.

Round 10 "Back By Popular Demand" Masterlist.

Complete as of 1/7/2912. (post more and make me update it! Go for it!)

All the posts (IJ & DW) separated by prompt: )

50 awesome posts went up this round thus far!

Fandoms represented (including those present in crossovers): 27!
[Including: Leverage, RED, The Dark is Rising, Pirates of the Caribbean, Chronicles of Narnia, Homestuck, Final Fantasy VII, Portal, Superior, K-ON!, 1/2 Prince, Ma-Tantei Loki Ragnarok, The Legend of Sun Knight, Kuroshitsuji, Gundam SEED, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Touhou Project, Detective Conan, Youkai Ningen Bem, True Blood, Harry Potter, Yu Yu Hakusho, The Silver Wolf, Avengers MCU, Switch, Motorcity and Noblesse!]

And a round of applause please:

...the most prolific member (so far) this round was: darkicedragon with 20 fics in a variety of fandoms! \o/

And after that- Kalloway with 10 Gundam SEED fics so far (and more to follow, I hear! Let's cheer on kalloway to complete/post all of those! :D Will it be a full 28?!)!

A big thank you and congratulations go out to our wonderful participants thus far: kalloway, darkdragonne, shiegra, unattractive, SlowMercury, admiral, brightflower, rinyula, darkicedragon, KuwaNeko, lucathia, sententia, and eevilalice!
(that makes 13! and what was I doing?)


...Round 10 masterlist coming soon!

Well, I've dropped the ball schedule-wise here, so this is a quick message to let you know I am still around! I've still been observing things (...just not doing many things)!

So the master list for this past round will be posted this week (today, even, maybe?!), but feel free to post more things for it.

What kind of schedule would you like to see for the next round? Would posting in March or April appeal to you?

Sep. 24th, 2012


Posting begins on October 1st!

As a reminder, here's the posting format:

Please include as a minimum in each post, the following headers:
Warnings: [character death, rape/non-con, and shota/chan/loli-con, or otherwise at your choice (if you want to entice us with your "warnings," I won't have a problem with that either)]
Prompt/challenge you're answering:

And the standard subject line is something like: Title (Fandom(s), Pairing), but please proceed as you see fit.

Tagging policies: Each piece will get a tag for its fandom(s), author/artist, pairing, and the challenge round that it answers.

I'll create new tags as they're needed -- feel free to add tags to your pieces if they're already in the tag list. That usually includes your author tag, and the '! 2012 back by popular demand challenge' tag. Otherwise, I'll be happy to handle them myself.

Feel free to start posting once it is October 1st in your area.

Once again, best of luck to everyone, and I hope we see a lot of excellent stories/art!

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Prompts for Round 10!

I know you're ready for this!!

The only numbers are in the appropriate locations in the prompts, so you should be able to just find and replace them on your word processor of choice.

So here you are...! )

So? Did you get something wonderfully hilarious, brain-breaking, or inspiring that you'd like to share? Feel free to chat and mention some of your favorites here!

And if you still want to sign up, just head on over to the sign-up post and make your lists. If you already peeked at the prompts though, don't cheat! ^^; Tell me you signed up late and I'll mix the numbers up into a new order to keep things randomized for you.

Posting starts October 1st! Good luck and have fun!

Aug. 7th, 2012


Round Ten Sign-Ups!

The first rule of No True Pair is: have fun!
The second rule of No True Pair is: talk about No True Pair
(The third rule of No True Pair is also: talk about No True Pair- just in case you were wondering)

0TP Round Ten is officially open for sign-ups!

Sign-ups will run from now until August 22nd!
(If you show up between August 22nd & September 39th and ask me nicely, I'll let you join in anyway with the numbers on the prompts reshuffled, but it's better to get in early, right?)

August 22nd: Prompts are revealed. (with their proper numbers & ordering- you know these prompts)

October 1st: Posting starts.


Comment here with your numbered list of eight characters for the Fall 2012 round of No True Pair. As per previous rounds:

- your list can contain characters from one fandom or different fandoms
- you may use your original characters
- you may have more than one list (as many as you like)
- you can also use less than eight characters -- simply repeat the same characters until you have a name next to every number
- every character in your list will have a prompt with every other one.

