[action | closed | Late night/very early morning]
10 January 2011 at 10:41 am
Nightmares and dreamscapes. )

[She wakes up screaming, high-pitched and bloodcurdling, still trapped in her last dream - for several minutes, all she can do is slap at her arms and legs, trying to get those hands off of her as she wails desperately:]

I didn't know! I didn't know, I'm so sorry! Please please, let me go...
[Video/Audio/Action; Backdated to midnight]
10 January 2011 at 12:32 pm
[In one of the newcomers' rooms, there comes a scream. Luffy, rolling around in his bed, nursing a few extra burns from the drones' tasers, couldn't get to sleep. His repeated attempts to escape hadn't tired him out until the very end and even if the bed was comfortable at that time, Luffy was completely worn out. Impatience, anger and hunger kept him from a sound sleep fairly easily. He breathed in after a long string of complaints, raised his voice to a whine.]

That food earlier didn't do the trick... I'm definitely hungry now and I don't have Hancock's special lunchboxes... I gotta find who stole them and beat them up!

[His stomach growls and he lurches forward before throwing himself back against the bed, breathing inward--sharp and deep. Those close and those sleeping may be woken up from a sound slumber as Luffy screams.]

10 January 2011 at 02:21 pm
[ a glass of water and a walk for Beagle -- a quick one, he's lucky she's still awake -- and she's headed back to bed. though she's not... sure how easy it will be to fall asleep. that boy on the network, and the people replying to him. she'd heard most of Lelouch's conversation, before she'd left.

she pauses by Suzaku's door... she's not still upset by his refusal before. and it's not as though they had to be loud about it... once the wheels are in motion, Lelouch wouldn't protest so much, anyway. she gives Nunnally's closed door a glance, and then knocks on Suzaku's, betting he's still awake. ]
Location: Casa di vi Britannia, Sector 4 / Day / Late Evening
[Action | Open // Voice | Private]
10 January 2011 at 10:15 pm
Conrad Weller
[Conrad's always been a morning person, first by nature and then necessity of his profession. Morning patrols, training, preparations. Even now that he doesn't need sleep, he tends to leave Diva's bed earlier than she would like. Habit, really.]

[Except this morning. He's wandering the park areas before heading to the dojo -- stalling. It's been days, and if he doesn't tell his brother and Yuuri, he knows that Suzaku or Zero or someone will. He can't afford to wait any longer. And... there was one other who needed to know, as well.]

[Voice - Private to Wolfram]
Wolfram? I thought you might like to spar with me this morning.

[Difficult as that call was, the next he must make was not a bit easier:]

[Voice - Private to Josak]
Josak. I need to meet with you later. [his tone says it all: it's important.]

((OOC: Conrad will be wandering the park areas, heading to the dojo to crush Wolfram's spirit;;;, then jogging with Yuuri and afterwards... wandering more and looking for Josak. Feel free to run into him anywhere between early morning and noon-ish.))
10 January 2011 at 10:28 pm
Yu Kanda

Where are you?

[ doesn't bother filtering this shit. ]

[Action | Open]
10 January 2011 at 10:46 pm
[Look who's up early! Not that it's any surprise - the early risers of the dome might've spotted Ryu running around at the first crack of sunlight anyway. But today is different!]

[Today he has a puppy with him! … Well, maybe he's not such a puppy. The dog is pretty big, but Ryu doesn't really know anything about dogs anyway.]

[They're mostly running in the park, but they're also running to the convenience store for food for both of them. Those out and about might run into them (figuratively or literally) as they go about their morning business or chores!]
The 97th Day
10 January 2011 at 11:04 pm
Marina Asylum Denizens
Good morning inmates. It is the 97th day of the third generation.

In many universes, the temporal cycle most commonly referred to as a year is already over and a new one begun. Observing this change, I will slowly begin to adjust the weather system from the winter season. Temperatures will only become more mild from here on out, and the clothing store stock will be altered for the warmer seasons to come.