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January 13th, 2009

[info]dropsofviolet in [info]no_true_pair

Resulting Experimentation (Disney: Nala/Megara)

Title: Resulting Experimentation
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: The Lion King/Hercules(/Aladdin/Beauty and the Beast)
Pairing/characters: Nala/Megara; Jasmine/Belle
Rating: PG-13 for sex
Warnings: college students AU (Disney Hall); sexual situations
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Nala and Megara: "Well, I never saw that coming."

Excerpt: When Jasmine and Belle announced their relationship, officially, to the rest of the dorm, it was Nala and Megara who were probably the most surprised. Nala and Jasmine were roommates; so were Megara and Belle. Neither of them had any idea that their roommates were sleeping together.

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[info]dropsofviolet in [info]no_true_pair

Family Bonding (CCS/xxxHOLiC: Meiling & Watanuki)

Title: Family Bonding
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura/xxxHOLiC
Pairing/characters: Syaoran/Sakura implied; Watanuki/Doumeki/Himawari blink-and-you'll-miss-it
Rating: G
Warnings: vague xxxHOLiC spoilers; useless speculation on xxxHOLiC future
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Meiling and Watanuki: "Well, I never saw that coming."

Excerpt: Their first meeting ended with near violence. There they were standing, foreheads pressed together, looking absolutely ridiculous as they shouted insults at one another.

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[info]myeerah in [info]no_true_pair

Beginnings [Kingdom Hearts/Russian Trilogy]

Title: Beginnings
Author: myeerah
Rating: worksafe, one instance of language
Prompt: Kavi and Sora, first impressions
Word Count: ~1,500
Characters: Sora/Kairi/Riku UST, Pyetr/Eveshka, Sasha
Warnings: very rough
Notes: Set a couple of weeks after "Into the Woods". In other words:
Into the Woods
Beginnings <-- You are here
Summary: Happily ever after has to start somewhere; too bad it usually starts with someone being stupid.

“You. Bottomless pit,” Pyetr called from across the yard. )

[info]mystiri_1 in [info]no_true_pair

Some day (Final Fantasy VII, Rufus/Sephiroth)

Title: Some Day
Author/Artist: [info]mystiri_1
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing/characters: Rufus/Sephiroth.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Nothing much, just language and patricidal thoughts.
Prompt: Rufus and Sephiroth, first impressions
A/N: my first fic for this round, due to computer/software issues and general blah-ness, although hopefully not my last. I seem to finally be back in writing mode - this wasn't even one of the prompts I was planning on doing. And I still want to get some of the week 1 prompts done!

He'd heard a lot about Sephiroth... )