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Log: Jean-Paul and Walter [Dec. 14th, 2008|11:10 pm]

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Summary: (Like a week ago I hope I dated it correctly, hi), Walter goes to visit Jean-Paul and try to cheer him over the ~Mutant Outing~ in the news. They watch a cat youtube and make plans to go get cheeseburgers.

People's interest moves faster than me these days. )
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LOG; Aurora Beaubier & Walter Langkowski [Dec. 11th, 2008|05:32 am]

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Summary! Backdated to last week, Walter and Aurora go to the beach and chase seagulls, and are generally pretty adorable.

Seagulls need their population taken down a notch, if you ask me...maybe we should introduce them to drinking and drugs. )
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[Dec. 4th, 2008|11:42 am]
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Who: Walter Langkowski and Jared Corbo
What: Jared goes to push around his favorite nerd, with surprising results
When: Late afternoon
Where: Paradise Hotel, front step

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log: jean-paul and walter [Nov. 29th, 2008|12:06 am]

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summary! Remember when Jean-Paul's iPod went all wacky? Well, it Sad Maced at him today and since he doesn't have the money to go to the Apple Store, he goes to see Walter instead. Awkward boys are awkward.

Jean-Paul has just made himself a friend. Or someone that will follow him around, no doubt. )
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Log: Walter and Aurora [Nov. 28th, 2008|11:37 pm]

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Who: Walter Langkowski and Aurora Beaubier
What: Aurora's still newish. She runs into Walter, who may or may not be peeking around for her. They make plans.

Driving to Canada would be the Best Date Ever )
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The simplest distractions are the best. [Nov. 24th, 2008|04:35 pm]

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Even though she’d been quiet about it, the latest news hadn’t exactly escaped Megan’s notice, nor was it over her head, as some would suspect. Even when it was just Hank posing his own musings before anything had really hit the fan, she’d known what it meant. Or rather what it might mean for her and for everyone else at the hotel. They weren’t thoughts she like dwelling on very much or even acknowledging, for that matter. But ignoring them completely would be the baby’s way out, and Megan was not a baby. Still, the idea of anything happening that might change the way things were at the hotel wasn’t pleasant to her, and enough to drive her into the kitchen for some snackage therapy.

Megan never made an effort to hide her wings while at the hotel, and generally flew wherever she might be headed as often as she walked. Well, hovered might be a better description for that really, as it was far from a rare sight to see the petite girl gliding along with her feet inches above the ground, wings in motion behind her. Today was no different as she zipped into the kitchen and began rummaging through the freezer. Her prize wasn’t found immediately, and that resulted in a string of emphatic and frustrated noises as Megan continued to look. Finally she emerged triumphant with the pint of cookie dough ice cream she’d stashed within its depths. Generally stuff like that didn’t last until you could get back to it unless you hid it behind or under other things, so it had taken some digging to get to it.

Ice cream and spoon in hand, she alternately walked and glided down to the tv room, plopping down on her stomach on one of the bean bags. Her attire while at the hotel was slightly different than when she was out and about in the respect that her clothes actually fit and weren’t overly baggy to help cover her wings. The jeans today were slightly too big, but not so much they couldn’t be fixed with a sparkly belt, and her t-shirt was cut up and modified some in the back to accommodate her wings. Now, let’s see what’s on TV…ooh, Cartoon Network. Sure, that works.

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