This is a low pressure challenge. Signing up does not obligate you to complete any fic/art.

I do hope that you will participate and I encourage you to invite your friends!!


Voting Results, Part 2

It is Aug. 7th and we have our Round 10 theme set! :D

Thank you very much everyone who voted!

The 11 qualifying prompts were:

At 14 votes... 5 and 2, not fully human.
At 13 votes... 6 and 8: an unexpected act of kindness
& 2 and 6, “Bonfires lit the fields.”
At 11 votes... 7 and 9 with the title, "Nothing Like the Sun."
& 4 and 8, with the title, "Rain"
& 2 has heard the rumors about 4. Now 2 is about to find out if they're true...
At 10 votes... Used to managing alone, 1 is reluctant to work with 2
& 3 needs help that only 6 can provide
& 6 & 7, the warmth of the sun
At 9 votes... 5 and 10 with the title, "The Edge of the Map."
& 7 and 8, "The Good End" or "The Bad End"

Every prompt from the bunch received at least 4 votes.

So, now I get to arrange these prompts and set up the new numbering.
And that means sign-ups will begin as soon as I can get the post up (as for continued amnesty posts, if you want to sneak in any more before posting starts for this round, you won't hear any complaints from me).

Sign-ups will run from today up until whenever I first get online on Aug. 22nd and posting for Round 10 will be in October.

Aug. 1st, 2012


Pick the Prompts Vote-Off!

Here are the 20 prompts that received 4 votes during our initial Round 10 prompt-choosing process:

1 has amnesia -- does 3 try to help, or take shameless advantage of the situation?
1 waking up in 7’s body, and 7 waking up in 1’s.
2 and 6, “Bonfires lit the fields.”
2 has heard the rumors about 4. Now 2 is about to find out if they're true...
5 and 2, not fully human.
6 and 8: an unexpected act of kindness
7 and 9 with the title, "Nothing Like the Sun."
Used to managing alone, 1 is reluctant to work with 2.
3 and 4, “That is a big lizard.”
3 needs help that only 6 can provide
5 and 10 with the title, "The Edge of the Map."
7 and 8, "The Good End" or "The Bad End"
8 and 4: it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
The way 2 chooses to comfort 5 is definitely unique to 2...
11 and 7: "I love you."
3 tries on 4's clothes
6 & 7, the warmth of the sun
7 is bailed out by 8—though in return 7 must pay back the debt.
Don't look now, 5, but it looks like 3 is developing a dangerous obsession...
4 and 8, with the title, "Rain"

As we still have 11 more spots to fill in our new list, please choose up to 11 prompts from this list and reply with your vote.

Voting begins now, August 1st, and will continue until August 7th. Hopefully we'll break this list up in some helpful way. (If our results lead to a finished list on the 7th, I will start sign-ups for the next round then. However things go, I'm hoping to get sign-ups for Round 10 started by the 15th of the month.)

Once again, comments will be screened and you need only vote in one location.

Thank you, yet again!


Round 10 Voting Results!

So, how did it go, right?

I received votes from: anaraine, lucathia, yoshitsune, deadcellredux, roseargent, joudama, darkicedragon, merlose, puimoo, mystiri_1, takerzmuse, sententia, jlsigman, shiegra, and beccastareyes! + my vote, that makes a total of 16 votes! If there's some problem and you voted/tried to vote, but don't see your name on this list, just let me know.

The votes were quite varied! I enjoyed looking them over. All our past mods and creators of prompts should be happy to know that the votes were well spread across all the past prompt sets.

Anyway, 9 prompts were most picked at 6 votes a piece:

1 - 5 and 1 as the main characters in a fairy tale
2 - 1 and 2 can communicate without saying a word
3 - 1/9, in a threesome with any other character from your list
4 - 2 and 6 are in a marriage of convenience
5 - 1 and 5, the price you pay for miracles
6 - 12/5, captivity scenario (kidnapping, prison guard/inmate, etc)
7 - 1 and 2: aphrodisiacs/pollen/aliens made them do it
8 - Only 6 can break the curse afflicting 4
9 - 2 & 5, the waves are so loud

And 8 more prompts received 5 votes each:

10 - 2 has been kidnapped! Is 6 ready to rush to 2's rescue? Or is he/she involved in the abduction?
11 - 5 and 6: they fight crime!
12 - 5 and 6: transformation of some kind (genderswitch? body swap? species shift?)
13 - 4 and 8 share a bed out of necessity
14 - 5 and 8, the language of flowers
15 - 2 owes 3, and uses sex as an alternative form of payment
16 - 7 and 1: It was a dark and stormy night—
17 - 10 and 12 with the title, "Riding out the Storm."

