13th Oct, 2007


(pre-DH): The Noonday Wizard (LM/BW, R)

My most recent Lucius fic. Well, he can't win everything every time.

Title The Noonday Wizard
Author Leni Jess
Pairing Lucius Malfoy/Bill Weasley (plus non-explicit Bill/Fleur)
Rating R
Word Count 3,111
Summary In a tomb in Egypt there's a Dark curse – but Lucius Malfoy is a curse in himself.
Warning This is consensual.
Author's notes Written July 2007 for [info]reversathon. I owe sincere thanks to my beta reader [info]regan_v for suggesting ways in which I might expand and improve the rather slight draft I sent her, and then for reading it again.

What does Lucius Malfoy want, apart from Bill Weasley? )