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log: jean-paul and walter [Aug. 22nd, 2009|03:23 pm]

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summary! Backdated a week or two. Walter lost his bookshelves in the earthquake and Jean-Paul comes up with the wonderful idea to build some themselves.

Jean-Paul and Walter. Being manly and building things with their bare hands. Out of wood. )
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Log: Aurora and Walter [Jun. 3rd, 2009|04:32 pm]

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Summary: Aurora visits Walter at work. This is a problem for many different reasons, especially the reason for why she's visiting. Then there's an "incident" and a receptionist will have a fun story to tell later.

Let's go to Las Vegas and have an Elvis marry us!!! )
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email. [Apr. 30th, 2009|11:52 pm]

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TO: Jean-Paul Beaubier
FROM: Walter Langkowski
sent from a computer @ Bryden Electrical )
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LOG: Julian Keller & Walter Langowski [Apr. 28th, 2009|02:35 pm]
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SUMMARY Backdated to before the hype broke out with kids being boosted from the hotel, so about two weeks ago? Julian runs into Walter and he tries to pick a fight, but, it's Walter, guys. It's like trying to get a Care Bear to curse.

Walter then realizes what a dork his inner monologue sounds like. )
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Log: Aurora and Walter [Apr. 20th, 2009|04:23 pm]

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summary!Walter and Aurora "watch hockey" on his couch. The L word comes up. Backdated before JP got kicked out.

You don't need the L word to get into her pants, Walter! )
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Log: Walter and Madison [Mar. 24th, 2009|10:14 pm]

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Summary: This happened like, a month ago. Walter meets Madison at a nice, well lit, public place and brings him back to Santa Monica. Madison has a schweeeeet ride.

California, Walter, I am impressed. )
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log: jean-paul and walter [Apr. 15th, 2009|11:12 pm]

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summary! So. Yeah. It's not a smart idea to have a lot to drink with the guy you have a massive crush on. Who just happens to being dating your sister. Jean-Paul is a terrible brother today.

I think maybe it's time I head on back to my own room. )
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Log: Walter and Angie [Apr. 14th, 2009|11:44 am]

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Summary: During all this crazy business, Walter gets some advice from Angie.

Angie was going to use the phrase 'crazy over you', but that was a touchy subject. )
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Log: Walter and Jean-Paul. [Mar. 12th, 2009|12:01 pm]

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Summary: About 10 days ago and started around here! JP needs to buy a couch, Walter assists him. In this log, Walter asks question about the gay community (sorta).

What about that guy from the vampire movie, do you think he's cute? )
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Log: WALTER LANGOWSKI & JACK POWER [Mar. 9th, 2009|10:16 pm]
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BACKDATED TO ROUGHLY TWO WEEKS PAST: Jack and Walter make friendly on the front steps! Jack is stoned and Walter has donuts. Friends should be obvious. Walter is scared. There are some cops. Jack is scared. Walter gets a kling-on.

I love Star Trek. )
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Log: Aurora and Walter [Mar. 1st, 2009|06:17 pm]

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Summary: About a week ago, Aurora shows up to Walter's room in her underpants and requests to see Walter's power. He shows her, then they take a nap. That is apparently how exciting it is. XD

Shall I hold your clothing for you? )
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log: jean-paul and walter [Feb. 11th, 2009|11:35 pm]

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summary! The boys eat corn dogs. And Walter makes some very awkward conversation.

Walter's got his priorities straight. )
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log: walter and rahne [Jan. 1st, 2009|04:57 pm]
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summary! After the cupcake plot is hatched, Walter and Rahne reconvene in the hotel kitchen to discuss the metric system and mutations.

So, you're a wolf sometimes? )
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Log: Aurora and Walter [Jan. 22nd, 2009|10:11 pm]

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Summary: Jean-Paul told Aurora that Walter had a crush on her. She in turn, goes straight to Walter and confirms it. It's all very grade-school. By the end of this, Walter has a girlfriend. PRAY FOR HIM. This totally happened... tomorrow. After Jeanne-Marie woke up in Michael's bed. (AND I THINK THIS ENDS MY "QUICKLY POST EVERYTHING BEFORE MY HIATUS" STUFF).

Oh! You know what we should do?! Go to his door with...what is that wedding rice? Confetti? And throw it all over him, yell 'SURPRISE!' and then makeout. )
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Log: Walter and Lilli [Jan. 11th, 2009|02:02 pm]


Summary: Lilli accidently phases into a closet and then is unable to escape. THIS IS A DISTASTER. Until Walter comes by. It's a small victory.

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log: jean-paul and walter [Jan. 20th, 2009|04:59 pm]

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summary! Did you know Barnes & Noble can order books in French? Well Jean-Paul didn't know that either until a week or two ago! So him and Walter take the bus to the local B&N, where Walter gets groped by some elderly lady. Oh my.

Little old ladies sure are grabby. )
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Log: Jeanne-Marie and Walter [Jan. 7th, 2009|05:44 pm]

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Summary: Right after this exchange, Walter brings Jeanne-Marie some crackers and milk. What Jean-Paul told him is confirmed. Jeanne-Marie thinks she's two people. One of which is apparently and 80 year old woman.

Demon hussy. Devil spawn. )
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log: jean-paul and walter [Jan. 4th, 2009|10:09 pm]

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summary! To make a long story short, Walter comes to see Jean-Paul about what his sister did last night and in the end, they tamper with a federal mailbox to get Walt's glasses back.

I do not want to be some ganster's bitch. )
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Log: Walter and Aurora [Jan. 1st, 2009|09:39 pm]

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Summary: (back on the 1st!) Aurora and Walter exchange gifts. Somehow, Walter still doesn't get the hint. That or he's afraid of the Beaubiers. By the end of it, they go out for icecream.

The super fast girl and her monster. )
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Please be nice on this feast of lights. [Dec. 21st, 2008|05:02 pm]


Hanukkah started tonight. Mostly everyone here seemed to celebrate Christmas, but Walter decided to deliver his gifts now. He really appreciated the kind treatment he'd recieved since he showed up at the hotel. (With the exception of Jared, of course). Everyone who'd given him their shoe size (and a few others that hadn't-- with the exception of Jared, of course) recieved a gift from Walter.
Certainly not the greatest thing they'll ever get, but it's something everyone needs! )
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