[ video/action | open | early afternoon ]
25 November 2010 at 12:22 am
Subaru Sumeragi [皇昴流]
A-ah-- [Subaru is not used to actually using the communicator to instigate conversations yet, but he's getting there!]

I keep meaning to go visit the pet cafe, but I haven't made it yet-- I thought today I would finally try and go! And-- well-- I was wondering if anyone else wanted to come with me! It seems like it's a nice place to go, so...!

A-anyway, I'm sorry for bothering you! [he bows to the camera]

[if you're in sector two, you might stumble across a Subaru on his way to the pet cafe-- or maybe you'll run into him once he's already there! warning: he freaking loves animals.]
[ Video | Action | Open ]
25 November 2010 at 11:59 am
Terezi Pyrope
Who do you think works faster? Dragons, or robots?

If you guessed "dragons", you're right! [ With that, the troll girl points the camera toward the base of one of the larger trees in the park not Ammy's, sob. As the camera pans up, a treehouse comes into view. Its construction is decent, for something planned out by a blind girl and mostly built by a Dragon God. The outside is unpainted, there is no glass in the windows, and there are no signs of lights or anything if that nature.

The only way up appears to be to climb the trunk, or use one of several devices, all a rope-and-pulley system: a net, a pair of hooks, and a large bucket basket. The whole place still needed a lot of work, but it's enough for her to sleep in with a cot and a space heater. ]

What do you think? Pretty awesome for something put together in four days, huh? [ Proudly. ] I can finally get myself out of that underground hive and start living. [ Sorry, Nepeta. Though she will still come over to sleep since there's no way that structure is anywhere near supporting furniture right now. ]

And I'd like to thank Emperor Fou-Lu for his wonderful~ assistance. [ And she turns the camera to herself for a big, smug smile. One that says: "I had a DRAGON help me. Aren't you jealous?" ]

((ooc: I know a lot of people are out today, but she just HAD to have this post up. Back-tags are always welcome. ♥))
[action | closed]
25 November 2010 at 07:01 pm
Axel || viii
[...It's now or never, isn't it.

He'll probably be kicked for this, lectured, punched, whatever, but at least he expects it...so maybe it won't be so bad. Hmph. Or so he says. Axel's been standing out here in the cold, staring at Saix's door for god knows how long, until finally with a sigh of resignation he reaches up to knock with his good hand. The other one...is a little more than busted from a certain fight and beneath his cloak he has obvious bruises, but he'll try to keep the injuries underwraps.

Answer the goddamn door now.]
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[Action/Closed - Backdated to Morning]
25 November 2010 at 09:50 pm
[Ashura just inside the entrance to the arcade, a mug of cocoa in his hands, a scarf around his neck, and bundled up in as many layers as he could be comfortable in. Cold weather he did not deal with all the well, he was finding out. But he did not plan to be out here long as he waited for Wolfram to join him. His hand slid inside a small pack he had with him to check the case he kept Kagura in, his Angelic Layer doll, as if worrying she might be cold too, though the notion was silly.

Assured she was all right he remained where he was, looking out on the streets, awaiting his companion.]
[Voice|Backdated to noon-ish]
25 November 2010 at 10:25 pm
...[So he woke up this morning and found out he'd managed to sleep through an entire day. He didn't think he'd used that much energy. But, even so, Jun's voice doesn't really sound sleepy, just deadpan, and he's bored...bored, and a little bit curious.]

This is a bit of an odd question to ask out of the blue, but since everyone is from different worlds, what kind of music do you listen to? Well, if you listen to music at all.

[...That last sentence pains him, but he has to include it.] Also, is music an everyday part of life, or is it mostly just for special occasions?

[ooc: Tags will be slow, BUT I WILL GET THEM, GORRAMMIT. >:O I MEANS IT. Also, consider this blanket permission to threadjack all over this post if you should feel like it. Cheers.]