Giving us a definite 17 out of the 28 prompts a regular round requires, so all 17 of these prompts will appear in Round 10! (Yay! \o/)

However, we had 20 different prompts come in at 4 votes (and tons more at 3, 2, and 1, as you might have guessed), so we're going to have to narrow them down.

...Stay tuned for a vote-off post focused around those 21 prompts very soon...!

Jul. 24th, 2012


Round 10 Voting (Thus Far)

While voting will continue for the rest of July, I thought you might like to know that at this point, I've received 12 different (sets of) votes!

It's been fun watching the votes come in and seeing how varied they are.

Currently, the three most requested prompts (with 5 votes each) are:

1 and 2 can communicate without saying a word
1/9, in a threesome with any other character from your list
5 and 1 as the main characters in a fairy tale

Thank you everyone who's voted so far! I'm looking forward to seeing how this will all turn out. :D (and thinking about what my sign-ups list(s) will be too)

Jul. 18th, 2012


Help Pick the Prompts for Round 10!

The prompt-choosing process for Round 10 will basically work like so:

Collected here are all the prompts from rounds 1-9. Each round features 28 prompts. Peruse all the cool past prompts we've had and leave a comment here listing 1-28 prompts you'd most like to see back.

The 28 prompts that receive the most votes will make up our set for Round 10. Voting begins now, July 18th and will continue until August 1st, at which point we will hold whatever vote-offs necessary. As mentioned in my previous post, general posting amnesty will continue until Round 10 sign-ups begin.

Disregard the numbers given in each particular prompts - they will be reshuffled once our new set is chosen to mix everything up anew (so before sign-ups this round you'll have an idea of what prompts we'll be using, but not how they'll wind up character-wise).

Comments will be screened so no one has to see your choices (although if you want your votes to be public, just let me know - there's no rule against getting a voting block going to get any particular prompt(s) in either ^^;). Anyone is free to vote whether you know yet if you'll be playing or not (just like sign-ups). :D

…And if nobody participates you're all going to get stuck with the 28 I chose (see my comment). (so, uh, vote accordingly! XD;)

[You need only vote in one location- DW or IJ- I'll tally the results from both sides up together (I'm just leaving my vote in both places as an example)]

Thank you!

Prompts, prompts, and more prompts!!! )

Jul. 5th, 2012



Aaaah, I haven't said anything here for a long time...! But it's great to see some amnesty fics continue to be posted!

Since Round 10 will be: "Back by Popular Demand!" Those interested will be helping take part in choosing which of our past things to bring back. I plan on getting some information about that up soon (sometime this month, hopefully next week?), but the amnesty period will continue until sign-ups actually start so you've still got some time to get things in.

(uh, so, basically, just letting you know that the wheels are still turning here at No True Pair)

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Rounds 1-9 Amnesty!

Allow me to remind you how I teased you all with this idea back in February:

...Remember all those old sign-ups you have sitting around?
...Those fics you started and never finished?
...That art you drew but never finished coloring?

Anything you ever made for No True Pair (or wanted to make, but haven't yet), but never posted here will be fair game!

I apologize in advance that this event sort of favors those who have played at No True Pair in the past. However, even if you never signed up for any of the past rounds, Round 6, the 2010 Holiday Challenge, was different and all prompts left in it are fair game for anyone, old or new!

Anticipated (?) questions: )

Please feel free to ask any questions/get whatever clarification you need (this is new, and I'm me, so I probably forgot something important and/or obvious)!

...As for what comes next... Well, looking at those past prompts, perhaps you're seeing some you wish you'd been around to use? ...Perhaps you've noticed a few you'd like to try again with different characters?

