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Jul. 8th, 2008


Delivery, Baccano! (Luck/Eve)

Title: Delivery
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: PG
Word count: 560
Prompt: Baccano! - Luck/Eve - marriage!fic – surprises
A/N: It was done on time, honest! Just--not delivered.

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Jul. 7th, 2008


"Bonding"; Graham, Ladd, Jacuzzi; Baccano

Title: Bonding
Artist: [info]mahokiwi
Characters: Graham, Ladd, Jacuzzi
Rating: G
Prompt: Ladd/Graham/Jacuzzi - icecream - Graham really liked his two unofficial brothers, so they should like each other too, right?
AN: sorry for late! I had the linework done last night, but I wanted to be able to put some color on it.

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Mornings, Baccano! (Firo/Ennis)

Title: Mornings
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: PG13/R
Word count: 322
Prompt: Baccano! - Firo/Ennis - courtship – This part is supposed to come first, he thinks, but since when are they ever what they’re supposed to be?

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Slow, Baccano! (Claire/Chane)

Title: Slow
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: R/NC-17
Word count: 447
Prompt: Baccano! - Claire/Chane - prolonged sex - she knew what she wanted now, and there was no rush

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tattered, [baccano!, ladd/lua, R]

Fandom: Baccano!
Title: Tattered
Author: logistika_nyx
Characters/Pairings: Ladd/Lua
Rating/Warnings: R, stream of consciousness, fragmented
Prompt: Ladd/Lua, first time, blood on the sheets (creatively interpreted, ::wince::)

Jul. 6th, 2008


blood/chocolate, Baccano! (Claire/Chane)

Title: blood/chocolate
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: R
Word count:
Prompt: Baccano! - Claire/Chane - first time - nothing between them now

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Smoke and Lace, Baccano! (Nicholas/Rachel)

Title: Smoke and Lace
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: NC17
Word count: 1091
Prompt: Baccano! - Nicholas/Rachel - brothels - undercover operation

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Jul. 5th, 2008


She Needs a Wristwatch, Baccano! (Eve Genoard)

Title:She Needs a Wristwatch
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: PG13
Word count: 1028
A/N: Honestly, this turned into a mishmash of fairytale scraps and introspection and a tea party scene, the only part that I really pulled from Alice in Wonderland, coming out more like something out of Jan Svankmajer's Alice.
Prompt: Baccano! - Eve Genoard - dreaming/character study - falling down the rabbit hole

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Beginning Again, Baccano! (Ennis)

Title: Beginning Again
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: PG13/R
Word count: 566
Prompt: Baccano! - Ennis - courage - "I might go on; naught else remained to do"

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Sometimes Wanted Memories, Baccano! (Firo/Maiza)

Title: Sometimes Wanted Memories
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: PG
Warnings: tiny bit of angst, hinted incest
Word count: 540
Summary: Firo and the weight of memories
A/N: Another that's not come out quite as expected. Pre-slash Maiza/Firo and my first Baccano! fic
Prompt: Baccano! - Firo/anyone - acting on instinct - two hundred years' worth of other people's memories

Sometimes Wanted Memories )

Jul. 3rd, 2008


"Shed That Old Skin," Baccano! (Dallas/Eve)

Title: Shed That Old Skin
Author: Laylah
Rating: not worksafe
Warnings: sibling incest
Word count: ~3500
Prompt: Dallas/Eve - second chances - so you find a quiet place to shed that old skin / you won't need it again
A/N: anime-verse, plays off of the revelation at the end of episode 16.

Shed That Old Skin )

Jul. 2nd, 2008


Hush, Baccano! (Claire/Chane)

Title: Hush
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: R
Word count: 395
A/N: Totally legitimate server-crashing and file misplacing to blame for lateness!
Prompt: Baccano! - Claire/Chane - blindfolds - no sight, no sound

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Crimson, Baccano! (Claire/Chane)

Title: Crimson
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt: July 2: Baccano! - Claire/Chane - toe fetish - She painted her toes red, his favorite color.

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Some Kinda Monster, Baccano! (Claire/Luck)

Title: Some Kinda Monster
Author: [info]karanguni
Rating: Soft R
Summary: Claire comes home for the first time; Luck sees him bloodied and brilliant, and there's fear in his stomach, and anger.
Warnings: I make up timelines like I make up excuses. :D Also, eight minutes to midnight means that I'm going to round up and pretend that it's the 3rd of July! \o/
Prompt: July 3rd: Baccano! - Luck/Claire - back talking - some kinda monster

547 words and some serious Brotherly Business.

'Little brother's being rude,' he murmured into Luck's ear. )

Jul. 1st, 2008


a fine view, Baccano! (Claire/Chane)

Title: a fine view
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt: Baccano! - Claire/Chane - romance – Everything spills, like wine

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Mar. 30th, 2008


Baccano!, Chane/Claire

Title: Long Drop
Author: [info]shiegra
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing: Claire/Chane
Rating: NC17

Prompt: March 30: - Baccano!, Claire/Chane: death-defying stunts - you're all I need to get high

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Mar. 26th, 2008


Title: Midnight
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing: Claire/Chane
Rating: regrettably PG13
A/N: I just totally lost track of days and have no excuse. This one was even done on time. **headdesk**

March 23: - Baccano!, Vino/Chane: knifeplay - it's nothing like romance

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Mar. 20th, 2008


Over and Over, Baccano!, Firo/Luck

Title: Over and Over
Author: Ponderosa
Rating: R
Warnings: asphyxiation
Word count: 250
Prompt: Firo/Luck: breathplay - instincts taking over from logic

Read Me... )


Baccano!, Miria/Isaac

Title: Experimentation
Author: [info]shiegra
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairing: Miria/Isaac
Rating: R

March 20: - Baccano!, Isaac/Miria: trying things out of the Kama Sutra - "That's it exactly!"

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Mar. 9th, 2008


Bet, Raise, Call (Baccano!, Luck/Firo)

Title: Bet, Raise, Call
Author: [info]puella_nerdii
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: innuendo, boykissing
Wordcount: 1,430
Prompt: gambling - bright eyes and a sharp smile
Summary: “The best players cheat,” Firo says. “I’ve seen enough games to figure that out. I just haven’t figured out how to avoid getting caught while doing it.”
A/N: Sorry about the lateness. I kind of forgot about real life obligations when I claimed this prompt. You know, those things. augh.

Bet, Raise, Call )

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December 2008




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