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June 1st, 2008

[info]chibirisuchan in [info]no_true_pair

VS/Bleach, Yoruichi & Sydney, "Lost and Found"

well, it's 12:04 a.m. here! XD

Title: Lost and Found
Author: [info]chibirisuchan
Fandom: Bleach and Vagrant Story (with a cameo from another series)
Pairing/characters: Yoruichi, Sydney, and, er, someone else
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Yoruichi's attitude toward clothing
Prompt/challenge you're answering: "Yoruichi and Sydney with the title, 'Lost and Found.'"

Yoruichi and Sydney, Lost and Found )

[info]elanor_pam in [info]no_true_pair

Final Fantasy VII/Violinist of Hameln: "Please sit down."

Title: Please sit down.
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII and Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/characters: Zack Fair and Hamel
Rating: Your children would love this.
Warnings: Boundless imaturity.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: "Go on, make yourself comfortable."
Notes: The art is not great in this - it's little more than a colored sketch - but it is pretty much how I see these two interacting with each other.

Go on... sit down. )

[info]eider in [info]no_true_pair

Fic: "Save the Queen" [Final Fantasy XII/Tactics ]

Title: Save the Queen
Author: [info]eider
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII & Final Fantasy Tactics (all Ivalice, all the time)
Characters: Marquis Ondore, Meliadoul Tengille
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Prompt/challenge: "captivity scenario (kidnapping, prison guard/inmate, etc.)"
Summary: A case of mistaken identity, doubly so.
Author's notes: AU, but it's hard to say; perhaps it could have happened. For FFXII, set after the opening movie but before the game itself. For FFT, set just before Meliadoul joins the party. I had... way too much fun piecing this together; this unlikely pair of characters had an unusual bit of synchronicity. Teleportation is time magic, after all.

Marquis Halim Ondore was intrigued. )

[info]badpenny in [info]no_true_pair

"Piecemeal" Eureka Seven & Fullmetal Alchemist

Title: Piecemeal
Author: [info]badpenny
Fandom: Eureka Seven & Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairings/Characters: Mischa & Frank Archer with various cameos.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Character death
Prompt: 10 and 1: the memory cannot keep me warm / but it never leaves me cold
Notes: Set in the Fullmetal Alchemist anime universe with Mischa and the Tresor Research Facility folks as military scientists.

Piecemeal )

[info]chibirisuchan in [info]no_true_pair

FF7/FF12: Fledgling - the beginning of Zack and Balthier's passionate love affair

Title: Fledgling
Author: [info]chibirisuchan
Fandom: FF7 and FF12
Pairing/characters: Zack and Balthier
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None really
Prompt/challenge you're answering: "The beginning of Balthier and Zack's passionate love affair."

Fledgling )

[info]jameva in [info]no_true_pair

Fic: 'Oddly Deadly', FMA/Naruto, Ed/Kakashi

Title: Oddly Deadly
Author/Artist: jameva
Fandom: FMA/Naruto
Pairing/characters: Edward Elric/Hatake Kakashi
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/A
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Edward shares something meaningful with Kakashi.
Word Count: 830

[info]ex_redbird159 in [info]no_true_pair

"No Frills" [Baccano!/Revolutionary Girl Utena]

Title: "No Frills"
Artist: [info]redbird / Miss Arel
Fandom: Baccano! / Revolutionary Girl Utena
Pairing/characters: Luck Gandor / Tenjou Utena
Rating: PG
Prompt/challenge: "The beginning of Utena and Luck's passionate love affair"

Hey, look, I got it colored after all! (It went much more quickly than I expected it to.)

One wonders what would cause someone so devoted to gallantry to work for the mafia, but I suspect the answer is 'life' )

[info]white_aster in [info]no_true_pair

FF7/Getbackers: "The Stony Face of the Past" (Cid/Akabane)

Title: The Stony Face of the Past
Author: White Aster
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7/Getbackers
Pairing/characters: Cid Highwind/Akabane Kuroudo
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: HEAVY AU. Like...really AU.
Prompt/challenge: captivity scenario (kidnapping, prison guard/inmate, etc)
Author's Notes: I am not sure if this was one story...or two. So if it gets disjointed, or something doesn't quite make sense...I uh...am not surprised. I also know just about nothing about how prisons are run, so if my descriptions are off, my sin is a sin of ignorance! Also also, I so wanted there to be porn, but Cid was too suspicious, and Akabane too polite, and I refused to do non-con, so yeah! Instead we get the most understated UST ever. >_>

Nostalgia paints a smile on the stony face of the past )

[info]chichirinoda in [info]no_true_pair

Accidents Happen - Part 1/5

Title: Accidents Happen
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Fandom: Crossover: Naruto & Final Fantasy VII
Pairing/Characters: Gen: Neji, Rufus, Sephiroth and Gaara
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Prompt: Written for the [info]no_true_pair challenge for the following pair of prompts: Hyuuga Neji and Sephiroth: "Go on, make yourself comfortable." and Rufus ShinRa/Gaara, captivity scenario (kidnapping, prison guard/inmate, etc)
Summary & Notes: A terrible accident causes Neji and Rufus to switch worlds, only to find allies in unexpected places.

I'm going to resist spamming the [info]no_true_pair community with all 5 parts of this, and post only the first chapter today to let people know it's here, and then a sum-up post on the last day with all five parts. ^_^ I hope you all enjoy! This turned into a monster, but I had a great time writing it.

( A sandstorm raged outside the walls of Sunagakure, the Hidden Village of Sand, but inside the sealed chamber the air was utterly still. )