Keep an eye on old prompts you like, because I'd like to celebrate the longevity and fun of No True Pair by having Round 10 be (either completely or in part, depending on your inclinations): Back by Popular Demand!

...More information/inquiries about this forthcoming (including scheduling for the next round- I'd like this 'one amnesty to rule them all' period to be decently long, so maybe the next sign-ups will be in August???)

Apr. 1st, 2012


2012 8 Characters Challenge Masterlist!

Complete as of 4/1/2012. :)

All the posts (IJ & DW), separated by prompt: )

46 awesome posts have gone up here this round!

The most "popular" prompts (based on how many times they were filled)? They were a lot of equally popular prompts (at least at this point) each filled 3 times!

Fandoms represented (including those present in crossovers): 17 [+ original works!]
[Including: Kiddy Grade, Final Fantasy X, Dragon Age (2), Tales of Vesperia, Final Fantasy VII, Baccano!, Suikoden Tierkreis, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy V, Portal, Homestuck, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Suikoden III, Tales of Legendia, Final Fantasy XII, Fullmetal Alchemist, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together]

And a round of applause please:

...the most prolific member this round was kalloway with 28 Kiddy Grade fics (this means kalloway wrote a fic for every prompt this round)! (Wow! That's insanely awesome!! (Surely this is a No True Pair first?!) Tell all your friends who are into Kiddy Grade!) (Kalloway, I want to hear your secret method for pulling this off! :D)

A big thank you and congratulations go out to our wonderful participants thus far: kalloway, vieralynn, person4, sincere, gnome, rinyula, mako_lies, sirvalkyrie [with me added, that's 9!]

There was a great variety of art and fic posted! I want to encourage all of you to continue to post anything you write/draw for these prompts up until the beginning of sign-ups for the next round! (information regarding the complete and total posting amnesty forthcoming)

Feb. 28th, 2012


Posting begins on March 1st

As a reminder, here's the posting format:

Please include as a minimum in each post, the following headers:
Warnings: [character death, rape/non-con, and shota/chan/loli-con, or otherwise at your choice (if you want to entice us with your "warnings," I won't have a problem with that either)]
Prompt/challenge you're answering:

And the standard subject line is something like: Title (Fandom(s), Pairing), but please proceed as you see fit.

Tagging policies: Each piece will get a tag for its fandom(s), author/artist, pairing, and the challenge round that it answers.

I'll create new tags as they're needed -- feel free to add tags to your pieces if they're already in the tag list. That usually includes your author tag, and the '! 2012 eight characters challenge' tag. Otherwise, I'll be happy to handle them myself.

Feel free to start posting once it is March 1st in your area.

Once again, best of luck to everyone, and I hope we see a lot of excellent stories/art!

Feb. 11th, 2012


Prompts for Round 9!

Are you ready? How 'bout it? XD

The only numbers are in the appropriate locations in the prompts, so you should be able to just find and replace them on your word processor of choice.

Here they are! )

So? So? Did you get something wonderfully hilarious, brain-breaking, or inspiring that you'd like to share? Feel free to chat and mention some of your favorites here!

And if you still want to sign up, just head on over to the sign-up post and make your lists. If you already peeked at the prompts though, don't cheat! ^^; Tell me you signed up late and I'll mix the numbers up into a new order to keep things randomized for you.

Posting starts March 1st! Good luck and have fun!

Feb. 10th, 2012


Upcoming at No True Pair...

Looking forward to the prompt reveal? :D

Don't worry, it's coming soon! (Probably tomorrow night since I'm booked on the morning of the 12th ;) )

But, in the meantime, a little news about upcoming events at No True Pair...

...Remember all those old sign-ups you have sitting around?
...Those fics you started and never finished?
...That art you drew but never finished coloring?

If you liked them, don't let them go just yet, because after the March posting for the 9th Round, starting sometime in April No True Pair will begin to celebrate its 5 year anniversary (this June) and the eventual 10th Round (sometime in the second half of the year) with a full-on prompt amnesty! (to overlap with the on-going posting of late entries for Round 9)

Anything you ever made for No True Pair, but never posted here will be fair game!

[Further info and inquiries regarding Round 10 will probably appear around the same time]

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